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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. Are those controllers really that great? I remember the moaning when it came out about something with that touch sensitive d-pad or whatever is going on there.
  2. I went into the Gamestop, something I've avoid for long stretches, but I was able to wrangle Umihara Kawase for $20 on switch so I was pleased. Almost was tempted to grab CIv6 and Bloodstained(got a free key on steam) but the $20 price is already a match on ebay which I could paypal not out of my budget so it felt pointless. I've been wanting to try that one I got anyway for awhile, franchise looks uniquely fun, so I hope it works out.
  3. I'm sure you all are used to this on ebay, but I've somehow dodged an uptight bullet like this for quite a long time. This was for a $15 listing for Super Mario 64 DS (complete) which I took one image of, folded open case with the game and inserts laid out in front of it. This seems a bit picky and looks like a dumpster fire in waiting. I'd get this for a $50 or a $500 game, but something that cheap being that picky wanting pictures of all sides with some really excellent lighting. Sorry I'm not a business, don't have professional lighting equipment or a real camera either (iphone 8plus here) so I just ignored the question and blocked the dude. I get a bad vibe like someone looking to complain to get a freebie or a solid discount after the fact because the price is low enough not to want to ship it back eating those costs. Paranoia or playing it safe? Hello! I'm very interested in this item. Would you please send a picture of the reverse side of the cartridge and different angles of the front and back of the cover art to reduce shadows? Thank you! - fklertoh
  4. No problem, you should be proud of that unique mix of the holo label and the low serial as that's double desirable as an owner, or if you had to part with it to the right buyer. Just like Nintendo, MVS buyers have those with discerning unique tastes for both those things beyond just full kit collectors, shockbox lovers, and the rest.
  5. I've got the everdrive for the thing now, just readying the files needed for the SD card for the moment I can load it. N64 I've had all these years since it came out, and it may have got slammed by the media and minimized under what PS1 pulled, but face it, with a 300 game (US) library, while over a 1/3 of it is just mindless sports stuff including racers and wrestling, there are quite a few solid good experiences if not excellent for the system. So yes, it is very worth it, but you have to temper your own expectations on your genres of choice. If you were hoping to get a lot of 2D games, move along, same if you want some big setup of RPGs too as that isn't happening either. If you're after some solid period arcade conversions, platformers, 3d adventures, kooky unique stuff, some flight games, future racing stuff, wacky weird like Goemon, and some later in life solid PS1/PC style conversions you should be fairly happy. The hardware did well for itself and had some good franchise and non-franchise unique titles which I've seen people already list. The system has some decent semi-hidden gems I guess you'd call them if youtube didn't have such a huge mouth for people wanting attention. Also if you peel back the US library and look overseas in either direction you can find some awesome stuff, some like Wonder Project J or Evangelion may need a translation, but stuff like Bangaioh and Sin & Punishment most definitely do not. Some genres are horribly under represented, yet when you have stuff like Star Soldier, Dezaemon, and Rakuga Kids, Tetris 64, and a decent list that goes on there's much to view. Dig a bit, ignore the manufactured hatred, and you'll get surprised.
  6. Yeah that's what I saw, even when I was looking into how the SF4 online modes went and it was a bunch of pros and armchair wannabe pros who just played all day like they had a pocket full of quarters and nowhere else to be. To me that's as much of turn off as the losers on FPS games that play hours a day, squat, and ruin the fun for others trying to get into it while being complete tools on mic.
  7. I saw some items I care about are on cut, problem is just not enough, which is kind of bad consider I've been wanting COD WW2 but even at 60% the reviews are hard to peg down if it's bad or not for the only mode I'd play, campaign mode. I've seen cursing and mouth foaming over something with flight and tank stages.
  8. I grabbed Umihara Kawase Fresh for Switch today because it was on a big price cut as I've been curious about it for awhile. I hope it's good, my head isn't in a good space at the moment so I'm not in the mood, maybe later or tomorrow but it looks fun with that fishing lure swing mechanic it has.
  9. The regular FC/NES traditional everdrive do the same stuff, just a different pinout. I've got the NES one and I can do all the FDS games and its and the other mapper expanded audio just fine on a properly equipped console.
  10. I'm running a Samsung UN32EH4003F I inherited from my grandma which she never really used before she passed. I got lucky that the display lag on the thing is so incredibly low that it causes no problems playing older games so it works perfectly for me. All my stuff runs through that as all my systems I've had modded or got external fix(GC) to run HDMI other than the Core Grafx which strangely runs excellent without. My PSOne sits on my desk with the Sony made panel, and for MVS I have a 2 slot Neo Geo with a 25" Wells & Gardener CRT in there.
  11. I used to be the one that did the stomping, in the 90s. After the hot mess which was the horribly imbalanced mess of AI #4 had I was too put off to even consider buying SF5 especially when it launched with only part of a game and nothing of value unless you were a hardcore online player more or less. I'm a little tempted at $30 to try this, but given it surely won't end up on the Switch I'll probably just blow it off.
