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Everything posted by Andy_Bogomil

  1. Same in Canada. Lots of cops and RCMP abusing power and being butt holes.
  2. Xbox Studios first millionth selling game (physical) in Japan is Minecraft: Switch Edition.
  3. I came across a Vectrex with a controller and a few games/screens at Goodwill for $50 a number of years ago when I was coming back from the beach. Literally one of the only times I didn't have my wallet on me when leaving the house in the last 20 years. I drove back to my place which takes about 10 minutes each way and by the time I got back it was gone. It's was a relatively small town too... I couldn't believe it. Was pretty bummed about it at the time.
  4. Hit the nail on the head with that last point there. It's frustrating to see game stores sell crap conditioned CIBs for the same price as one in very good shape. Cars salesmen are pretty funny these days. When you're buying they sit there and tell you that the car is amazing and reliable and then as soon as you agree to purchase they change their tune trying to up sell you extended warranties telling you that you can never be too safe and that 'things can happen' . So which is it? Is the car great or are the tires gonna fall off when I leave the lot.
  5. It was bound to happen with how fast things grew in the early 2010s and how much hype there was with collecting. As more people flooded into the hobby it seemed like a race to collect as much as possible and reselling blew up as prices seemed to double overnight and speculation ran rampant. Now with the release of the mini systems, casual (and maybe not so casual) collectors coming to the realization they had way too much stuff/lose interest, and the main collecting demographic changing priorities as they grow older and have families there will be less demand and more supply. Also with full set collecting becoming more or less unobtainable a lot of collectors moved on or shifted priorities within the hobby. I honestly think a lot of it was simply that collecting was more of a fad than we realize or want to admit. I also think collecting is somewhat self limiting. As there became less supply people just lost interest instead of paying out the ass for each and every uncommon cart. Things dried up locally, eBay got out of control, and it just wasn't that fun to look for stuff anymore. I think that was the appeal for a lot of people. I wouldn't be surprised to see common carts that are $100 or less drop back to the $5-$10 range in the near future. There will be enough demand for the rarer stuff for years to come but even a lot of the shittier rare carts seems to be down or even losing value. I doubt we'll see much climb with even the desirable rare carts or it would have happened by now and things have been flat for years. Even with the sealed collecting and 1st print stuff I believe a lot of that is propped up on hype. As I stated in another thread, there was definitely some corrections warranted for sealed games that were early releases and major gaming franchises, but I see this to be a relatively small group compared to the general collecting we saw in the last 5 to 8 years. Some of it is probably a lot of collectors simply changing priorities or moving on from their initial collecting goals. I have a hard time believing that some of those prices we saw (are seeing) with Heritage Auctions will be maintained. I still think premium CIB stuff from the NES-64 era will continue a slow climb, the sealed stuff will come to a hard cool down or plateau here within a few years and the bottom will start to fall out of the casual market which has already begun.
  6. I think at 50 you would lose a couple good titles but could easily get away with an overall great set. Once you get towards 80-100 titles you're definitely getting out of the 'must have' category and are getting into games that are still good/fun but typically have a better counterpart. After 150-200, maybe even less, the majority of those games aren't even worth playing. I would say about 10% of the library (60-80 games) is a good cut off for great titles to games you could live without.
  7. I missed basketball tryouts in middle school because I had a sizeable blister on the middle of my hand. I couldn't fully open my hand without it cracking the wound open. Started playing with oven mitts after that Another indirect video game injury was when I was younger and my bother's friend beat my at NBA Jam with a buzzer beater. I raged and threw the controller just as another one of my brother's friends came into the room and the controller smacked him right in the face. I felt pretty terrible about that one. The guy was pissed but wasn't seriously hurt.
  8. NA: Either at 85+ gold 1st print Mario 64 for $500 or a purchase for a CIB X2, X3, Drac X, and Wild Guns for roughly $1200 I think. They were all in excellent condition. The seller actually messaged me several months after the transaction to buy them back at a premium which was declined. Basically the bigger the transaction back then the better the deal looks now haha. eBay: A lot of SNES boxes which included a dead mint copy of SMW black label and a few other gems for a great price. I also got a $100 credit because a few of the boxes got crushed on top which was a nice bonus on an already great buy. Wild: So many great deals but getting Panic Restaurant (CI), Mighty Final Fight (CI), and a few other uncommons from a single pickup at a local pawn shop will never be topped. Made some killer trades for the carts and the manuals went for the going rate on eBay. Also bought a bunch of CIBs from my rental store in the late 90s but a lot were in poor condition even at $10-$20 a pop.
