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MrWunderful last won the day on January 14

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About MrWunderful

  • Birthday November 17

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    SF bay area

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  1. Like you can lie in writing and its okay? Ill say “if you give me 100$ mil ill pay you back in 30 secs” and sign a contract, then i just dont and say “well it was on you to verify I could pay this back” boom just made 100 million?
  2. Fraud isnt a crime in Canada? Thats wild lol
  3. Damn this moderating has gotten crazy lol
  4. I think we need to delineate the idea of grading games from this nonsense. Yes, I know it was a big scam. A pump-and-dump. Many of us have been talking about it for years (while getting accused of being “anti-grading” and getting warned from mods about it?) There is still significant utility in authenticating and grading games. I was gonna send some games to wata and cgc (to try them out) But now maybe just cgc. I want to see how this plays out with wata and their reaction if anything comes of the case.
  5. Curious to hear @Gulag Joe ‘s opinion on this.
  6. Hey there, if you shoot me an email at wunderfulgaming@gmail.com next time I am at my unit I will grab it and email you a picture If In fact, it is a purple bar. I could’ve sworn it was, but I may be mistaken. I think I bought it, even though it had a thrashed label for that specific fact.
  7. I have a beat up purple bar copy of dizzy for gg
  8. Ill vouch for skinny, bought and sold quite a few things with him over the years. Always as described, well packaged and paid for quickly.
  9. Thats a killer deal. Awesome
  10. @a3quit4s @Reed Rothchild that one puckered up my chowder hole damn Brock has to do something about playing in adverse conditions though.
  11. They are yours if you pay for shipping. They are all complete and in pretty good shape. I think im only owner but dont recall.
  12. is this lot worth anything to the pc gamers? Not going for much on ebay but it feels weird to just donate @Gloves (or any other pc collectors)
  13. I would. I follow jntsc staurn shooters pretty close, and am actively seeking 75% of those games. Its an outstanding lot, dont get me wrong. Straight bangers in there. but when i considered making an offer on it i was in the 1600-2000 area. I know the book price is higher, but thats where I was personally. I didnt send an offer because i knew it was low.
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