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Everything posted by AstralSoul

  1. I was your Secret Santa, I wasn't sure if I should leave my name in the package lol. I'm really glad you liked it! Hope you had a great Christmas!
  2. Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Super Mario Land Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 Mole Mania Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow Donkey Kong ('94) Metroid II: Return of Samus Gargoyle's Quest Donkey Kong Land
  3. Playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 on Switch lately. It's been pretty good so far. I love the diverse cast that they gave us.
  4. Original Game Boy is absolutely worth playing but I'd recommend a GBA SP with a backlight, Game Boy Player or a Super Game Boy or some backlit mod on a Game Boy Pocket or Color.
  5. I wish I had a super exciting gaming-related Xmas story to tell but I really don't. I got my first NES on Christmas 1989 but I barely remember it as I was 6 years old. Every year from then until 2002 I asked for a specific game or two. I know one I was particularly excited about was Donkey Kong 64 in 1999. I got up super early 5 or 5:30 am, and I was so hyped to play this game that I think I got an hour or two of sleep, if any at all. I just remember being dead tired all day but I played the game from like 6 am til midnight that day. Yeah those were the days.
  6. For a number of years I got the majority of my games there used since I was too young to make my own money and my parents refused to buy me most of the games new. But one particular trip to the store stood out to me for a funny reason. It was early 1997 and I had just gotten my N64 and I was super pumped to have it but I had no games for it so my dad took me to Funcoland and I brought Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 up to the counter and the guys at the counter said "oh no no no, you don't want these. Nintendo is going out of business. They already stopped making N64s. You should trade it in to get a Playstation." I was really confused because not only did I not know anything about Playstation but I was always a Nintendo guy and really just wanted my Mario games. So they went on this long spiel of how PS1 had a ton more games, is a better system, Nintendo is filing for bankruptcy blah blah blah. So I went home that night and really mulled it over and eventually came to the decision that even if PS1 had 1000 more games, N64 was the one I wanted and I stuck with it. So I went back to the store and got Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 much to those employees' chagrin. The crazy thing about this visit was that my one decision would have completely reshaped my gaming future. I would have played many different games and would have likely been a Playstation guy first from then on, I'd have missed out on many of my favorite games of all time, and who knows what I would be saying are my favorite games now. It would not have been completely life changing sure since it's only games but it's just funny to think about how that one day could've changed everything about gaming for me. Also, those guys were stupid liars.
  7. The whole "it's not good because it's the same as the previous game" is such a bad excuse for not liking a game. People praise Mega Man 2 but the rest of the series is garbage? Come on. They're all the same game, aka GOOD if not GREAT games. DKC and DKC2 are universally praised but DKC3 is garbage because it follows the same formula as 1 & 2...? I never understood that logic. Anyway, DKC2 has always been my favorite of the three but DKC3 is almost tied with 2. I thought the level design was fantastic in 3, the music was great, and had the same amazing gameplay as 2. The story was cheesy, sure, and I get that people hated Kiddy (another thing I disagree with) and would've rather seen Donkey Kong back because it's called "Donkey Kong" Country. I get that. But Kiddy played almost the same as Donkey from DKC1. "But he's a big baby" people say. So? I mean a giant toddler ape is silly, sure but it didn't detract from the gameplay at all, and in the grand scheme of things I liked playing Dixie and Kiddy.
  8. The fact that even if you obtain that one thing you really want, guaranteed there will be something else after that. And something after that. And something after that. Basically, at least in my experience, no matter how much I accumulate it's never enough. So I try to just be happy with what I can afford.
  9. Game: Resident Evil 2 (Remake) Movie: Spider-Man Far From Home
  10. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild But my personal favorite is BioShock 2.
  11. I know of them but never played them. I'll have to check them out!
  12. PS1 and PS2 for me since I was always 100% Nintendo growing up. So I had the big titles for PS1 & 2 when I eventually got them but I really didn't know the deep cuts. I'm discovering a lot of hidden gems on both consoles especially since there are a TON of games in both libraries.
  13. Rockface Rumble is my favorite - the one that plays on the mountain stages. I personally feel DKC3 and its music are very underrated. DKC3 is one of my favorite games ever. Pretty much the entire soundtrack is great IMO.
  14. It's a shame that some people felt the need to start some BS privately with others on a site they frequented. I mean, being banned to one of a bajillion gaming sites out there is a very small price to pay for acting like a jerk. But still, I don't get why some people feel the need to take it so far. Most of the (seemingly) questionable bans are the ones who seemed nice and engaging on the forums but acted as jerks behind the scenes (assumedly) but other favorites like FieryReign and AlexElectric - it was pretty clear why they were banned.
  15. It's impossible to choose one best game objectively. There are so many determining factors and no matter what you pick you will be disagreed with. That said, the correct answer is Super Mario 64.
  16. I liked the video a lot. I always liked TMNT1 even though I never got that far. The video made me want to go back and try it again. And with the tips they talked about in the video, I actually got the furthest I've ever gotten. Still a frustrating game but not a bad one.
  17. I don't know if you attempted to get my old game running but I couldn't get it to work. It said it was missing a .DLL file which I sought out and downloaded but even then it wouldn't work. Oh well. It was made on outdated software even back in 2003/2004. Lol.
  18. I preordered the regular version of Bubble Bobble 4 Friends. Looks good. I haven't played a good Bubble Bobble since BB2 on NES. I really hope this actually plays well!
  19. Super Mario 64, easily. It was an absolute game changer for video games. It was the biggest WOW moment I've ever had, playing the game for the first time. Still one of my absolute favorite games of all time and still is a joy to play each and every time. I remember spending countless hours just running around trying to jump up hills and find every secret and coin and defeat every enemy. I think it's impossible to top it in a purely fun factor kind of way, for me personally. I've beaten and played every Mario game. Yes, every single one. Even the spinoffs. But as far as 100%ing Super Mario 64 was the first one I ever 100% mastered. Super Mario World, Super Mario Sunshine and New Super Mario Bros. I also played to death and completed 100%. From Galaxy onward I pretty much just completed the main game and never bothered to get 100% although with Odyssey I've come really close. I just don't know if I want to spend the time to get the last few dozen Moons or so. Being that there are 999 of them in the game and less than 100 away from completion a few dozen is not that much but I think I am satisfied with my progress.
  20. The first game I ever played was either Pitfall or Combat on the Atari 2600 but it wasn't my system, it was my dad's. The first game and system that was mine was Super Mario Bros + Duck Hunt on the NES, which I got the console bundle on Christmas 1989. I was 6 at the time.
  21. Nintendo - Switch (Some NES and SNES and a lot of other older games) Sony - PS4 (lots of PS1,2 & 3 games on there as well) Sega - Genesis Xbox - Xbox One (OG Xbox and 360 BC) Atari - Jaguar (don't ask why, I just don't like Atari) Now without taking BC and downloadable titles into account, my answers would drastically change... Nintendo - SNES Sony - PS2 Sega - Genesis Xbox - OG Xbox Atari - Jaguar (still don't ask)
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