I can't be the only one who has seen this, right? The title needs revising unless seller did it on purpose?
I could of swore I saw the same link under a different username before. The seller's website is offering a low low price of 1200 but I feel its a scam. I'm not going to lie, I was tempted to buy this off ebay the day I first saw this but feel like I was going to receive an empty box. Either seller knows this is worth more or knows nothing like John Snow.
Like the other day, I was searching recent sold snes listings and came across a Super Castlevania IV listing. The seller sold the game for 600. Upon doing my own inspection, I noticed this was a made in Japan version. I thought whoever bought this game scored big time. Well two days later, seller twobrothersgames posts a SCIV game matching the same description and wants 15,000 for it.