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Everything posted by MegaMan52

  1. I'm on Twitter, but Musk isn't getting my money.
  2. @croagunk is also missing. Not sure if he recovered from his head injury or not. Maybe he's just taking a break from collecting games? Who knows.
  3. Found this hiding with the discounted games. I almost didn't see it, and it might've been the last copy at the Walmart I went to. I didn't really need the Sticker Book; I was just browsing and noticed it with some Plushies and Gift Cards.
  4. That copy of Majora's Mask is basically like mine, being a collector's edition copy with a piece missing: A friend gave it to me for free along with Mickey's Speedway USA, so I didn't complain.
  5. Coleco Telstar Pong console. Local purchase. Has three sports games. A little surprised the seller still had the box (I've seen a lot of loose Pong consoles). Another local purchase. If you think the NES version of Rocky and Bullwinkle is bad, the Game Boy version is even worse. I like the cartoon, though (have the complete series on DVD). Finally got around to buying the new Batman movie. Also got Disney Classic Games Collection for Switch. I remember this collection originally only included Aladdin and The Lion King and almost bought it a couple years ago. Luckily, I waited and bought this updated version which also includes The Jungle Book and the SNES version of Aladdin.
  6. I've never smoked, and don't ever want to start that crap knowing it takes years to quit something that's addicting (it took me almost three decades to quit drinking Coca-Cola and Pepsi). One of my friends has been smoking for years and I remember he was chewing gum a few years ago, yet he doesn't want to quit or even cut back anytime soon. I'd say smoking is worse. That being said, I don't eat at McDonald's very often. In August I got one of those Pokémon Happy Meals, which was the first meal I've ordered at McDonald's in at least five years. And while the Cheeseburger did taste good, I haven't ordered a meal there since.
  7. I just like showing pictures, that is all. Remove my name.
  8. @ZeldaFreak Remove my name from the poll. Most people here pretend I don't exist.
  9. Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario 64. While not my favorite, Super Mario Sunshine has some catchy music and deserves at least a mention.
  10. Last year's Pumpkin: THIS year's Pumpkin: I thought about carving a picture of Mega Man, but I was too busy playing through Resident Evil 4 on Professional difficulty and have been watching several horror movies so there was no time. I didn't even have time to carve a Pumpkin earlier this month, because I visited some Theaters and had my Birthday at Chuck E. Cheese (which required some travelling, since there's no Chuck E. Cheese where I live) among other things. I barely had time to carve this Pumpkin tonight, and as a result it looks unfinished. It's alright I guess, but I think my Pumpkin from last year turned out better (I had a little more time last year). This Pumpkin is also kind of a weird shape compared to the one I had last year.
  11. Beat the GameCube version of Resident Evil 4 on Professional difficulty. I've beaten the game on Normal difficulty several times but felt there was some unfinished business. What a nightmare this playthrough was. Still a great game after all these years, but man Pro difficulty is extremely hard. Even though we've gotten into the colder months, I was sweating while playing the game. I played a file that I've had for several years. If you're wondering why it says "Round: 1" even though you have to play through the game once to unlock Professional difficulty, it's because I deleted the system file but kept the progress file. The game forgot that I've beaten it on Normal difficulty, but still remembered my progress on Pro difficulty. I've played the game since 2005, so it wasn't too difficult until I got to Chapter 3-2. The room with the red guy who uses a Gattling Gun/Mini-Gun was a little hard. Not surprisingly, Leon takes more damage on Pro difficulty. I decided to avoid this battle and shoot the red guy from a distance with my Shotgun (he stands arounds for a little while). When he ran to the nearby room with stairs, I dropped down and went to the other door that leads to the same room. There he was, standing near the door. I followed him up the stairs and shot him. He died before he could get to his Gun. The Garden Maze area was also a little difficult. Not the Maze itself (I know my way around it), but the dogs. I would get through most of the Maze only to run out of Shotgun Ammo and First-Aid Spray. No big deal, I backtracked to the Merchant and upgraded my Shotgun's Firepower. This made getting through the Garden Maze noticeably easier, as the dogs didn't stand a chance. On the left side of the Maze, I threw an Incendiary Granade at three dogs locked up in a Kennel which killed all three of them. Not too difficult once I upgraded my Shotgun. There is a glitch that you can do in the sewer area of Chapter 3-2 (actually, it works in several areas) to walk