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  1. So I purchased a Sharp FT on eBay. It came with some third party power supply. The system plays for a bit then just randomly resets or powers off. Sometimes it will not even power on. I did some research and it seems these are really picky with what power supplies are used. I looked and it seems the one that came with mine is 9v and needs 7.5 volts. I bough one off Amazon that is 7.5 volts but I think its wrong as it says 3A and this needs "1.25" A whatever that means. Can anyone recommend a working power supply replacement for this before I spend big money importing the OEM one from Japan? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  2. I got about half of my original asking price (which is much more than I paid for it years ago). The buyer is an arcade collector and repairman and said he was gonna put it in a Star Wars vector arcade machine. Better than it just sitting in my garage as it has been for years. I feel I could have gotten more if I was patient and marketed it more. Oh well.
  3. Hello. I’m trying to figure out exactly what I have here and a possible value range. I got it in a lot of CRTs and the seller said it was new old stock never used. I believe him as it is dust free and I even have the original bill of sale. I believe this is a vector crt meaning it can be used in an old Star Wars arcade cab and possibly some others? Anyone know of a value on this thing? Thanks in advance.
  4. Yes I have and same here man. I love the game so its all good. I was already amazed by the size before I hit the depths. Give me more I say... I love it all... lol Although now I am debating just trying to beat it or stay the course of unlocking all I can first. Not sure.
  5. Tears of the Kingdom.... god dam this game is huge!
  6. tbone3969

    Zelda G&W

    Amazing how well these have held up. Still working great.
  7. Is there a way to browse through the old NintendoAge data? Like is it stored in the way back machine (whatever that is) or anywhere else? Curious. Thanks in advance.
  8. I see. Thank you for the explanation.
  9. Why is this worth so much exactly?
  10. How much are you asking for this gem?
  11. I mean it is really, really rare. People throw the term "rare" around way too much. In this case it is warranted. Not surprised at all where the price of this one has gone.
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