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inasuma last won the day on May 6 2023

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    indigo plateau

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  1. japanese pokemon games (gen I-III). i own three, and bought them before prices exploded. i will never own more than these three. lol
  2. A bunch popped up for switch and Wii U over the years. Especially on certified link.
  3. won a couple games on HA the other night.
  4. the sprite work is unmatched amirite
  5. At most I might spend 10-15 on a skin in a game if it looks cool. That’s my budget pretty much. But it happens maybe once a year tops. in general I dislike digital purchases.
  6. It’s hard enough making this a concise subset of my overall collection. An I just take a photo of all the boxes instead?
  7. I’m sorry but what? Why does its size matter? It’s as if someone put “write an entire article upselling animal well purely due to its 34mb size” into chat gpt
  8. All of those absolutely. Can’t believe I forgot Celeste and axiom verge!
  9. Other indie games that come to mind in the “challenging AAA dominance” category: - hyper light drifter - hades - deaths door - FEZ - TUNIC - journey - FTL: faster than light and more! in my mind these are so much more memorable than any AAA game in the last 15 years. Another point too, there are so many indie games now, that there are easily a dozen more engaging indie games for every AAA game.
  10. Seriously. One of the best indie games of the year. Perhaps the best - but we’ll see how the year shakes out.
  11. I def can’t speak for anyone else but almost every game that’s my favorite is not AAA.
  12. for a while here i was doing cards like crazy. but stopped going after the expensive ones because the market is really up right now.
  13. Look I hate pop ups as much as the next guy but if that’s the worst I gotta see on their site I think we’re doing alright lol also
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