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Everything posted by guitarzombie

  1. I wish we could find these people and interview them.
  2. A rare game for a regular joe? Super Cars. Else be prepared to shell out a good amount of coin locally or on ebay. EDIT: Lets throw in Motor City Patrol too
  3. Pretty much only wrestling related. Cornettes Drive Thru and Experience. Also Conrads podcasts: 82 weeks, Arn Podcast, Something to Wrestle With, Grillin Jr, What Happened When etc
  4. Interesting how @fcgamerturned this thread into about himself.
  5. Lol for someone that posts so much, I thought you would be so well versed in this stuff. Rule 1. Dont go by bootgod for every single detail. Theres a ton of minor variations within carts and prints that are virtually impossible to document.
  6. This. I had no idea this was going on till I was on twitter and saw people talking about how much of a trainwreck it is. But the dummies pay for it to shit on it. Whos the real idiot there? I still can never see the appeal of this cash in of pop culture cringe. People love making stupid people rich.
  7. For some odd reason I thought the manual to SMB had the fire flower listed as a "Lotus" flower.
  8. Doom will make you a man. Play it. I got the big $130 bundle for switch.
  9. Dont even bother. Those legs are so tiny its virtually impossible to solder in a normal way. I could be wrong, but the way those things are soldered is with solder paste. Its like a toothpaste and your chip can stick on it. You then put it in an oven that gets to the right temp and melts the paste and automatically bonds the metal parts together. Its one of the reasons why its basically cheaper to replace those PCBs with new ones than to just fix the one component that needs replacing. Also its this technique that makes it much easier to condense space on a PCB,
  10. That will probably be my first LRG order.
  11. Ah that makes more sense! Although it would be much easier if it was in one thread, with that mentioned in it haha. Carry on.
  12. Why are you uploading pictures of games taken from google images to archive.org, then creating a post and sharing the link to it here?
  13. When it came to points I think I was in the top 50 for Doom 1 on XBLA. Im sure its dropped now but I can't check it anyway. Also for Final Fight (Double Impact) on XBLA I think I was 27th. In the top 30 at least at the time.
  14. There was nothing about these carts that even looked remotely bootleg. Don't get so nervous about these things! You can't go by silly things like the screws not being the right color or the plastic not being the right 'color'. These are silly and subjective. Look for 2 things, label stamp, PCB thats it.
  15. I could be wrong but NES games can really be ANY size because of mappers located on the bard. The NES can only read 40KBs at a time, but since the mapper keeps switching the 40KBs that need to be read, there really shouldn't be a limit, correct?
  16. Thanks guys. I learned something! I know at larger pressing for CDs, that 'stamp' is actually cheaper in bulk and the laser burn is done at a lower print level. So its cheaper per CD to 'stamp' them.
  17. Haha well yeah. Not nearly as hard as other shooters but its a good example to use! No turbo controller either.
  18. Please, you're talking to someone that beat DooM Eternal and its DLC on Nightmare with a controller, Mutant Virus, 1cced Silver Surfer and 1cced Metal Slug 3. But I don't expect other people who beat those games not like that invalid. What are the point of video games? To enjoy and for relaxation. Games were tougher when I was a kid MOSTLY because of the hold over of arcade machines making money. Also for replayability because they were so short. Theres no game thats too hard, its just about how much time do you want to spend memorizing every minor detail for one game. For example, Battletoads. The game is only deemed hard because it requires a TON of time invested in it to memorize patterns and enemy placements, and eventually ways of beating it. How long would it take someone to really sit and be able to beat it, within 1 continue? 100 hours? 1000 hours? In the end, if you can finish it in all 3 (or 5? cant remember) continues in 50 hours, but need 100 or 500 to do it in 1 continue, is it worth it? Who's gonna be impressed with the time you spent to get there? Ultimately its up to the person if its WORTH the time invested in the game. For most people, the general audience, they want some challenge, but not to be beat over the head and find it stressful or cheap to die a lot because the game expects close to perfection. Once the n64 hit, they were able to shy away from the '100 hours to beat' thing and started to think of games you want to go and relax to. Being able to say you can beat some game in 1 continue is only impressive to people who are hardcore fans of that game. Casuals just want to finish it. And you know who they cater games towards? Casuals. They want you to finish their work. So to set your own self imposed limits to how you think a game should be beat is fine, but just for YOU. Developers want you to enjoy and COMPLETE their games, with some effort, for the thrill of the challenge, but not to the point where its almost like school work to analyze every level/section. Of course they do have hard modes for people who either want a challenge, or beat the game and are better at it. Sometimes games are made specifically for those people like those "I Wanna Be The Guy" games. So yeah, finishing a game using what the developers give you, is it. If you go past that, then it gets ridiculous. Alright now I think if you get 1 ups thats cheating and you didnt beat the game. Well, NOW I feel that if you die ONCE you didn't beat it. I think really the problem is the definition of the word 'game'. I think 'game over' was really intended for that round of play, because typically the only thing you really lose is points which after the arcades when games didn't have endings didnt mean anything anyway. I don't even think theres a game on the NES that saves your score with a battery. It erases the ram when you shut it off. The actual game isn't over until it shoves you back to the title screen, or you shut it off. Which is what I believe the developers intended.
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