through walls and watch an unused cutscene (video below). Rocket Launchers are seriously overpowered in this game. Even on Pro difficulty, one Rocket Launcher can take out a boss. When Salazar opened up/showed his face, I used a Rocket Launcher and BOOM...he was toast. And the boss on Chapter 5-3 ("IT")? All it took was a Rocket Launcher and a shot from my souped-up Shotgun. On Chapter 5-1, Regenerators were a bit of a problem. For some reason, I didn't get the Infrared Scope in the freezer room. I guess I wanted to avoid dealing with the Regenerator, because the door locks for a short time when you take the Infrared Scope. But when I got to the room with the Regenerator that has a card, I had a limited amount of Ammo and money. So, I decided to go back to the freezer room and grab the Infrared Scope which makes the Regenerators a lot easier to beat since you're able to see where the Plagas inside of them are. Krauser was a little hard to beat. You know when the game tells you to press certain buttons to dodge Krauser's attack in the cutscene before the battle starts? I don't know if it's because I used a Wavebird and had possible interference, but I pressed the buttons and got hit anyway, lost half of my energy, and had to climb back up. Yes, I know you have to be very quick about pressing the buttons. I learned in 2005/2006 to not bother using Guns on Krauser and use the Knife instead. The battle with Saddler was time-consuming, but surprisingly not overly hard. In previous playthroughs, I usually just stayed in the area with the Elevator, shot Saddler, climbed on him, and stabbed his eye. But on this run, the battle seemed to drag on longer. I know you can shoot his eye to do more damage than stabbing it (by using the "Climb" command), but I chose not to. I ran all over, shooting Saddler when I could, and shot some explosive barrels. I also crossed the bridges, jumping and grabbing the ledges if I needed to. I pulled the lever and used the Crane, hitting Saddler with some steel bars. I used up all of my Shotgun Ammo, Herbs, and First-Aid Spray. All I had left were my Handgun and Rocket Launcher. I used the latter, but Saddler still kept going (he definitely took a lot of damage by this point, though). Ada finally left the Special Rocket Launcher. I crossed the bridge, picked it up, and used it. Of course, it took out Saddler as it normally does. Escaping the Island is still pretty easy even on Pro. I did crash once but escaped on the next try. Anyway, I know the game has been ported to many consoles and PC since 2005, remastered in HD, and with more features. Heck, there's even a VR version and now a remake is in development. But, I've been pretty content with the GameCube version of Resident Evil 4 all these years. Even without Separate Ways, the GameCube version still has a lot of extra content. Besides the Professional difficulty, there's the alternate title screen (which can be scrolled left or right by using the C-Stick and zoomed in and out with the L and R Buttons), Assignment Ada, Mercenaries mode, alternate costumes for the main single player mode, unlockable characters in Mercenaries mode, the Matilda, Chicago Typewriter, Handcannon, and Infinite Rocket Launcher weapons, the Shooting Gallery game that can be played to win collectible bottle caps of the characters, an extra music track that plays if you choose to watch the Assignment Ada credits again, and two Trailer videos that play if you don't press any buttons for a few seconds on the title screen. The vast majority of the game's content is on the first disc, including Assignment Ada and Mercenaries (though you can use the second disc for those modes if you want). The second disc is really only needed for Chapter 5. Also, I believe the Japanese and PAL releases have the Easy difficulty that the other versions have. My GameCube is hooked up to my HDTV with its Component cable. It is also hooked up to a Sound Bar and Subwoofer. The game still looks and sounds pretty good after all these years. Happy Halloween.
  12. Because imports are cool, and everyone knows it. Besides that, Japanese/European releases of games have interesting differences. Like the Japanese version of Super Mario Bros. 3, which is slightly more difficult because Raccoon Mario reverts back to regular Mario whenever he gets hit. Or the two Japanese versions of Super Mario 64, one of which uses the Jolly Roger Bay painting from beta versions of the game and the other has Rumble Pak support. Version 1.0 copies of Tetris for Game Boy have different A-Type music. The Japanese version of Mario Party has different music ("Move to the Mambo") for two of the mini games. The Japanese e+ version of Animal Crossing has an enhanced version of the title screen music, SD Card support, and allows you to enter Tom Nook's store at night. Japanese versions of games often have better covers/box art, and unique cartridge labels. Then there are the exclusives. There's the Famicom versions of Tetris and Pac-Land. There's Nintendo Puzzle Collection, Donkey Konga 3, Kururin Squash!, and the Hudson Selection series for GameCube.
