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Everything posted by Strange

  1. How would you react if someone said what you just said but about Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day?
  2. Meh on both accounts. On a related note: Dread was better but also failed to really leave a lasting impact on me. Modern Metroid stuff just doesn’t seem to have the magic anymore.
  3. Looks like a lot of fun! Looking forward to giving it a go.
  4. Stuff like this is tough for me because I’m just a really indecisive person. My tastes have also changed drastically. 10 years ago I would have told you FF3/FF6 on SNES was my favorite game of all time (and I probably wouldn’t have considered Half-Life 2 a personal 9 or 10 back then either) but today I can hardly stick to a JRPG, as much as I still like them. FF3/6 still holds a place in my heart but it has definitely fallen from my personal first overall.
  5. To be honest I can’t even remember lol. If I have, maybe one or two. But I know I’m definitely being too stingy with these threads.
  6. It’s so damn good. The only reason I didn’t give it a 10/10 is because of my own OCD about being stingy with 10s but if there’s one game that deserves it it’s this one. Also I originally played this with MnK as one does and recently tried playing with a game pad and holy cow talk about a foreign feeling. This coming from someone who mostly still uses game pads on online FPS games.
  7. Still my favorite one. I remember being amazed back in the day at the scale of this game. The writing is top tier too. The humor and CJ’s quips when he does anything kill me every time.
  8. My “non-expert” opinion is this: Games should look worse and take longer to come out. Both for the sake of the product and the workers who make them. I’ve never worked in the biz though
  9. Agreed on the fact that some games are reviewed too high. Sometimes you can just tell when a high score isn’t genuine. And yeah, I agree it looks like a mess. Some bad reviews are warranted too. My post, overall, was about when like a B or C tier game gets ragged on for not being the second coming and it snowballs as YouTubers pick it up. And how those instances make it harder overall to really discern if a game is actually bad or not when looking at just scores. I’m just being an old man looking to rant but overall I agree with your points.
  10. Regarding the Xbox talk: I have the three major consoles. Xbox has the nicest UI and ecosystem in my opinion, but yeah it’s lacking in those tentpole/franchise areas. And you need to have those along with third party support.
  11. @avatar! please dont take this post as me calling you or this thread out. I appreciate you posting articles! I’m just speaking generally about the industry today, not about this thread or even Redfall in particular. I’ve complained about this elsewhere but it’s so hard to tell if a poorly-reviewed game is ever genuinely bad anymore or just a mediocre experience with the alarm bells blaring. Not saying Redfall is good (hadn’t heard of it before the release) but this sort of dogpiling happens these days on any game that isn’t a 12 out of 10. Games that are just fine instead of a masterpiece are considered a personal insult to a lot of gamers these days. It’s just exhausting. Makes YouTube unnavigable. But like others here have said, start sharpening your pitchforks and practicing your YouTube face because Zelda and Final Fantasy have some big releases coming up and the internet loves a downfall story more than anything else.
  12. But also, your experience of taking countless interviews and hearing nothing is the new standard. It’s happening to everyone I know who is currently looking for a job, young and old. It’s the way the job market is now. Many (not all) places either have too high expectations or just flat out do not respect their current or prospective employees. Workers are nothing more than cattle to many (not all) employers these days. A warm body to do nothing but make numbers go up. I’m thankful to have been in my new career and at my current job for two years now. I got lucky. They take care of us. But everyone should remember that @Richardhead’s situation can happen to you at any time. Loyalty is rare these days in the workplace.
  13. When I worked for a big corporate retailer in between careers, we had truckloads of applications coming in every day. And yet we ran a skeleton crew. Why? Because corporate was giving bonuses for under-scheduling and thus saving on wages. When people complained about few checkout lanes being open we were instructed to tell customers that nobody wants to work anymore. EDIT: this was 2021, btw. I can’t remember dates after 2020. It all melts together. Sorry
  14. Me personally, I’m more forgiving on the physical vs. digital thing on compilations of old games. Stuff like the Castlevania, Final Fantasy, or Sonic collections, I could hold out for a physical copy, or I could just get them digitally for the convenience since I have those games in their original releases sitting physically on my shelf already. Of course my situation or mindset may not apply to everyone, just giving my two cents. Just saying I don’t sweat it as much on these sorts of releases like I used to.
  15. Recently went on a date with a girl to a barcade and this was the arcade game she liked the most. I like the second one better.
  16. Hmmm. I usually cop out on these things. I used to be a biologist. Worked in entomology and general plant stuff. Did some molecular bio. I got a published paper out of it. Then I woke up one day and decided I didn’t like it anymore. Switched careers.
  17. At the time I was pretty stoked and didn’t mind. I think now that I’m an adult out on my own and pay bills etc. I’d be a little more irritated and wouldn’t feel it made up for it. Still, it feels pretty sweet to have a New 3DS with my Ambassador games and certificate transferred onto it. I could see an argument either way and I don’t think either would be wrong.
  18. Nooo how will it become the next Sega Saturn (trust me guys it totally will I’m gonna be rich) now?
  19. I think this is a significant step above the lazy $60 Super Mario 3D All Stars hack-job they did recently. I think $40 is fair, I just don’t want to spend $40 on a remaster right now.
  20. It looks like a great remaster. But me being the defiant jerk that I am I decided to boot up the original and play through it again. Can’t find my memory card. My only explanation is that the Nintendo Ninjas broke into my place in the middle of the night to sabotage and get me to buy the remaster. Smh.
  21. Too many to list but one of my favorites was seeing Thundercat at Exit/In in Nashville right before he really took off in popularity. Tickets were $15 and the show was super chill.
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