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Everything posted by DoctorEncore

  1. You don't have to, but it doesn't cost a life or progress when you fall down there, so it's horribly demoralizing if you can't get out. I've figured out a pretty good strategy for escaping, but it's certainly worth contemplating a reset if you do fall.
  2. Novo Nordisk (NVO) is another one to watch today. They have a diabetes drug called semaglutide which just completed a trial as a weight loss drug with fantastic results. Patients saw a weight loss around 15% of their total body weight with the drug. This is miles better than other weight loss drugs which average weight loss in the range of 5-10% of EXCESS body weight. 15% of TOTAL body weight is much higher than 10% of EXCESS body weight, so this could be a game changer. We'll have to see how the story spreads in the media today. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/10/health/obesity-weight-loss-drug-semaglutide.html
  3. Nice run! I've gotta give that stage 3 boss a few more tries so I can advance further.
  4. I'm up $119 overnight and I've decided to quit my day job. Just call me the crypto king.
  5. Alright dudes, I bought in $500 of each of the PayPal currencies. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Lite Coin. I was actually trying to buy some stuff on Coinbase, but there verification is broke and I can't get permission to use my account. Once that resolves, I'll buy some more obscure shit.
  6. I'm staying away from the Reddit stocks due to volatility, but I think CRLBF has a ton of room to run. It's a bit more stable with some analyst recommendations and has been creeping up daily. Trading activity has been going up by about 500k per day since Friday, so it seems to be attracting some attention. I'm up about 15% since Monday and have a significant stake. I want to hold for the long haul, but it's tempting to cash out with how the market has been. I've been trying to figure out which company will become the dominant player in the country when weed is legal nationally. That will be a huge moneymaker for the next ten years. I'm just hoping it isn't one of the tobacco giants.
  7. I wasn't able to progress the game until I looked at the instruction manual and spent 30 minutes of trial and error. This particular challenge also inadvertently discourages you from progressing because you actually NEED to collect some food at certain points.
  8. It's just like stocks. You can't worry about the trades you didn't make. Just look at the ones you did make. You made a reasonable investment and it increased 1,000% in 2 months. But it's a volatile market. It could easily crater in another two months. That's why you DON'T mortgage your house and put it all into trading cards. Overall, I'd say you did pretty well.
  9. Hahaha. Nah. Sometimes I just buy things that might end up being a good deal to use for trades. The Cyberpunk consoles were retailing for $100 less than a standard Xbox One X for some reason. Maybe a price mistake? And I grabbed the AC Switch since it was limited for a while,but now stock has returned (a very un-Nintendo move actually). I don't mind holding stuff for an excessively long time, so sometimes I'll just keep it for a few years or see if I want to start collecting console variants.
  10. I can't believe Tubthumping advanced. What little faith I had left in man is now gone.
  11. I've heard nothing but good things about this game. For a smallish title, it's done a great job of hanging around and remaining relevant for several years.
  12. I really, really hope no one actually paid for this. It is just so obviously a fake.
  13. This may be the first instance in history of an in-stock alert helping someone. I was pretty sure they were all there to satisfy our monkey brains, like those buttons on the elevator that don't actually close the doors. Congratulations.
  14. Welcome! You'll find most people here are heavily into retro games, but there are definitely of people who love the modern stuff too.
  15. Haha. Thanks! Don't even bother killing them, it gives you too many points. And the dogs are such dangerous snipers that it's not worth getting close. Maybe in later levels it could help, but I haven't beaten level 3 yet. I think I know how to beat the boss (make sure you read the manual for this), but I haven't been able to execute without getting hit by a bomb.
  16. Highland Brewing - Midnight Stout: Very disappointing. I don't know if I got a bad batch or if it just compares poorly to the other drinks, but this was the least flavorful stout I've ever had. DO NOT RECOMMEND. Left Hand Brewing Co. - Chai Milk Stout Nitro: This was a fun one. It trades most of the typical milk stout flavor for a strong Chai flavor, but I really enjoyed it. Highly recommended if you like Chai tea. Wicked Weed Brewing - Raspberry Starfruit Burst Seasonal Sour: This was okay and tasted mostly like a typical raspberry sour. No real surprises or kicks, so it felt kind of generic overall.
  17. Coincidentally, there are some weird share bear creatures down in that dungeon in stage 3.
  18. Has anyone accidentally fell into the dungeon in stage 3 yet? What a bizzare area with no risk/reward and hence literally no purpose. Some tips for those just starting: Flying is much easier and faster than walking through the levels. You will incur a higher point total since you have to collect more food to keep your power level up, but it's worth it to get farther. Try to only pick up strawberries and cherries since they're worth less points. Your friend appears in a random window at the end of the stage, so you can't cheese that. To get the lowest possible first stage you'd have to reset until you find him first try. You don't need the Gau Gau to progress, so just skip the lollipops and don't kill enemies.
  19. This game sucks The manual for this game sucks Getting no scope headshot sniped by dogs sucks I suck at this game Day 1: 9 Feb 2021 - 3810 - Stage 3 Start Day 2: 11 Feb 2021 - 24280 - Stage 7 Day 3: 12 Feb 2021 - 26140 - Stage 8 Day 4: 13 Feb 2021 - 24770 - Stage 8
  20. Forgot that you can't see the collector's club we had previously discussed by PM. Here are a few box codes for ya for Tecmo Basketball: BK - 20928 or 09/28/1992 BK-1 - 30122 or 01/22/1993 N7 - 31016 or 10/16/1993 Others from the same thread: "My N7 is 30827 My BK is 20928 My BK-1 is 30122" "My BK is no sticker 20928 My BK-1 is 21216 with 016281271 sticker"
  21. This is a tough one. FF6 and FF7 are both absolutely amazing RPG experiences and it's hard to rank one over the other. Right now I'm leaning towards 7, but I'm gonna give it some time before I vote.
  22. Minimal effort for maximum benefit. It's a no brainer!
  23. This is fantastic. Probably the most inventive way to collect that I've ever seen. It's going to be an amazing feeling when you place that final cart into the last empty spot.
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