  9. Agreed that the stuff that's truly in excellent condition is still seeing a premium. I don't see that changing any time soon. But from surfing eBay it appears that there is a little more selection on the more common games and the prices appear to be more competitive as a result. Sealed games are at an entire different level lately. Any title of note that's in grading condition is a minimum 4 figures from what I see.
  10. Seems like a lot of SNES CIBs have actually cooled lately. Appears to be a bit more selection and the prices are leveling out or even dipping a bit.
  11. The fire in Super C is significantly better in my opinion. The splash damage can really help out in high spawn areas and the weapon can be charged to take a good amount of damage. Fire in Contra is absolute garbage.
  12. Double Dragon II on NES is one of my favourite games of all time and I still play it regularly. The knee is just so satisfying to this day. I like the first one and the third actually isn't as bad as most people suggest in my opinion. It's tougher and not the best but it is playable once you get the hang of it. I think DD II is the best by a fair amount. DD Neon is pretty fun as well but obviously a little different being released much later.
  13. Nintendo needs to put pokemon on the back burner for a while.
  14. Haha that initial render is so bad. I feel like I don't even have to watch these movies anymore with the previews being so long any giving away so much. Sonic shows up to earth, spend time hiding, gets found by random, robotnic shows up after the anomaly, they get in that truck chase, go into hiding again, Sonic confronts robotnic in that big machine at the end. Most of the one liners are spoiled.
  15. I am a meteorologist for Environment Canada currently working for the Department of National Defense doing aviation and marine forecasting for military operations.
  16. Thanks, Doc Agreed that when you're dead... you're dead. Very similar thoughts as the OP. Only other solution that's plausible in my tiny mind is a simulation type of scenario like the Matrix.
  17. I always remember the timer being the big issue in NGIII on the last stage. I still think the last boss in the original NG made the game overall a little tougher than the 3rd from my experience but I never really took the time to find a go to strat for the 2nd form. Speaking of Ninja Gaiden, Razor's Edge on the hard difficulty on Wii U is absolutely insane. Boss fights can take upwards of 10 minutes and a slip or two and you're toast. The game shows absolutely no mercy. Although I like shooters I don't play them a lot. I remember playing some of those Darius games and never really getting far because of the difficulty. Could have put in some more effort I guess. Some of the Mario Maker levels I've completed are definitely up there for me. A few of them have taken a few sessions over a week or two to complete. That game got pretty stale though as I found all the tough levels began to just be the same gimmicks over and over.
  18. I remember stumbling upon Speed Demo Archives very early on and just being absolutely blown away by the top Super Metroid run at the time. I thought I knew that game inside and out but would have never imagined the game could be played in such a way and at such a high level. It completely changed the way I approached and played all games from then on out. Now a days it's pretty much every game. I think I am OK and jump online and get smacked.
  19. Not too much. A few items I could have done much better if I hung onto them a little longer from a monetary standpoint but nothing overly significant. This is where I am at too. I sold a lot of the big ticket stuff but I never realized just how many games I bought (and will never touch) from about 2009-2015. The sad thing is, a lot of these games aren't even worth the time to sell so they continue to sit. Oh, and Amiibos - Major buying regret there. More so from the amount of time and effort it took to collect them. I just shake my head thinking back to those times and what I went through to get some of them.... dark days.
  20. I find it bizarre how we got to this point so quickly. There is no way this was an organic or genuine change to the hobby so I'm not sure how long it'll be sustained. I agree that some sealed games were probably due for an upward adjustment but it's hard get behind how this all came to fruition. I also think WATA got greedy by grading anything under the sun and now the fact that they are boosting prices to deal with their incompetencies is absolute insane to me but I guess they can get away with it as long as the customers continue to make a significant profit from their services. As someone who doesn't have a horse in the race it is at least interesting to watch and discuss.
  21. Tuned in a few times for GDQ but that's about it. I'd rather just watch a highlight clip on YT of a few levels, run or matches depending on the game.
  22. Seems to be a lot of reseals listed as new and crap games with celo put on them and advertised as being in much nicer condition than they actually are lately.
  23. Yikes... NA is looking pretty rough. Like one of those random sites that show up when you search a specific topic but doesn't actually have any use. Sad. I had to laugh with the first thread I clicked on someone asking one of the GoCollect mods if he was a bot. lmao
  24. Went back and visited a city I used to live in and the pawn shop was still open. Pretty sad selection of stuff across the board.. not just the video games. Before 2015 there'd be something new in there every single day. It looked like they still had stock from went I left over 2 yrs ago.
  25. Gave them a terrible vote but agree they get more hate than they deserve. There is tons of equally terrible music out there on pop radio. Foo Fighters next.
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