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Everything posted by glazball

  1. Just had my first transaction on the forums and look forward to many more!
  2. Has anyone ever compiled a list of carts that include batteries? I'd love to buy mega-pack of batteries and spend a weekend simply going down the list, replacing them one by one.
  3. I haven't purchased from any LRG games in 2 years, but I was very tempted to pre-order Panzer Dragoon when I got their email. I'll probably hold off, but I know it would be (or should be) a blast to play. It bothers me a bit that LRG has been so big on publishing remakes. I was supportive of them at the beginning but games like PD, Night Trap and others already have physical releases. Aren't there enough NEW, ORIGINAL games they could be publishing instead of milking us retro fans? I thought that was the whole point of their existence, but I was wrong.
  4. I know I can't be the only one craving your next installment. We need cool, funny shit to read - now more than ever!
  5. That may be true for PS3, but it's worth mentioning that it did get a NA release on PS4 by LRG a couple of years ago. Fun game, though I got stuck and haven't beaten it yet!
  6. I much prefer Home Alone on SNES over the NES version. /s!
  7. The Chinese version of Aquanaut's Holiday has an English option (but the Japanese version does not). It's a peaceful game - maybe even boring for some - and it's not a must-play title by any means. However from a "collector standpoint" I believe it is or was rather hard to find and valuable.
  8. I hope Trump dies a painful death. He is the worst of the worst, and I thought Dubya was bad. Seriously. Fuck him.
  9. Love it, thanks! Now this thread needs more pics of Marisa Tomei please.
  10. I'm in the same boat - didn't realize that they took away the 10% off used games. I suspect they'll get enough pushback and change it later.... if they're still in business. I know I won't be renewing my membership or visiting the store much now. You done f'ed up Gamestop.
  11. You assume only two, but then LRG will come back with something else just to have the "last Wii U" title. And it will probably be something like Yooka-Laylee which was originally crowdfunded for the Wii U. I'm not against more physical games by any means, but there is a difference with Axiom Verge and (if it happens) Shakedown Hawaii. They are both on several platforms already, and they are only doing it to milk collectors. Nothing new of course, just distasteful.
  12. Save A Prayer and The Chauffeur stand out as simply incredible synth work. Still a 5/10 overall for me though.
  13. I love the Wii U, but this cashing in on collectors trying to get the last game in just needs to stop. Let it die already.
  14. Agreed, it was the first (non-run'n'gun) shmup I've seen on any GDQ - though of course I haven't seen every single run ever performed over the years. One of the donors suggesting having a Cave block at the next GDQ and I hope that comes to pass. Honestly I'd be happy with just more shmups in general, but I know how risky they are in a live marathon setting. It would be incredible to watch though.
  15. I started watching GDQ a few years ago and it's now my favorite time(s) of the year. I'm not usually into speedrunning (more of a TAS watcher) but there's just something magical about this event. It brings out all the best in gamers and it's a joy to watch. All donations go straight to the charity, so I always chip in a little bit each time. I'm still watching the GCQ 2020 runs on YT, but among the ones I've seen so far (live and YT) are: Mushihime-sama Futari - Bullet hell shmup on Xbox 360. I had to completely stop what I was doing and watch the whole run. Fucking insane! Clone Hero (Guitar Hero) - 95% fascinated to watch this guy tear up GH, 5% sad that he could have learned actual guitar in that time! Ocarina of Time - Always love some Zelda. The runner performs tricks that supposedly no one else on the planet can do. YT is blocked at work so I can't provide links, but Games Done Quick is easy enough to find.
  16. I'm surprised at the amount of whining.. err, criticism, in this thread! The rubberbanding isn't THAT big of a dealbreaker. Once you learn the courses, it's easy (easier) to get in 1st and stay there. Haven't we all played racing games where the CPUs take the fuck off and you are left in last place with no clear way to even catch up?? That's just no fun to me. For the record, I love every MK though I don't have as much fun playing the original these days. I'll play MK64 or later any day of the week.
  17. If it does stay true to the original Paper Mario (N64), it'll be a day one purchase for me. I hope this rumor is correct!
  18. My biggest sellers' remorse was selling my launch edition Genesis + games to a pawn shop in college. And it wasn't remorse in hindsight, it's pretty damn immediate at a pawn shop lol. People like to bitch about Gamestop's trade-in values, but they've got nuthin' on pawn shops. Someone out there has my Phantasy Star II hint book with my notes and dungeon paths marked in pencil, as well as my revision 1 Revenge of Shinobi. Not a NWC cart for sure, but definitely high in sentimental value.
  19. I had Frogger II: Threeedeep! for Atari 2600 as a kid, only to find out many years later that it's on the uncommon side - like many late-but-pre-crash Atari titles. It was also nowhere near as good as the original.
  20. Glad BattleSport found a loving home. I was also surprised to recently learn that it sells for more than PDS now. I mean, there's just something seriously wrong with that!
  21. Truly the greatest band in history and almost certainly hold that title indefinitely. No other band or artist even comes close.
  22. Ocarina of Time has always been what I consider the best video game ever made. I was happy to see (at least a few years ago) that critics felt the same when doing a meta-analysis of Top Video Games Ever lists. That's still my answer, but I could also see any of these getting the same recognition: Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Civilization II, Super Mario 64 and World of Warcraft.
  23. Voted 9/10 as well. Certainly one of the best rock bands the world has ever seen and all are incredibly talented. That said, Queen did have a few stinkers in their catalog. Some would even argue whole albums are stinkers (usually the wildly-different Hot Space). I can't claim to be their hugest fan by any stretch, but I have and treasure all their albums. Freddie was an incredible singer, clever songwriter and overall badass. Brian May is a damn genius; after playing in one of the greatest bands of all time, he goes back to school to finish a PhD in Astrophysics. Amazing!
  24. Regarding audio: you may be thinking of the first version of the Channel F, but the next revision (the System II which I believe is more common) ran the audio through the tv. The RCA Studio II also had sound coming from the console. However, both of those consoles imo are not "good" lol. I know there are a few Channel F fans out there, and I think they are neat (being the first cart based system and all), but the games aged very poorly and aren't really worth the time. The Astrocade's controllers are amazing. You hold it like a ColecoVision Super Action Controller and like you mentioned, the top of the joystick also twists like a paddle. One of the best games on the system is a homebrew called War - a clone of Warlords. I only have 2 controllers (and not enough obliging friends!), but one day I hope to enjoy some 4p Astrocade action.
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