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B.A. last won the day on April 15 2020

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About B.A.

  • Birthday August 12

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  • Location
    North Carolina

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  1. If you require a coach who will recruit only players who will stay for 3-4 years you had better hope they hire Doc Brown/Marty McFly with their DeLorean. That ship has long sailed.
  2. At one point I heard that the sliding fee was due to insurance. It made some sense to me, especially when they were backed up 1+ years. They would have to do something to protect against a warehouse fire or some such. The insurance premiums go up with the value. I haven't seen this confirmed anywhere though, so who knows. You'd think the fee angst would be easy enough to dispel at least if it were actually insurance related.
  3. That is only true if the house for which you hold a mortgage is worth $0.
  4. If memory serves this particular release did receive a pretty chilly reception even back then. Their other stuff was translations/hacks, stuff that wasn't released.
  5. Dang, you have had a rough go my friend. Sorry to hear that.
  6. The interface looks similar to the screenshots from the MN lottery cart video, specifically the controller input directions, though the date on the label of this one is a little later in 1991. My guess would be that this is a proof of concept demo. Pretty cool!
  7. Now you are just going to have to re-buy those games.
  8. He did show back up at one point, but it was only to spam some skateboard related kickstarter he had going. It wasn't very exciting.
  9. Yeah I was thinking no one is into the scoreboard. That hasn't been a thing in years.
  10. You don't know what year you were born?? That's so sad!
  11. It is posted for sale in a specialty collector group. I am sure the "Nes Tapes" is just a fun title, much like if someone made a FS thread here with that title.
  12. It's highly unlikely 200 would sell at that price. T-shirts didn't sell nearly that many and they are a lot cheaper.
  13. This is the game that cured be of my Nintendo fanboyism. It was the first game not on a Nintendo platform that I really got into, the reason I bought an xbox 360. Absolutely loved this game.
  14. That is for Gamecube, for Phantasy Star Online.
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