  13. Yeah, he's pretty competitive. But I've beaten him before. @ZeldaFreak Oh, you'd be even more stressed if I joined.
  14. Playing the GameCube version of Resident Evil 4 on Professional difficulty: It's one of the games on my list in the backlog challenge topic. I've beaten the game on Normal difficulty several times, but this is my first time playing through it on Pro. It's pretty tough, but so far I've gotten to Chapter 4-1 (and I'm almost on 4-2).
  15. While Batman and Journey to Silius are great, this game alone is enough for Sunsoft to get my vote: I recorded the soundtrack and uploaded it on YouTube in 2009: Love the music, and the fact that you can play as four characters.
  16. Yep, I know what it's like feeling unappreciated. No one here really appreciates my efforts either (I've known this since the NintendoAge days), and I'm usually either ignored or I get complaints. I've been on YouTube since 2006 and made over 500 videos by myself, posted hundreds of pictures on social media sites and here on VGS, have made several blogs (some of which take days to complete), and am skilled at playing numerous games (such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Kirby Clash) and have posted several screenshots and videos (both here and on social media) to prove it only to be ignored. Yet I continue to make videos, take pictures, write blogs, travel to various places for inspiration, and play games skillfully even if no one cares, because I enjoy those things. So, if you enjoy sharing your projects, then keep sharing them even if you think no one cares. Even if you don't get a single comment, there are probably a few people who at least read your blogs. And it looks like some people are giving your game a try.
  17. @drxandy Have you thought about expanding this to include console bundles, accessories, soundtracks, and promo items (not just demo discs)? Japan got a ton of other things that the U.S. and Canada didn't.
  18. My original copy of Mega Man 6 that I've had since 1995. Cost $5. The same year, I got the French version of Kirby's Adventure. One of the best NES games, and it was $10. I bought the copy above on eBay about ten years ago, when sealed copies of the French version were $40. My original copy of Kirby's Dream Land 2 that I've had since 1998. Cost about $25 I think, and it was the last copy at the store I bought it. Probably my favorite game on the original Game Boy. Didn't buy Animal Crossing until Dec. 2006 and didn't know if I was going to like it or not (a few stores still had some copies). Cost $30 and is one of my favorite games on the GameCube. My AC Memory Card still has the Special Data and letter from Nintendo. Bought the definitive version of Sonic Adventure for $10 and Sonic Mega Collection for $20, both sealed, at a VHQ/Movie Gallery video store in 2010 (and still have the receipts/statements to prove it). Sonic Mega Collection has been cheap since it was re-released as a Player's Choice title in 2004, and used copies can still be found for $20. The Japanese version even includes Comix Zone and The Ooze.
  19. Super Mario Bros. 3, I guess. Kirby's Adventure, Mega Man 3, and Mega Man 5 (which are way better than Mega Man 2) are up there as well.
