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10 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

I think your appraisal of his character and motives is extremely generous, to say the least...

I don't put any stock into the things he says. Good, bad or indifferent. He just talks shit.

I feel that if a person can put stock into another person's words than it just can be the good words that there's an issue you. There is no merit to his statements. Good statements have no merit. Bad statements have no merit. I think holding him accountable for anything he says, good or bad, you're gna have a bad time bc he doesn't hold himself accountable. 

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Predictably, The Donald wins again by bulldozing over everything. Junior came on before the show to say his usual bizarre prep for Dad’s topics.

The debate commission is considering rule changes for next time, including (I hope) letting the moderator turn off microphones. Can’t wait to hear about how they’re taking away his freedom of speech. 


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1 hour ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

I don't think expect him to be able to say anything clearly and unequivocally honestly. After 4 years in the lime light, do you expect him to be able to? After everything he's said since, what, 2010 idk who expects to him say anything meaningful or heartfelt. 

I literally think he's a comedian. Not only does he not have a filter but he doesn't have boundaries or even observe them. I expect him to do as any other comedian. He doesn't take what he says seriously and doesn't consider the consequences. 

Which would be fine for someone at the Laugh Factory, but president of the US?

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1 hour ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

He doesn't take what he says seriously and doesn't consider the consequences. 

No matter who I would ally with policy wise, this observation of yours is the absolute precise reason why I find him unacceptable as a president. Just by the absolute nature of the office, people completely believe and trust in the things he says. It is careless and a clear sign he does not take the office of president seriously, regardless of how well or poorly he executes it. I promise you that if a Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio type were elected, they would have very similar accomplishments this far but we wouldn't be nearly so divided as a country.

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2 hours ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

I don't put any stock into the things he says. Good, bad or indifferent. He just talks shit.

I feel that if a person can put stock into another person's words than it just can be the good words that there's an issue you. There is no merit to his statements. Good statements have no merit. Bad statements have no merit. I think holding him accountable for anything he says, good or bad, you're gna have a bad time bc he doesn't hold himself accountable. 

And you would vote for a person that fits that description, to be the president?

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20 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

And you would vote for a person that fits that description, to be the president?

I'm still undecided. I have a long history of voting 3rd party. Like I said, I'm not sold on either of them and if they don't sell me before November 3rd I'll vote 3rd party again. 

Last night I thought the focus was on Biden since basically everyone has their mind made up about Trump. I'm actually surprised people still focus on him. My focus was on Biden was not only was I not impressed was I was genuinely let down by his performance. I think him staying out of the media is a misstep in his campaign. 

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3 minutes ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

I'm still undecided. I have a long history of voting 3rd party. Like I said, I'm not sold on either of them and if they don't sell me before November 3rd I'll vote 3rd party again. 

Last night I thought the focus was on Biden since basically everyone has their mind made up about Trump. I'm actually surprised people still focus on him. My focus was on Biden was not only was I not impressed was I was genuinely let down by his performance. I think him staying out of the media is a misstep in his campaign. 

I don't take issue with you voting 3rd party, at all.  I don't buy into the notion of a vote for a 3rd party being a "spoiler" vote of any kind.

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Just watched the debate, wow, we are screwed if Biden is elected as president. No sincerity or genuineness to anything he said, it's obvious he's just saying what he thinks everyone else wants to hear, without there being any substance behind it.

Joe, Joe, what a joke.

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19 hours ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

There is a group of people who identify with facism as an ideology. We call them fascist. To say there isn't a group of people who identify and act under the ideology is ANTIFA is a silly notion. They do. Whether they call themselves sandra bullock or ANTIFA they exist. Pretending they don't is not being part of reality. 

I get your point but it doesn't really equate.

We call people who identify with fascism, fascists'. But we don't say they are part of the Fascist (TM) organization. There are different fascist organizations. 

There is no "Antifa" organization. There may be small anti fascist organizations who are against fascism. They are not called the Antifa (TM) organization. They have names. Just like white supremacists have the KKK, Proud Boys, etc.

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Editorials Team · Posted

Literally every republican radio/tv ad or mailer around here:

"(insert name here) is with the LIBERALS in Washington.  Socialism!  Something something Pelosi/Clinton/Obama!  America gone forever!"


There's no platform.  There's no issues.  Just fear-mongering and division.  "THEYRE GONNA GET YOU!" 


Like, what the hell is the endgame to this strategy?  Do these stupid fucks even care about the long term ramifications of stoking that fire?

No, all anyone cares about is "winning" in the short term.  And brainwashing their base with rhetoric.

Might be the first time in history I don't have a pretty good spread on my votes.  I don't especially care for a lot of the current movements by the left, but the right has me truly alarmed.

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46 minutes ago, CodysGameRoom said:

I get your point but it doesn't really equate.

We call people who identify with fascism, fascists'. But we don't say they are part of the Fascist (TM) organization. There are different fascist organizations. 

There is no "Antifa" organization. There may be small anti fascist organizations who are against fascism. They are not called the Antifa (TM) organization. They have names. Just like white supremacists have the KKK, Proud Boys, etc.

Yeah I definitely agree with your statement. They are young movements but radical nine the less. John Brown Gun Club was doing armed patrol of the CHAZ and they are ANTIFA idealist (? idk words). 

However, to say ANTIFA isn't specific enough is still a silly notion. Everyone who follows politics knows the sentiment that is being put forth, just like white nationalist, and is really arguing semantics instead of the issue.

The issue is there are fringe groups on the right and left that oppose the center's ideas of what life in this country should look like. They should both be condemed and labeled as threats. 

Edited by RegularGuyGamer
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33 minutes ago, tbone3969 said:

What are the odds Trump croaks?  I say 3 to 1 he lives.

His age and weight put him in a higher risk group. Herman Cain was the same age.

Boris Johnson is almost two decades younger and it wrecked him for two weeks.

Definitely putting a damper on the campaign.

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Just now, tbone3969 said:

But if he dies before the election that would help the Dems, no?

Yeah, I can't see Pence taking over effectively with a month to go, especially since he's been out of the spotlight. It's just too much a shock to the system with too little time left.

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48 minutes ago, tbone3969 said:

What are the odds Trump croaks?  I say 3 to 1 he lives.

Like it or not, Donald Trump is leader of the most power nation on Earth and has access to the worlds best doctors and medicine. He is going to be getting the best treatment money can pay for and will come out of this fine.

I say he gets mild to moderate symptoms at worst.


In the event he dies though, we do have protocols in place and clear lines of succession. Also, timing couldn't be any better either if he does pass (or falls ill enough that he can't fulfill his duties as President)

Pence would only have to fill the role as president until January 20, 2021. That's 3 months from now.

I'm sure Pence is already receiving precautionary briefings as well, and is preparing for the unlikely event that he will have to run the country for the next three months.

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7 minutes ago, ThePhleo said:

Like it or not, Donald Trump is leader of the most power nation on Earth and has access to the worlds best doctors and medicine. He is going to be getting the best treatment money can pay for and will come out of this fine.

I say he gets mild to moderate symptoms at worst.

This is what will happen.  He will say "see I got it and it was no big deal".  He will probably say he got it on purpose to prove a point. 

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