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Everything posted by Andy_Bogomil

  1. Anya Taylor-Joy has been around for a bit. Id say Split was the one that put her on the map. Kind of a lose-lose for Mario. Martinet would be tough with significant dialogue and a new person will always be criticized. I'm more tired of the same 5 actors being in every big movie but I guess it's always kinda been like that.
  2. Movie actually looks decent. Not a fan of pratt as Mario. The voices are going to take time to get used to... Hopefully see more dialogue soon.
  3. An amazing game and definitely one of the best of all time.
  4. I sold my Wii U kiosk last spring and moved it out of the house into the garage. I don't like strangers in my house that would be able to scope out my stuff. Those kiosks are beastly... I had two pretty sizeable bruises on the inside of my elbows from the strain and had trouble fully extending my arms for a few days. I'm glad it's gone. I made a good profit off it, it was huge and more or less useless, and the guy who bought it was absolutely pumped.
  5. Yeah, unfortunately there is a useless, but unique, 2 page manual for it with a 'notes' section.
  6. The rpg I've played the most by far. The music is sensational. Great write up.
  7. Weird... exact opposite for me even being a poor listener. If I'm tired or feeling lazy, dubs still feels like significantly lower effort.
  8. RE1 is hilariously bad. While not really acting, I always dug a lot of the over the top announcers in a lot of 90s games; Killer Instinct, NBA Jam, RnR Racing.
  9. Cool poster. I'm curious as to see the voice/direction of the movie otherwise I don't see this as a big appeal to me personally.
  10. "And I think the main reason for that is because Super Metroid is just… well, perfect." He even said it himself! I kid, and agree that 4th is still pretty satisfying, also with Contra being in the top 10. also lol at renting Wicket 18.
  11. uhhh... shocking. Can't believe it didn't make top 3 Best game ever made! #1 on my list! I can only think on one game left off the top of my head.
  12. Cool interview... didn't realize you were a Newfie! I'm from Nova Scotia and lived in Corner Brooke for a few years when I was really young. Always nice to see another East Coaster around online.
  13. Nice... thought it would be top 3 for sure on your list. Definitely an awesome game with a lot of nostalgia for me. Great game! One of my favourite Mario games despite the brokenness of the Cape.
  14. Yeah mixed feeling about this one being in the top 10 as you touched on in your write-up about being a compilation.
  15. Pock & Rocky CIB... sold it for a good price and then a nicer copy BIN popped up on eBay for about $100 less a few weeks later, so figured why not?. Not very common for me to re-buy a game though.
  16. The Mario Kart 8 NYC bundle. I have a complete Wii U set and was really into collecting at the time but a trip to NY or buying this after the fact was just too much money for what it was.
  17. A game I've never given a chance and I'm almost positive I own a copy.
  18. I still wear graphic tees all the time. A few of my favourites... Some I've had for a long time like the first Megadeth one is from 90-92 that my bro owned and handed down. Just picked up the Predator T last year. I've also been getting a few of these vintage Magic Johnson brand tees that were big in the 90s but they are expensive in some cases... Bonus doggy pic.
  19. Super Punch Out! I think deserves to be top 20 and would likely be close to 13 on my list, potentially higher. I remember the Nintendo Power that had all the quick KOs and we beat one of the times and the rest was history with trying to beat the rest. This was a new concept for Punch Out to an extent and one that really added a massive amount of playtime for me. I'm sure I've played some of these guys 1000s of times over the years. It's different than MTPO but I love both games for different reasons. MTPO is more challenging towards the end but SPO is more satisfying in a lot of ways and handles a bit better. Cant go wrong with the DKC games. I was never into 3 as much but suspected to see at least one near the top of the list.
  20. I prefer the OG hardware 99% of the time, especially for older stuff that basically becomes unplayable with any amount of lag. Having said that, my modded NES mini is a blessing for going to my brothers house for game night. Easy to travel with, instant save/pausing, pick any game from a list, don't have to worry about the games messing up (happens from time to time on my NES), etc.
  21. Wild Guns is in my top 10 so I'm happy to see it so high on the list. A unique title with a lot of fun factor and relatively easy mechanics. Once you start chasing high scores by staying stationary and collecting multipliers it can get even more addictive (and I'm not usually a high score/points type of guy). The remake is awesome, although not sure who approved the level design for "Underground' with the black veil over the entire screen. Great game all around.
  22. My best friend was obsessed with Ogre battle and ogre battle 64.. not sure he'd be impressed or disappointed by this placement.
  23. I gave it 6/10 because the multiplayer is really fun and I put a bunch of time into it back in the day. Having said that, after replaying it over the years, I kinda enjoy it less each time because of the points you mention; slow/boring races (wario, RR, Toads), terrible rubber-banding that often messes up making first untouchable, and the graphics are really tough on the eyes with poor visibility. I probably would have said 8 or 9 outta 10 back in 2000 but not so much these days. I'd rather play Super, DD, or 8.
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