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Everything posted by CMR

  1. The Christmas cart is for sale. He posted it on his facebook page.
  2. I believe we're here to learn and grow because we can't in the higher existence. It's hard to do those things when you're an immortal super being. That's what I believe.
  3. Either that or Atari VCS is fonzied.
  4. Watching TheRadBrad play it now.
  5. Getsu Fuma Den is another Konami game, but it only got released in Japan. It has a translation patch, and I highly recommend it. It's mostly side scrolling action game, but there are also first person dungeons with a cool battle mechanic and an overworld map to traverse.
  6. Super Mario 3D Land is better than it's Wii U sequel because they didn't have to design the levels around four players. As a result they're much more diverse and unique. There's even a kind of second quest.
  7. Turbo Duo and the Japanese Wonder Mega. If it weren't for those funky LED colors, I would think the Wonder Mega was the most awesome looking system ever made.
  8. I hope you decide to finish this someday.
  9. If the root canal is done properly you should never have any problems with it. Most dentists send you to a specialist that only does root canals. Contact who is going to be doing the work, explain your situation and ask if you can setup a payment plan with them. A lot of dentists will work with you. Till then, I would rinse with peroxide daily. The peroxide will kill the nerves and keep the tooth from getting infected, just don't drink it.
  10. I recently picked up Mojonian Tales. It plays great, but INL really needs to work on getting better quality cart shells. The one I got was slightly oversized and deformed. The edges were also a little sharp and unfinished. I recently bought another cart shell off ebay from a seller called classic.games.alive and it was perfect, so I know good quality shells are out there. http://www.infiniteneslives.com/mojoniantales.php
  11. I want one, but mainly for nostalgia. When I was a kid my grand father worked in a furniture store and they had one of these on display. I played the crap out of it back then.
  12. CMR

    Go To Game

    When I want some quick fun I'll pop in Contra or Wario's Woods.
  13. Ninja Gaiden. I made it to the next to last boss once or twice.
  14. The Dynowarz love is real. Those look awesome.
  15. I'll probably watch a speed run of it in a few months.
  16. I universally hate all modern mainstream music. My car radio hasn't been turned on in over two years.
  17. I would like to sell on ebay, but I always end up with the idiots that only have two transactions and an invalid address. If I can't print it on a shipping label, then why are you accepting it from them ebay? They also seem to be really pushing that make an offer crap. I can't figure out how to turn it off. I also list all my stuff as only shipping to north america, but I still get these guys from across the atlantic who need special attention (see above). I think this last time did if for me and ebay at least as far as videogame and electronics sales go. I think I'll stick with the forums from now on.
  18. The games are fun, but it isn't worth collecting for. I've got the super sd system 3 from Terraonion and love it, but it's a little pricy so It might not be for everybody. If you want to get a taste for the system and it's games, then get a TG16 mini when they come out.
  19. Same for me, plus I'm always kind of busy so it's hard to catch a stream sometimes. I do like watching Gyre do a Final Fantasy randomizer run occasionally.
  20. Thanks, acromite53. I didn't know that.
  21. Put me down for Last Armageddon on PC Engine as well. Something about playing as a bunch of monsters appeals to me. The Elfaria games and Lady Stalker need translating too. Maybe someday Gideon Zhi will run out of Super Robot Wars games and he'll finish Lady Stalker and GD Leen. On a positive note, all the YS games have finally been translated.
  22. ^^Sad that was never released. It looks awesome.
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