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Everything posted by DoctorEncore

  1. Continuing to invest in a particular stock or fund on a regular basis is a well known strategy called Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA). This is the basis for pension funds or 401ks and is a great way to invest long term. Since you will invest when the fund or security is both high and low, your cost basis will settle somewhere in the middle. It's very hard to time the market, so this strategy removes that difficulty. However, you should think of this as more of a second instance of one time purchasing. You won't get the benefit of DCA if the price is higher now than when you made your initial purchase. You will actually be increasing your cost basis, which is fine if the stock goes up, but quite bad if it goes down. You may benefit from exploring some other options rather than doubling down. This could be good from both an education standpoint and a diversification standpoint. In the end it's totally up for you, but since you're already up on your initial investment, I think researching and purchasing another stock would be a better use of your money.
  2. That's a huge bummer. I often waited for the big 8% promotions to get the big BINs I needed for my NES collection. Saved me a ton of money in the long run that I was able to put into more collecting.
  3. Clover Health having a great run today, up 12% so far. Thanks to last week's selloff, it was a heck of a deal in the high $9 range last week. Earnings is tonight, so clearly the market expects good things and wants to get in while they can. Should be an interesting aftermarket for them tonight. Anyone in for the Oscar Health IPO tomorrow? I will probably try to day trade it and then get out before the day 2 drop.
  4. I never could quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's the character movement or the progression system, but it always felt more frustrating than fun to me. Backtracking is way too prevalent and the way the map system is purposely opaque and almost punitive seems unnecessary. I think the goal was to emphasize the atmosphere and make it more about discovery, but it comes at the expense of streamlined gameplay. Given the universal acclaim the game has received, I wholeheartedly accept that this is a good game and I'm in the minority. But I'm at a place in my life where I have very little patience for developers choosing style over playability. As a disclaimer, I'm a big fan of Metroidvanias and absolutely adored the Ori games which have amazing movement tech and mostly minimize backtracking. Axiom Verge and Hollow Knight just didn't give me the same joy.
  5. I felt the same way about Axion Verge (way overrated), but I also cannot get into Hollow Knight. I've given it about 4 or 5 hours, but I just was not having fun with it. I'm going to try and finish it this year. Something about the gameplay just doesn't do it for me. Also, I'd recommend skipping Headlander if you've got other things on your list. It's basically the definition of mediocre. Not bad, but I would have rather had those hours back to put into something else.
  6. Is this the version of the Super Game Boy that has the frame pacing corrected? As in, it runs GB games at the correct speed?
  7. Finished up The Medium (XSX) last night. Overall I really enjoyed it, but many of the criticisms it's received are completely valid. The story, writing, atmosphere, sound design, voice acting, and music are all superb. In fact, the story could easily be adapted for a television show or movie without much effort. The big downside is the gameplay which, for obvious reasons, could be a dealbreaker for people who want to play a videogame. Boss encounters are painfully boring and puzzles are pretty weak. Movement is somewhat slow and awkward which can make navigating the levels a bit of chore. I liked the fixed camera angles, but I could see those bothering some people as well. Performance on the Series X is also unacceptably bad, with too many framerate stutters, pop-in, and visual artifacts. Still, the unique dual-world concept and fantastic story really show what Bloober Team are capable of and I'd love a sequel. Consider playing if you liked Alan Wake, Silent Hill, and Amnesia.
  8. As others have said, SMB3, Dragon Warrior, Ghostbusters, and Donkey Kong should fetch you some nice cash.
  9. I'm no expert, but I think Apple is a really good buy right now. They are an extremely healthy company and the stock is about the same price it was in Aug 2020, even though the market has been crazy for tech stocks. Remember, they were never actually trading at $57/share, it just looks that way because the stock split last year and most graphs ignore that. The lowest they've been in many years was about $106 after the split. See the graphs below for the actual price before and after the split. I think Apple will gain 20% or more this year.
  10. Dude, this is not one to wring hands about. This is not real investing. This is 100% speculating. This isn't like investing in Blockbuster instead of Amazon in 2010. People getting in above $100 might as well be throwing money into a dumpster fire.
  11. I really don't think this is going to have the legs it had last time. I think both will settle down tomorrow. That being said, I know nothing and have been repeatedly wrong about this fiasco.
  12. Welcome! You'll definitely find quite few diehard Koei fans who share your passion for turn based history on these forums.
  13. I think it's another short squeeze. From what I've read, retail traders cannot really bid the price up this high. It would take too much money.
  14. Looks like a huge number of people took profits at $200 and it's plunged back to $160. This is insanity.
  15. If anyone is still holding GME, SELL SELL SELL!!!
  16. Disney is a great stock. I originally bought in 2014 and it has had fantastic growth. I only wish I had invested more when I first bought in. They used to give a decent dividend, but suspended it last year due to COVID, which has made me consider finally selling. That being said, they aren't as overvalued as tech stocks and I'm still bullish this year as theme parks gain capacity and theaters start to reopen.
  17. Oh yeah for sure. You are WAY more likely to lose money on AMC or Gamestop than make money at this point. They are complete joke stocks. The only exception is if you truly buy at the bottom. We both bought at $5.50 which is a reasonable price for the stock. $9 is not. I got some good prices today on Square, Clover Health, and Fuse Acquisition. Those should give me some nice returns over the coming days and weeks. Today was a great day to buy real stocks. I also think Apple is an amazing buy right now. It's down quite a bit from its peak and down for the year. I bet it makes 20% growth by the end of the year.
  18. Oh my God, Gamestop and AMC AGAIN? You're gonna be a millionaire @RH! Seriously though, how many people have made a small fortune on these two stocks? If I had held mine, I'd have made over $10,000!
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