  20. Introduction I visited Chuck E. Cheese last month in September. The restaurant chain wasn't a very big part of my childhood, and it wasn't even really on my mind until just a couple months ago. After watching videos and finding out more about it, I was interested in visiting. I enjoyed my visit. My Birthday is in October. After finding out that there's no age limit for having Birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese, I decided I wanted to celebrate my Birthday there. I hadn't celebrated my Birthday since 2008 (at least), so I contacted my family and told them I wanted to have my Birthday there. We ordered a Birthday Package on the Chuck E. Cheese website, and reserved a table for 7:00 pm. Since it is October, I also got to visit during their "Boo-tacular" Halloween event. Arriving at the Restaurant It was a long drive, but I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes before 7:00. Most of my family wasn't there yet. Before going in, I took a picture of the restaurant. As you can see, the location I went to still uses an older logo from the "Avenger Chuck" era instead of the current logo used at several other locations. To be fair, this is probably one of the more iconic Chuck E. Cheese logos. And it looks cool at night when it is lit. The inside of the restaurant was decorated with cobwebs, ghosts, and bats. My server for the night greeted me as soon as I entered. The table was already decorated with a cloth, balloons, cups, plates, utensils, and a Birthday sign. While the package was already ordered and my table was already setup, I still needed to order pizza and drinks before I could play any games. I asked if I could have a "pumpkin pepperoni pizza" that was mentioned on the website. She wrote it down. She told me I could order two drinks, and she would fill two pitchers. The restaurant has Pepsi drinks. I quit drinking Coca-Cola and Pepsi a few years ago, but figured my family wanted Pepsi so I ordered it as well as some Mountain Dew (which was what I drank when I visited last month). My server told me that a live show with Chuck E. Cheese (a Birthday dance) was part of the package, and asked me if I wanted it. I said no, but told her that I'd like to get a picture with Chuck E. I was then asked if I wanted a picture on my cake. The website mentions a few different pictures, like Batman and Hello Kitty. I told her I wanted a picture of Chuck E. Everything was ordered, but I still couldn't play any games yet. I brought my card from my previous visit, but it was empty. They have kiosks there for reloading the cards, but I chose not to use them because I was supposed to receive a wristband (called a "Play Band") as part of the package. After waiting a few minutes, my server came back to the table and gave me a Play Band with 45 points on it. I was ready to play some games while the pizza was cooking but decided to wait for the rest of my family. They arrived a few minutes later and were given Play Pass/All You Can Play cards. Game On It wasn't very busy, which I guess is to be expected since it wasn't Saturday. I only had time to play three games: Luigi's Mansion Arcade, Super Monkey Ball: Ticket Blitz, and Cars, all of which I played during my previous visit. My family played games too (yep, even my parents). I started with Luigi's Mansion. Right before playing, I saw Chuck E. walk by holding a ticket sign. He walked near the entrance, where he did his "Haunted Dance" for the kids. Like my previous visit, I played Luigi's Mansion alone. At least for a few minutes. Eventually, my brother (who was playing a different game) joined me (the game allows up to two players). I got through the first mansion and beat the boss. I played through only part of the second mansion because I needed to get back to my table soon and so I moved on and played Super Monkey Ball. When playing Super Monkey Ball, I ran into a similar situation as when I got to track 8 in Rad Racer last month (one of the games on my list in the backlog challenge topic). As soon as I got to the goal, the timer ran out and I didn't beat the level. I continued and got through the level on my next try. I didn't get much further; I can't figure out how to beat the bonus levels (I always just barely miss the ring). The only other game I had time to play was Cars. Just as I sat down to play it, my server asked me if I was hungry and said my pizza was ready. I played Cars for only a few minutes and returned to the table. Pizza Time A lot of people say the pizza at Chuck E. Cheese is "bad", but I like it. The crust has a lot of flavor and stuffed crust made it even better. My server put a slice on my plate and filled my (small) Chuck E. cup with Mountain Dew (I helped myself after). Cake and Birthday Song After eating a few slices of pizza, my server came back to the table with my chocolate cake. I guess they didn't have number candles, so they put one regular candle on it. Yes, it was lit. Chuck E. appeared for a few minutes, and my family and server sang Happy Birthday. At first, I wasn't sure I wanted them to sing Happy Birthday. But it's been fourteen or fifteen years since I last celebrated mine, so I thought "OK, why not?". After blowing out the candle, it was time to get a picture with Chuck E. Photo-op with Chuck E. As mentioned above, I told the server I wasn't interested in the live show/Birthday Dance so we skipped that and I got a picture with Chuck E. I'm not going to show my face, but that's me there with Chuck E. As you can see, I'm wearing a Mega Man shirt. If you're wondering why my right leg looks a bit chubby, it's because my wallet was in my pocket. I weigh only about 160 