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Everything posted by MachineCode

  1. Metalocalpyse. Even funnier if you know your rock/metal history
  2. Was that the one where Jericho came in on his HONDA MOTORCYCLE
  3. Ok that sounds pretty cool. Big Mega Man fan so I think I’m gonna have to grab this.
  4. Thanks for the tip. I'm definitely an original hardware kinda guy tho. I must say those MisterFPGAs are showing some real promise. I like the idea of circuit level simulation.
  5. Not sure, but I can give them a call tomorrow and find out but I think it was somewhere between 40-50 bucks.
  6. I’ve actually never gotten around to playing this one. I have some good shops in the area that sell it as a repro so I might give it a shot. Would you say it’s worth it in that form?
  7. This guy from Ninja Gaiden 2 He just jumps over you from side to side throwing knives from above. If you miss him on the approach he is relentless
  8. I know this is a shit situation but that made me laugh. But to be on topic, fuck that guy. People like him ruin it for all of us. I hate that PayPal just automatically rolls over to people like that.
  9. Basically, in an era where hip hop was still a more underground and real art form that actually had meaning, interesting musical ideas including some collaborations with jazz legends, lyrical and rhythmic skill, and was generally just more raw and real, Ice and Hammer were more or less saccharine pop musicians that wore hip hop as a costume to capitalize on a trend and did nothing to contribute to the legacy of or progress the genre. Thus the problem with the ones you’d listed above. They have more in common with the likes of Britney Spears than the likes of KRS-ONE or Rakim. RE: Ice and Hammer, here’s Bill Hicks to explain warning: vulgar
  10. MachineCode

    Family Bits

    Sounds awesome, but you might wanna think about the name a little more. It kinda sounds like a euphemism for one’s nether regions.
  11. Wow. You actually managed to do worse than Hammer and the Iceman. Oh how I weep for the future
  12. Gotcha. I can’t remember how many times it was but I remember one time he went on for an obscene amount of times. Does anyone know how many times is the max?
  13. The trick is to dodge with the direction of the punch
  14. That’s because I make Kid Dynamite my bitch Also Mr Dream is harder due to the poor color contrast of the flash against the ring color
  15. Daisy once they had her talking in Mario Party. Sooooo annoying
  16. Former New Englander here. Sadly, where I grew up it was like 20 minutes to the nearest anything and it was all winding hilly backroads. We did what we had to do as it was just part of the way of life. I laugh when people complain about it where I live now as the snow never gets that bad, doesn't stick around all winter when it does, and the roads are flat and straight and decently maintained. They will never know the sheer terror of being in a multi-ton object going down a hill with no friction when you just want to stop or at the very least not slide of the death slope that is off to the side of you.
  17. +1 for Konami Justifier. I could swear I remember a Sony one from before Time Crisis came out but I can’t find anything about it so I am probably wrong about that.
  18. While CompSci is far more than just programming, I will say that I was absolutely crap at math until I got into programming. After all, programming is applied mathematics to a decent degree. People liked to tell me growing up that you needed to be good at math, especially algebra, in order to understand programming. It certainly helps. But I feel the inverse is true as it was the key to making sense of the abstract academic mathematics I was taught in class. It made me see X, Y etc. as something useful rather than just random junk. I tell my programming students, don’t worry if you struggle in math. If you can follow along and understand this, your math will improve greatly. Sure enough for the students who are doing well in my class, their math has also improved greatly.
  19. THANK YOU! You don’t know how many times I’ve heard some new vegetarian/vegan (usually vegan) make that claim only to find out the have some sort of deficiency down the road. Usually the improvement in feeling is from not eating like complete shit, not from militantly denying animal products and making up for it with a bunch of processed substitutes. You make really good point on the exercise. I experienced this firsthand a couple of times throughout my life. Bottom line, gotta get some exercise. Especially cardio. I can’t stand regular gym style exercise, so I skate bowls. But really anything physical that will get your heart going for a good half hour to an hour multiple times a week will make a huge difference. That discipline of getting myself off my butt and out doing something also seems to carry over into the rest of my life. I am so much more focused and get so much more work done on days where I stick to exercising.
  20. Father/Son NesDev? I’d give you double likes if I could.
  21. I feel like the blog section would be more organized, but it also seems like it would be more visible in the forums. I’ve been primarily using the forum on mobile and actually forgot there was a log section until just now. But we also shouldn’t assume everyone is as dumb as me
  22. I guess it depends if you wish to tie the content to the forum, or publish it independently and use the forum for comments and requests, comments, and Q&A
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