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Everything posted by Foochie776

  1. Wild. Yeah I’d never heard of that before but it’s super interesting, I’ll have to dig out my game Genie manual now
  2. What’s this pause attack you speak of?
  3. Amiibos are far and few in terms of what have held value. As for the WoN ones I’m not sure. I went lightly into both and now actually finding myself buying more because they’re cheaper than retail
  4. This was kind of tough but I think this would be mine.. 1. Super Mario Bros 3 2. Felix the Cat 3. Rainbow Islands 4. Dr. Mario 5. Adventure Island 6. Ducktales 7. Rescue Ranger 8. paperboy 9. Mike Tyson’s Punchout 10. Kirby’s Adventure
  5. I’ll be honest and say I don’t know much about the nuances of unlicensed stuff like I do licensed. Somebody in this thread would likely be able to help you though!
  6. I think they’re referencing the one @Speedy_NESfound? Though I could be wrong
  7. The Cash Wise that my Super Mario Bros 3 came from still exists, though they haven’t rented out movies/games in probably 10-12 years now.
  8. Foochie776


    Is that only being sold as a lot? If it’s not I’ll take that 64 game
  9. I don’t have anything to trade but 2008 X Mas, if anyone comes across one keep a brother in mind lol
  10. Traded away a few nes boxes I had.. in favor of some very good stuff
  11. A trade and a small local pick up. 500 is very very close. I need 209 unique titles as of today. I have 5-6 more games pending in from a trade
  12. That’s not an outlandish price for someone who’s been searching and wants the convenience. I wouldn’t pay it personally but for the person who’s impatient
  13. That’s a great plan and mine has been more or less the same. I’ve been intentionally buying the mid tier stuff that hasn’t jumped like I expected and now I’m trying to buy some of that high end
  14. Wow, been a while but I’ve been working over this large lot.
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