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Everything posted by austin532

  1. That Mega Man II one is very tempting.
  2. I'm finally back with a new unboxing video and this week we got a big one. I open a sealed Final Fantasy X for the PS2.
  3. Been like this for awhile. People who can't afford sealed games want the next best thing which is a 100% CIB mint game. The TMNT games are going up most likely due to the Cowabunga Collection.
  4. I wonder if that's just on the shrinkwrap? If so it's an easy fix.
  5. Welcome to the club. You should be able to fix that box as well.
  6. All are easy to take apart but some are a pain to put back together. I'm looking at you first gen PS3 controllers.
  7. Fixed a 360 controller with a broken right stick. Had to buy some replacements sticks online. Note that the potentiometers on them are terrible with lots of dead zone so be sure to keep the original pots. All cleaned up.
  8. As long as it works who cares what it looks like inside. Be sure to take pics of the repair though if you plan to sell it.
  9. I agree, Retrobird is a quality channel and he's growing pretty fast. Great videos on topics that we've all thought about.
  10. In this weeks video I unbox a launch day SNES from 1991. It made alot of kids happy to see this under the tree 30 years ago.
  11. The corrosion on this Wii Remote board was pretty bad. I couldn't get it to work.
  12. I bought a sealed one a few years for around $90 and I thought I overpaid for that.
  13. Roundball seems like it's actually uncommon though. It was a late release sports game which means it probably didn't sell many copies and no one cares about it. Either that or people have multiple copies buried in their collection and just assume it's not worth listing. Definitely not worth $1,000 though. Not even close.
  14. Another one...I guess having 0 on the Pop report automatically means it's rare and expensive now. https://www.ebay.com/itm/284555611932?epid=5897&hash=item4240d60f1c:g:qi0AAOSwBO1gvOtb
  15. Please tell me this is a joke... https://www.ebay.com/itm/403357723820?hash=item5de9fe6cac:g:2poAAOSwzZthunE5
  16. Not bad at all, the pins were dirty but it's all incased inside.
  17. I would just keep the game ungraded and left inside the box. Makes it complete.
  18. Final Fantasy, SMB 3, Balloon Fight, Ms. Pac-Man (Tengen), and Tetris are all needed. I would totally open those to if I got a great deal on them.
  19. A sealed unboxing? By gar it's been awhile. In this video I unbox a sealed SNES cleaning kit because why not.
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