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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Well, the current President doesn’t belong to my favorite sports team political party so therefore it was handled very poorly. However if the current President WAS part of my favorite sports team political party and had handled it exactly the same way, then it would have been perfectly fine. Such is American politics. No one has any nuanced opinions and even less have the expertise to be weighing in on this with a serious opinion in the first place.
  2. I don’t like “Metroidvania” because I like my genres/terms to be more agnostic than that. But I know I’ve already lost that battle.
  3. Great video @BirdDogGaming! And for those who haven’t checked out their channel, you should totally do so. Looking forward to keeping an eye on this site.
  4. As long as you don’t do YouTube face in the thumbnails I’ll watch. Joking but in all seriousness, I agree with a lot of what’s said here. If you can do a Jeremy Parrish-style documentary/educational sort of thing with your extensive knowledge of Japanese Famicom games I think that would be super rad. As for the other points, 10-15 minutes and once a week should suffice.
  5. I can say that since 2020 I’ve really been narrowing my focus, becoming pickier when it comes to condition, etc. although I don’t think the pandemic really had anything to do with that. Just a natural progression of my collecting habits.
  6. Final Fantasy following the various stuff Square did prior
  7. My CRT turned itself on and off again after getting GeGeGe.
  8. Demon’s Souls is a very quickly-beatable game once you know it. Even if you don’t it’s the quickest (and probably easiest) Souls game.
  9. God that is actually the funniest thing he’s ever done. And that’s not praise.
  10. Masterpiece. Even if you don’t like Souls-like games, it’s just very very good at what it aims to do. I haven’t felt that sense of wonder and desire to explore from a game in a long, long time.
  11. Off the top of my head Final Fantasy VI. Beloved game for me but I just can’t sit down and do JRPGs anymore.
  12. I’ve never been more conflicted over a console than the N64. It’s got some of my most beloved gaming memories and favorite games but after that it just drops off and I do not have much reverence for the library as a whole. I love the system, but I dislike the library at the same time. It’s so weird.
  13. Man I have some expensive-ish items I’d love to sell but eBay just doesn’t sound like it’s worth it anymore.
  14. Man I haven’t posted pickups on here in awhile
  15. Man, if I ever saw someone on this site with a Shinobi III avatar I’d bully them. I’m a huge fan of the left-to-right action games (whatever the hell they’re classified as) on the Genesis and this one is one of the best if not the best on the platform. Solid title. As mentioned in previous threads I’m stingy with scores so I gave it an 8 though it’s probably a 9 for me personally.
  16. Twitter is a place where a lot of union talk and organizing took place. Tesla included. Dude was very verbally against that before he ever bought it. This is like Christmas for him. And if it’s somehow not a deliberate move, then the dude is just not a smart businessperson. In this scenario it’s clear that one or the other is true (or hell, both can still be true).
  17. Sorry if I came off as a dick btw, I’m just mad because I genuinely enjoy using Twitter and have for over a decade and it sucks to see what it has devolved into. All politics aside.
  18. I’ve been on Twitter for a long, long time. Back when I voted conservative, even. If you think they only allowed one narrative you haven’t actually been on Twitter and only listened to what others think about it. Twitter was (still is?) one of the most effective places for right wing political conversation and conversion. It had (has?) a VERY loud and active conservative scene. The only thing Twitter really stepped in and stopped was peoples’ ability to say things like the N word.
  19. It’s so sad lol. Dude has billions and billions of dollars and he’s worried about what the internet thinks about him. It’s like he hits every tweet thinking “Yeah this will be the one that makes everyone think I’m funny and cool!” Reeks of the made fun of kid in school acting out in ways he thinks the popular kids will find funny and just gets bullied harder because of it.
  20. What a petulant dickhead. Not a lot of people can say the world would legitimately be a better place if they didn’t exist but Elon Musk can. Dude is so mad that everyone thinks he’s a loser and is acting like he’s just memeing about it. Anyway, the destruction of Twitter was no doubt calculated. It’s a giant international communication hub where working class citizens can gather and discuss things like unionizing, organizing, voting, etc. Of course some ruling class assholes and high level politicians wanted it gone. This was all part of a plan.
  21. Because I want them sick JPN-exclusive Saturn and MD games. If my goal was to look dank on the internet I wouldn’t even collect Sega, I’d just stick solely to my Nintendo collecting. (Is PlayStation dank yet?) EDIT: I did feel pretty dank posting my N64 Sin & Punishment though
  22. I think my overall activity has slowed down a bit but that’s not because of the forum itself, I just work a lot and am mentally exhausted most days. I try to pop in either every day or every other day and read some posts briefly.
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