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Everything posted by Strange

  1. I love that the rage-farming/clickbait gaming YouTubers were genuinely upset that the game is good and that they can’t complain about it Come on Game Freak, you’re ruining peoples’ livelihoods by not making something circlerky gaming channels content creators can feign outrage over and for clicks and updoots. Who are we supposed to look to now, CD Projekt Red?
  2. Man if I had posted this a day earlier I could’ve captioned it “Saturnday”
  3. Not advocating the price in the listing but iirc the retail/disc version of Fortnite from before it became a battle royale (was a tower defense game) is sought after
  4. If I know someone in the community is looking for it I’ll usually drop them a message
  5. Not as good as New Vegas but it’s pretty good. Different beast entirely from the first two in the series so I won’t make that comparison.
  6. SCUD for $40 is a good deal assuming everything is in good shape. Is that $30 on that Brain Dead 13 up at the top? That’s a great deal if so.
  7. A ton of Halo: Infinite. I’m liking it a lot. It’s not (yet) as good as the golden days of Halo 3 multiplayer, but it’s filling a void that hasn’t been filled for me since those Halo 3 days. In the meantime if I’m feeling extra nostalgic, the Master Chief Collection is also a fantastic package. Campaigns, standard multiplayer, forge modes, and all.
  8. Shadow Dancer is a lot of fun. Legions is a game I had never heard anyone talk about until recently, but what little I’ve heard is good. I really need to grab a copy.
  9. When I was a kid I was told on the schoolyard that if you can make the final evolutions of the three starters in Red/Blue evolve again by giving them their corresponding stones. I mean, I was wrong then. But five generations later and I’m sort of right.
  10. Maaaan whoever likes those games, specifically Shinobi III, is a nerd. If I met a guy like that on here I’d bully him
  11. I don’t see them making COD exclusive to Xbox/PC like a lot of people seem to think. I think there’s way more money to be made by putting COD on GamePass and still keeping the $60 option open to Sony users. That way even if the consumer still chooses to get it on PlayStation, you’re still making money on that software sale (which is where the real money in the industry is). You win even if you lose. Money in this industry is made on the software side and Microsoft knows that. COD is huge and to fracture that base wouldn’t be as lucrative imo, nor would it be as simple as all of those folks just throwing their hands up and buying an Xbox in a seamless transition. I could be wrong. I have an Xbox Series so this doesn’t affect me at all. I’m just looking at this objectively. Despite all of the above, I don’t like this move if I’m Sony.
  12. If we’re talking governors, I think us Tennesseans have it the worst. If we had elected a half eaten zebra with degenerative brain disease we’d have more effective leadership.
  13. My older brother gave me a lot of his old games. If I deleted his save file of Ocarina of Time I’d consider that terrorism. Not same random kid though
  14. I haven’t read any of this thread in many months, sorry if this has been covered: But damn if there’s one thing this pandemic has taught me it’s that people don’t understand percentages. I heard someone say: “Only 9% of COVID tests are false negatives.” ONLY 9%?! MFer are you insane? I didn’t check the validity of his stat, but let’s operate under the assumption that it’s true. 9% of every single COVID test ever taken. Think about it longer than 45 seconds and it starts to hit you how big of a number that really is. More than it should be. A 9% failure rate in any product is a huge failure rate. Only 9% of the entire population of your model of car explodes randomly. When I was identifying insect specimens at the molecular level via genomic sequencing and comparing that data, if our results only came back as a 97% match with a reported specimen in the database, we weren’t very confident in that. If it was a 93%-94% match we didn’t publish that. Small percentages are a huge deal. Blows my mind when people quote some COVID mortality rate they saw that they think is inconsequential just because it’s a small percentage.
  15. People think California is left leaning but in reality there is no real “left” in America, it’s just conservative and center-leaning conservative. I’ll rip on American liberals all day but don’t try and tell me they’re leftists.
  16. Entities disclosing cancer risks and how they do it is an interesting phenomenon for sure. I’m not against it, but I am saying the criteria is way broader than you’d think. I remember Chipotle (garbage company) used to really fluff itself by calling its food clean (a practice I think is immoral) and proudly proclaiming that they’ve eliminated all cancer risks from their menu by not using foods that take advantage of certain agricultural technologies. They later faced a potential lawsuit because their menu did still contain cancer risks - in their red meat and alcohol. So did Chipotle drop red meat and alcohol? Of course not. It was never about food safety for them, it was about marketing. So they dropped that claim from their marketing. Anyway, sorry to get a little rant-y. But it serves to show how the smallest risks of cancer can still be considered noteworthy, depending on who asks.
  17. I rated it a 5 only because I have to sit through it a million times each year. But it’s good. I’ve just seen it too many times.
  18. How about PS1? Sega Saturn? OG Xbox? I need answers
  19. I had a COVID scare recently but thankfully just tested negative. A childhood friend of mine watched her dad go from healthy to dead in 9 days. Non-vaccinated, no underlying conditions, health-nut type of dude. Scary stuff to watch unfold. I’m a big hockey fan and watching the NHL shut down has been concerning but ultimately it’s the right move given the bad outbreaks in that league. Some NHL fans are saying “but everyone is vaccinated!” and if people really think that these rich athletes ALL turned in legit vaccination cards and that there aren’t any really good fakes, I’ve got some beachfront property in Minnesota I’d like to sell them.
  20. Hahaha, I appreciate the sentiment. I’ll try my best to keep living up to being a Genesis guy! I’m sure I’ve told the story before but I grew up a Nintendo kid but once I got into game collecting, my goal was to experience the things I hadn’t when I was a kid. I started out by exploring the libraries of my familiar Nintendo consoles and eventually landed on Sega, which was the first time I had delved into their stuff beyond some Dreamcast and their Naomi or Model 2 arcade games. The Genesis stuck with me because, well, it’s Sega’s best console. A world of stuff I hadn’t experienced yet and I’m still enjoying it. I still play a ton of Nintendo and Sony of course!
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