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Everything posted by AstralSoul

  1. I just think the concept of a contest for a game like that was hilarious and I didn't know about it til I watched the AVGN episode for it. I never played this one back in the day but even now I can't finish it.
  2. When I was a kid I preferred Mario Kart but I like F-Zero and Wave Race more than Mario Kart too now as an adult. But Diddy Kong Racing is still my all-time favorite racing game. Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled was a fantastic remake of an already great game too which is also better than Mario Kart.
  3. Same here. I always buy every Mario Kart and enjoy them all but I notice I play each one less than the last. Smash Bros was the same case for me too until Ultimate which I play a ton of, but it's largely thanks to its online. The previous games either had no online or it worked extremely poorly and playing against nothing but bots got old real quick so I put less and less time into them. But yeah I'm ready for a big change to the Mario Kart formula. It's pretty funny how Nintendo states it doesn't want to revive certain franchises (like F-Zero) because they "don't want to make more of the same" yet they do exactly that with many of their franchises.
  4. Sold probably 100ish games last year, bought maybe 50ish which the vast majority were for modern consoles. I have been doing very very little retro collecting these days and instead just keep what I have. I can't afford to shell out of a ton of money for decades old games anymore.
  5. I still love Mario Kart, always will but I agree with those who say we need a bit of a change to the series since it's been pretty much the same game since the original. I for one would love to see the return of a Diddy Kong Racing style adventure mode. Why hasn't Mario Kart adopted that yet? But yeah that and the rubberbanding.
  6. I thought it was decently fun too. But its quality is greatly overexaggerated. It's an okay game - I had fun with it in short doses. But its nowhere near this amazing masterpiece that the rabid fanbase would have you believe. But as said before, that goes for a lot of these games nowadays. For instance I just picked up Celeste, another gmae people went absolutely bonkers for, some calling it one of the best games of the last decade or of all time, which it definitely isn't. It's a good game, but I just don't see what makes it "such an incredibly special masterpiece". With many modern games people sing very praises about a lot of them and would lead you to believe these games are all A+ masterpiece when that is actually seldom the case. Of all of them I've played, I'd say Hollow Knight is the only one I would give "masterpiece status" to.
  7. I think one problem with a lot of modern games is that they are largely influenced by meme culture. The Untiltied Goose Game in particular started out as a meme and became a game. The developer said something like "wouldn't it be funny if you play a goose who steals things?" and somehow it blew it in popularity and the developers were so overwhelmed by the response that they actually went and made the damn game.
  8. I remember going to one of my elementary school friend's house and they had Bible Adventures and MC Kids. Those were probably the weirdest, most obscure games I've played back then.
  9. Stage: Galaxy Man Robot: Bounce Man Song: Wind Man Weapon: Magnet Man
  10. Completely agree here. I see legions of fans become completely obsessed with games - notably indie games - these days. I have been disappointed by believing the hype of many games but what I do now is to wait a while before playing it and let the hype die down first. I bought into Untitled Goose game after the hype died a bit and yea it's pretty fun. Nothing revolutionary but a bit humorous and entertaining, though as you pointed out, gets a bit boring after a while, so I can only play it in short doses.
  11. Not my kind of music but they're not bad. I can listen to em on the radio if they came on.
  12. I won't believe it until it's officially revealed. If somehow a new Paper Mario is in the works that is actually a return to the PM64/TTYD format I would be extremely excited for it.
  13. Knuckles Chaotix for sure. Other than that I have no idea/
  14. These days I would say less than 50% of the games I play are ones I complete. I just don't have the time or the drive. When I was younger I finished almost every game, some to 100%.
  15. Never met anyone famous, never got a signature by anyone.
  16. TG16 - worth playing? Absolutely. While it might not be as iconic or have as diverse a library as Genesis or SNES, it's got some great games on it and it plays pretty well overall. Worth collecting? Hmm, well that's up to the individual. It seems to be generally more pricey than SNES or Genesis, especially the systems themselves. The library is much smaller than either of those so with that comes the positives of not having to worry about as many games while the negative of having less to choose from. Personally, for me, it's not worth the price to collect for but I think a certain niche of collectors will absolutely love the system.
  17. I will say despite all the negative press surrounding the console over the years, the system always intrigued me. As a kid I really wanted one but never actually saw one in person...ever, now that I think about it. I nearly bought one on eBay a few years ago (which I regret now since prices have skyrocketed since) but there's just not a lot on the system that interests me enough to buy it at the exorbitant price that they are these days. I do hope to actually play one one day though!
  18. So many great things coming this year, it's hard to choose! Animal Crossing New Horizons, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Resident Evil 3 Remake... Problem my top 3 there
  19. Super Mario World for SNES Super Mario 64 for N64 Super Smash Bros Melee for GameCube
  20. Asking $400 + shipping. Everything is complete, some very minor wear on console, gamepad, and game discs. Most things are in mint condition. Everything in the pics is included: console, Wii remote, Wii u pro controller, 19 games, 19 amiibos, etc. Please see pics for details. Pics: Wii U console lot https://imgur.com/gallery/xw5h2YI
  21. Yes, I love me some Dark Souls, I have the sword for the figure too, just forgot to put it in the photo. Very awesome of you to do some research into more of my gaming interests! Thanks again for the wonderful SS gifts and hope you had a great holiday!
  22. My Secret Santa really went all out! 4 PS1 games, a 3D printed Dark Souls Solaire figure and an awesome custom Dark Souls themed wooden mug inscribed with my username on it! Thank you so much Santa!
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