pounds. While Chuck E. dresses up as a vampire at other locations, here he wasn't really dressed up like that. He had the fangs, but didn't appear to be wearing a cape. I'm not sure if the employee forgot (or chose not to) wear it, or if they don't have a cape at this location. Birthday Presents I got some presents, which I opened at the restaurant. Back to the Future is my favorite movie series of all time, so my family already had an idea of what to give me even though I didn't give them any ideas. I also got a Birthday Card, a Walmart Gift Card, some t-shirts (not the Mega Man shirt, which I got from a friend several years ago), and a new Hat. Maybe I'll use the Walmart card to buy Season 4 of Cobra Kai, which I read was recently released on DVD. Boo-tacular Event It's October, so of course the restaurant was decorated. While my Birthday celebration wasn't quite over yet, I decided to get off my chair and take some pictures in the Studio C area (the area with the TV's, and where my table was). Also, as I mentioned in my previous Chuck E. Cheese blog, the location I went to still has a Chuck E. Animatronic. Some Chuck E. Cheese Halloween music videos were playing on the TV's (as well as some shorts), some of which I've actually already seen on YouTube. A few songs were released this month: "Howl-O-Ween" - I'm not really into Country music, but this song was surprisingly good. It features Jasper T. Jowls, the dog. The other main characters (Chuck E., Helen, Mr. Munch, Pasqually, and Bella) make an appearance near the end. Despite the fact that I'm not into Country music, this turned out to be my favorite of these new Chuck E. Cheese songs. AAAAWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! "Witches Crew" - Features the characters Helen, Bella, and Dino. Despite featuring three characters, it focuses on Helen about 75% of the time. I think Bella is kind of an underrated character and wish she had more screen time in this music video. It does get a little better about halfway through, with Bella getting a few close-ups and Dino suddenly getting a voice. Even though this song is targeted mainly at female Chuck E. Cheese fans, I like it a little more than the song below. "If Everyday Was Halloween" - A hip-hop song. The beginning and end of the video features Chuck E. and Mr. Munch, apparently returning home from trick or treating. The actual song, though, only features Chuck E. I admit I'm a little biased towards Chuck E., so I thought this would be my favorite of these three songs. Surprisingly, it turned out to be my least favorite. It's not a bad song, but...maybe it would've been a little better if Mr. Munch was part of the song too. Also, while I know the song is titled "If Every Day Was Halloween", the music video is clearly a reference/advertisement for the restaurants "4 Seasons of Fun" ("Boo-tacular", of course, is one of them). When Chuck E. makes his appearances in the restaurant (at the 30 minute mark every hour), he does a "Haunted Dance" for the kids this time of year. Apparently, the employees were also giving away candy. I didn't get any, but that doesn't matter since I eat some on Halloween (and also watch Horror movies). I joined Spotify a few weeks ago (and recently got Premium for free). I've listened to a few Chuck E. Cheese songs here as well. My favorite Chuck E. Cheese song is "Let's Have a Party." I believe the new Halloween songs are also on Spotify. The Ticket Blaster The server left fifteen minutes before the restaurant closed. She gave me two "Magic Tickets", worth 500 Tickets each. On the website, it mentions "Bonus E-Tickets" as part of the Birthday packages. I guess these were the Bonus Tickets, but they were physical instead of digital. I looked at the words on the Tickets, and noticed they were meant for the Ticket Blaster. I was reminded that I didn't use the Ticket Blaster machine yet (which was part of the package). The restaurant was closing in ten minutes. I talked to the Manager, and she allowed me to go in the Ticket Blaster even though the restaurant was about to close. I was given thirty seconds to catch as many Tickets as I could. While I did manage to catch a handful, I didn't get that many. It's a little hard when they're being blown around all over the place. The Manager gave me a handful of Tickets I didn't catch. I don't know why. Does touching Tickets or Tickets landing on my shoulders count as "catching" them? I don't know. Anyway, including the "Magic Tickets" I was given before, I had 1300+ Tickets. The Gift Shop Before leaving, I went to the Gift Shop. The Chuck E. Cheese website mentioned some Halloween merch: a Chuck E. Vampire Plush, a light-up Cup, and some Halloween bags. They were sold out of these items, which didn't surprise me since there Halloween event started last month. I got a few Chuck E. items with my Tickets, and got the ball for $20. I also took home most of my Birthday items. Conclusion If you've read up to this point, you're probably thinking I'm out of my mind for having my Birthday at a "kids" restaurant. First of all, I'm never too old for pizza and video games. Second of all, there's no age limit for parties and Chuck E. Cheese is for families not just kids. As a video game player and collector since 1990, as well as a lover of pizza, it made perfect sense for me to celebrate my Birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. I plan on visiting again next year (multiple times). -MegaMan52
  21. If you're still playing, I'll join again. I left because everyone was either done or chose to leave a little early (or were put in a different group?).
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