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Everything posted by glazball

  1. I just received a batch of discs back and couldn't be happier with the results. I don't see any faint circles or other signs of resurfacing. Discs were done quickly and shipped back right away. I appreciate you offering this service to the members here and I plan to send more in the future. Very pleased, thanks!
  2. Are you really trying to debate what the definition of "as-is" is?? Condition listed as "For parts or not working" per your link. You bought it knowing both of those things. Don't be a jerk and return it.
  3. Like all the other major US Sega consoles (SMS, Genesis and Dreamcast), the Saturn has a charm of it’s own. It certainly evokes thoughts of a difficult and messy time for Sega, really their darkest hours (meaning, 32x launch though Dreamcast launch). I didn’t have one at launch (was in college at the time) but picked one up around 2000, after the system was dead. So, I have nostalgia for it but not from the correct time period. I loved the Genesis, but it seemed obvious to me and most of my friends, that the Saturn didn’t have that something that a console needs to have. Not with late Super Nintendo and N64 on one side and Sony PlayStation on the other. Most everyone I knew got a PS as their next console. There just wasn’t enough room for the Saturn, at least not among my circles. A damn shame really. I think Sega learned dearly from the mistakes of the Saturn and came back with one of the best game consoles ever, Dreamcast, which I got at launch and still treasure. It’s really great console and the (US) library is overall better than PS1 if you were average them out, imo. Shinobi Legions, Panzer Dragoon and Guardian Heroes are all great. I would have loved to have seen a true Golden Axe, because The Duel is a joke. But again, with it’s own crappy-fighter charm somehow. Enjoyed Albert Odyssey as well. The Saturn controller is responsive and decent enough, and the 3D Pad is comfy too. I’d probably rate it a 7.5 but had to round up. The Saturn is exceptional and everyone should play it!
  4. Bump! Still looking for these SMS manuals. Thanks for looking
  5. I'm just nosediving into this thread all william-nilliam. I am working through a backlog of PS4 games in the buildup to PS5. I still own my original (OG, non-Pro) console and I wanted to give one last hurrah before it gets retired. Right now I'm playing Okami HD, and I fucking love it! What a beautiful, amazing game. Part of me wishes I had played it on PS2 or Wii when it came out (it certainly would have been in my top 5 PS2 games), but better late than never. It's simply stunning and very Zelda-esque. I don't want it to end. Backlog as of now: Ghost of Tsushima Assassin's Creed: Odyssey Days Gone Gravity Rush 2 The Outer Worlds Wolfenstein II Uncharted: The Lost Legacy NieR: Automata Samurai Shodown (2019) Marvel's Spider-Man Tales From the Borderlands - this game was funnier than it had any business being! Okami HD Metro: Exodus Dishonored 2 Far Cry 5 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Control Cyberpunk 2077 I want C2077 to be the last game I play on PS4. Yes, I know it will run better on PS5 but I don't want to play it on PS5. If it crashes as much as it did at launch, it may very well kill my old PS4 so I'm saving it for last.
  6. The "Adventures" of Link?? C'mon, get the title correct! I loved Zelda II when it came out and still love it today. However, like @Sumer said: with hindsight, the original is still the better game. 9/10
  7. I wouldn't be here now (meaning: here with you fine vg fans) if it weren't for the NES. It changed everything we knew about video games. The precise control of the D-pad in a game like SMB was something we just hadn't seen on a home console. It's scary and humbling to imagine a world without the NES. 9/10
  8. This is a rather interesting question which I had never really given any thought to. Sure, some consoles have had weird names but I've never thought about which is the best. I have to admit, "Sega Saturn" did always have a satisfying punch to it. However, Sega Dreamcast sounds cooler. Hard to pick between them. I'll have to disagree with those of you who voted Gamecube, Xbox and even PlayStation. All have pretty lame names imo.
  9. O^2 was the first game console I ever had when I was probably about 6 or 7. It was enjoyable, but even back then (early 80s) we all knew that Atari blew it out of the water with more playable games like Space Invaders and Frogger. I was elated when I later got an Atari 2600, which would have been a year or two before the video game crash. Sadly, many of the games aged poorly but not as badly as say, Channel F. They have a certain charm and I think the boxart/logo looks cool. The K.C. games, Smithereens, Pick Axe Pete, UFO and few others are still fun to pop in now and then. Most games only allow for 1 life (or try) each play, which is quite unusual now in hindsight. Controllers aren't the sturdiest but have a nice spring to them and get the job done. The keyboard certainly helped me get started typing at a young age. Fun little system but can't give it higher than 5/10 if comparing to everything that's come since!
  10. "Never played it" "No interest in pre-NES" "No experience with the console" "...emulation" For a buncha video game sages, not too many people here seem to enjoy or even know much about one of the greatest game consoles of the 80s. WTH??
  11. I think an Easy mode would be a welcome addition, but perhaps it could be like a lot of 8- and 16-bit titles where the easy mode only lets you play through 2/3 of the game. To play through the full game, you'd need to step up to Normal or Hard. In any case, looking forward to it. Don't fuck this up Capcom!!
  12. 9.5 for me as well. Truly one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. RIP Bernie Mac and John Ritter
  13. My first thought was Sega Master System, then I considered Genesis... but I had to go with Neo Geo. AES carts are simply king, in both size and appearance.
  14. Picked up a few turds in the NES days when it tooks months to scrimp and save for one game. Once you pulled the trigger, you played the hell out of it for better or worse. These come to mind: Karate Champ - I clearly remember being at Target and choosing this over Urban Champion (in hindsight they both sucked) Dragon Power - this game was not very good and the main character looked like a monkey boy, but damned if I didn't play the hell out of it Mighty Bomb Jack - picked this one up at KayBee Toys because it was only $20 Mystic Defender (Sega Genesis) - an early title that looked great in screenshots but was short and mediocre. With so few games after launch I played through it countless times.
  15. I've always felt the GC is the last true game (only) console. One of Nintendo's best and I still think the controller is one of the most comfortable controllers ever made. Love the startup intro too.
  16. G Day, along with Kingpin and What About Bob?, are my favorite Bill Murray movies. There are some interesting fan theories about G Day. One that sticks with me is that Ned, the insurance salesman, is the devil keeping Phil trapped in the loop.
  17. My understanding, from the articles I read yesterday, is that it's simply too dangerous to send people in to dismantle it. So, it will be left to collapse on its own - which it is expected to do since the second cable broke. Hopefully in a few years we can replace it or build another instrument in its place. The Arecibo area is considered a scientific hub and the people there don't want to lose that. It's upsetting but we can rebuild!
  18. I've sent you 3 messages (2 in Oct, 1 this week) for Simpsons Road Rage and all have been ignored, even though you just bumped your thread this week. Buyer beware wrt this seller.
  19. I went with 4/10 because it is below average, but there are a few games with some charm. Overall the 3DO has aged horribly and rarely gets any attention from me.
  20. Fun fact: Mike Patton (badass that he is) has one of, if not THE, largest vocal range of any modern music singer - over 6 octaves! Simply incredible. https://www.vintagevinylnews.com/2014/05/digging-deeper-axl-rose-is-not-singer.html
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