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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Elon-libertarians must be having a conniption fit right now. One of the few times I agree with Trump.
  2. My personal list: Tetris (any) Castlevania (NES) Final Fantasy VI (SNES/GBA) Sonic Mania (modern platforms) Red Dead Redemption 2 (modern platforms) Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis) Super Mario 64 (N64) Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2/3/4) Shinobi (arcade/Master System) Shinobi III (Genesis) Nights into Dreams (Saturn) Panzer Dragoon 1 + 2 (Saturn) Halo 3 (Xbox 360/1/Series) Idk if I consider that my complete list but those come to mind. I’m playing Demon’s Souls for the first time on PS5 and that one may be up there.
  3. L.A. Noire for the Xbox 360. Those bastards tried to charge me 3 rental fees since the game had three discs. I explained to them that if I rent the first disc, the other two are useless to any potential renters so they’re not missing out by letting me take home all three. No dice. I played through the first disc but didn’t rent the other two from them.
  4. My choice is the Alex Kidd series. Alex Kidd in Shinobi World is charming and I enjoy playing through it, whereas the rest of the games in the series feel like a chore to play.
  5. I’ve attempted carrots a few times and I can never get them right.
  6. Elon Musk said we have an “underpopulation crisis.” That’s a fucking farce but him saying this highlights perfectly why they’re banning abortions now— birth rates are declining and rich folks (especially CEOs and corporate executives) are worried there won’t be as many workers to exploit and benefit from.
  7. I’m sure I can think of a few more but the one that immediately comes to mind for me is Donkey Kong 3. I know it isn’t the Donkey Kong arcade game anyone wanted, but it’s fun in its own right. Nintendo was chasing what was popular in the arcades - shooters. But instead of just another space shooter you were a dude with pesticides in a greenhouse. Idk, I don’t have any reasons other than I think it’s a lot of fun and I don’t understand besides the naming why it’s so disliked. Would it have been better received if it was called “Greenhouse” or “Stanley’s Greenhouse” and not billed as a Donkey Kong game? Maybe. I used to work in a greenhouse and I would have shit myself if a giant ape came in and started screwing up the works.
  8. Hey overall though I think this is a great VGS thread @AirVillain. Passion, debate, derails. It’s awesome
  9. I think it just demonstrates personal preferences and priorities. My life got super busy and I dropped movies for the most part. I don’t watch them nearly as much as I used to and any time I have to spend 2+ hours watching a movie instead of something else I enjoy more I get pissed.
  10. I know the sports talk is pretty much over but I’ll say this: All the arguments in this thread regarding why watching sports are a waste of time are all the same arguments I heard while making music when I was younger. That it was pointless, wasn’t contributing to a better world, etc. I wouldn’t ever expect someone to like sports if they didn’t like them already, but the “waste of time” argument makes little sense to me. If watching sports is a waste of time then watching movies or playing video games certainly are wastes of time too. (For the record, I don’t believe any of these are wastes of time). If you can understand why people are passionately defending their favorite Mario games here, then you can understand why people are passionate about their favorite sports teams (which are, in essence, another form of media that is consumed). All in all though, my POV is that life is short and mostly suffering. And the world is likely ending. I believe in letting people enjoy what they enjoy (assuming it hurts no one else). That’s my overall take for this thread.
  11. Sorry if my BotW comment got under peoples’ skins, I just saw the similarity in the arguments regarding two beloved Nintendo games. Also me, a sports fan, reading this thread:
  12. Is “The weapons breaking in Breath of the Wild isn’t bad game design!” the modern version of “The lack of a save feature in SMB3 isn’t bad game design!”?
  13. All this bickering and for what? Neither game is as good as SM64 ducks
  14. I feel like Nintendo’s “modern” takes on the characters in the Mario universe (NSMB onward) are so soulless compared to the SNES/N64 days. But maybe I’m just old.
  15. Man I didn’t even think about Time Crisis. That’s another one I’d love to have.
  16. For nostalgia reasons probably the Jurassic Park shooter above all others. There were birthdays where it’s all I played when I was a kid. But it’s a hard choice, I’d love an original Space Harrier or Time Pilot.
  17. What Deadeye said! I want one too but I’m super impatient so I’m iffy on the waitlist lol. I need to just do it.
  18. I gave it an 8. Pretty good game and was the first game I got with my PS2 as a kid. Kingdom Hearts 2 is the pinnacle of the series so far, but this is the one that started it all.
  19. I forgot to post this but about a month ago one of the workers at my local game store brought in his Play Date. I liked it!
  20. I’m fully with you there. Just saying that there are large swathes of sane people here, including oppressed populations that can’t just move elsewhere.
  21. I understand and appreciate the sentiment, but I don’t think people should have to move to be treated like a human being. It’s better to fight for change in red states than to pack up and leave behind the people who can’t do either. There are large populations of libs and even leftists in red states, but the system has done a great job of gerrymandering and oppressing those voices.
  22. Birth rates are down, government has to step in to ensure we keep producing little workers and soldiers for the oligarchs.** **this message brought to you by the party of small government
  23. Damn I hate being right. Hope you all got your casual sex out of your system.
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