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Everything posted by MachineCode

  1. Grew up in New England and this is so good it just HAS to be fattening.
  2. I’m more about Global Thermonuclear War these days
  3. It was either that or make a joke about how shaving your Big Muff would make delivery easier . I went for the one that non musicians would get too
  4. LEARNED THE GENDER?!!! REEEE!!!! /s Seriously, congratulations. You got time before you have to worry about where to put your games. But just remember, kids climb. Height isn’t gonna do it. I remember a friends parents tried to do that to keep his little brother out of the snacks. Found the kid eating the snacks shortly after. Gotta find a way to lock your stuff up if you can.
  5. Pre SNES, bedroom. Then, basement dwelling nerd for the rest of the 90s. Then split between bedroom and basement.
  6. I feel like I should clarify this. I’m not using golden age in the Greek mythological sense but rather Webster’s definition: a period of great happiness, prosperity, and achievement
  7. I’ve learned so many things I would have never learned otherwise from YouTube. It is an incredible educational resource that can be far superior to print in some cases. In depth explanations of topics as well as practical applications that you’d never find anywhere else. If it wasn’t for YouTube I’d never have gotten comfortable fixing tube amps. I’d read books and took electronics courses in college, but seeing the procedures in so many different ways and seeing people explain and then immediately apply concepts was invaluable to my understanding.
  8. While the loss of a platform on which to make money which was volatile to begin with can reasonably seen as a consequence of risky investments, I think this misses the actual point and issue which is some bureaucrat or algorithm can decide to classify people’s videos based on arbitrary criteria and subject them to potentially life altering fines. It reeks of entrapment
  9. I chose 98 due to the fact that a LOT of amazing or well regarded games were released that year. Some examples: Metal Gear Solid, Ocarina of Time, Tenchu, Tekken 3, Resident Evil 2, DDR, Banjo Kazooie, F-Zero X, Rainbow Six, Spyro the Dragon, Crash 2, MediEvil, Grim Fandango, Half Life, Starcraft, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Oddworld: Abe’s Exodus, Unreal, Baldur’s Gate, Xenogears, Turok 2, Ridge Racer 4, and the destroyer of thumbsticks itself, Mario Party
  10. Oh he meant it. I bought a GCN around launch and thought it was excellent. Of course that kiddie nonsense came about, especially being 15 at the time. It was ridiculous hearing things like, “XBox is the more mature console.” I can’t think of too many things more pathetic than tying your sense of maturity to a video game console. Except maybe still perpetuating that nonsense nearly 20 years later.
  11. Can’t say I take issue with taxing of internet sales. Assholes used to come into a store I worked at try the items and buy them online for the same sale price just with no tax. That loophole allowed online monopolies to decimate many local economies while cheating the public out of tons of tax revenue. As far as the YouTube thing. Complete and utter bullshit. I get it if the creator marks it as for children and doesn’t comply, but to leave it up to a 3rd party based on opaque and seemingly arbitrary criteria seems like a trap.
  12. 84-98 for me. I actually prefer the early 32 bit era to what came later. Since 3D was new it was interesting to see all the different approaches to it before it became completely homogenized. I know I'm in the minority but I really like the early PSX era games. My favorite will always be 8bit through 16bit era though.
  13. Even worse, no Toys R Us. Fuckin Mitt Romney ruined American childhood.
  14. Fuck it. Clearly people feel very strongly about this. While I personally support labeling it all in order to have as much info as possible, others, mainly those in the NESMaker camp don’t feel the same. I’m changing over to team developer’s choice whether or not they wish to label.
  15. Would you say that it’s a “Damn fine guide”, Agent Cooper?
  16. I got a Game Boy for Christmas one year, I think 92. I liked it, but bought into the hype and traded it to FuncoLand to get a Game Gear within a year. I do regret getting rid of it as I missed out on some great games until way later, but I really did like my Game Gear so at least I didn’t totally screw up.
  17. Go on YouTube and listen to the isolated vocal track from under pressure. Make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. No bullshit, just pure talent.
  18. I’m glad you mentioned the temporary nature of them as I would have proposed a lastestBanner flag so it would be a single bool field per user but since it’s baked in to the software it’s a moot point
  19. Any way to store that flag in the DB with the user profile data or is it just part of the forum software that you don’t have access to?
  20. Good question. While I personally am going to do my attempts in chronological order, I’m gonna say dealer’s choice as it makes no difference to the quality or difficulty of the run. As someone mentioned before, probably smart to start with whichever one you find hardest. That way you minimize your chance of frequently losing on the second game.
  21. While I don’t like everything they’ve done, they are undeniably one of the most talented groups of musicians to ever form a rock band. Watch the Montreal ‘81 concert video to see a masterclass in how it’s done. Literally every member of that band just kills it both instrumentally and vocally.
  22. If that counts I wanna switch my vote to that, but the Genesis version. It’s literally in my console right now.
  23. Nice. I’ll have to check out the forked version.
  24. Storing the Y register to the number 4, eh? That’s actually pretty funny that it doesn’t freak out about that. Also, if you want to vote for ASM6 it’s cool. I only put favorite vs “what do you use” to avoid messing up people who use more than one.
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