  12. Nice job but wow creepy sun, looks like some of those disturbingly annoying internet meme faces I dislike.
  13. Further advice since it takes no skills or tools really. In the future if you're worried, take a close up pic of the sticker as best as possible so someone can spot defects easier or inconsistencies. And on those two ideas, a philips head screwdriver to open the cage up on the 2 boards, and snap a pic of those boards. They can easily be ID'd as a fraud or not. There is a site online that has mvs scans of all board/variants.
  14. I've noticed that. I'm on the fence on getting rid of it because of well that, and the fact I love Super Dodgeball, except this one. I can play it every now and again but it gets me angry as it's a pure quarter muncher with no real set way about how it will play nice or abuse someone whatever the team and I dislike the inconsistency of the AI being cheese or not to get more money.
  15. Personal taste, I just like the game more, perhaps since it's a pretty decent arcade conversion and it's just more of a stiffer challenge than the SNES game which gives a bit more grace. Also unless I'm forgetting I think the PCE models are larger and nicely detailed since Nintendo tended to fall on the smaller and more colorful for detail style with their limits.
  16. I never said they weren't separate or that HA was grading. The problem is there is overlap so it is what I said before, no need to re-write that. It's just shady to me, not everyone will agree but it just stinks and I wouldn't trust their word when it came to rarity or anything of the sort when they get one entity to grade stuff, then have people at both, who then sell on the other end. Just smells of collusion.
  17. Do = Real. Why? Holo label, I've not seen those faked. Bonus for someone who is more discerning than that already, it's a very low serial number being #51. That's a genuine sticker. AF2 = 90/10% sure that's real. I've got Sonic Wings2 (and 3) which had tattered US stickers OVER their Japanese originals, and they looked just like that with the 5 digit serial, the video system copyright, and the made in japan bit in the corner. I can't really zoom your image, maybe you could do that if you feel the need and repost, it, but the stickers were never adhered like they were excellently centered or ready for display as they're just arcade cabinet cartridge slag that hides in the darkness. SNK was sloppy in the US, they'd re-sticker Japanese games with US stickers over the top of them as I've had this. I'm almost positive your AF2 is genuine.
  18. If it stuck to more serious archival stuff, guides, general info so it's not lost I vote yes. If it ends up being a place where arguing can hit with those who rise both a nose and a picky finger over the finer things, then no, as we need less online animosity.
  19. What’s your limit on these? I’ve been lightly considering ditching dodgeball. I’ve got the entire kit contents but the box and bubbles and instead in a shock box with correct art for the game. Can’t grab a picture easy at the moment.
  20. Have we really I often see debates and even people making up .5 generations for weird middle systems too. Face it the whole system is broken.
  21. I do have and use discord and have for quite a few years since Kevin took tossed around invites when the classic gaming one was opened up, then added others like gameboy, virtual boy, a few others I dropped and now VGS. I've never seen notes about a pokemon go one for my area but I guess that would help. I think I've noticed when you hit 4/5 hearts with just random friend request peoples you can open the opportunity to setup trades and trainer battles so that may solve the problem of the storyline rewards stuff they do.
  22. That's it, fraud, and if it's not they're doing the best at making it have the appearance of it. To me just too much lines up of self interest and cooperative behavior to help both the grader and auction house that conveniently peddles the high graded goods to make as much profit as possible, and twice no less. So any comment made to puff up an item the graded so they can turn around and sell it at their own auction seems shady and corrupt given the huge amount of self interest luring in someone to get paid to grade, then paid again on a much fatter margin on auction fees and percentages off the outcome. So, yes, to me having this pop up on pawn stars and play the 'well I don't want to sell it but...' card and then having the self interested entity dip their two cents into it just came off as smelling less than roses. We could all be wrong, but damn does it not come off as such.
  23. Yeah I'd have to agree in general your common standard 80s/90s made old bootleg one off or multicarts fall into that stretch of value in many cases. It isn't always true though. For example if you find that right multicart, like one called Golden Game and it has Wild Ball on it, collectors will go after that unique game, and some years back I'd commonly see it hit 70s +/- on ebay. Then you could get some rare expensive Famicom game like Moon Crystal and even a multicart would be over $30 easily just because the original was a rare (for then and still even now) 3 figures cart only purchase. Stuff like that made in the 20th century that has held up despite their cheapo heritage of pirate parts really can vary on what they're worth. It doesn't matter how many are on one or that one game just is one game. It has to be that special specific title (or titles) on a mulitcart or some expensive game gone famiclone that still creeps up despite that as it's still a savings.
  24. I've never skipped on it since it came out, but I'm also not crazy involved in it either. I prefer to do my own thing, so if I didn't need free coin to get incubators and a few other specifics I wouldn't bother with the gyms, and having no locals I know I can't do the trainer battles which excludes me annoyingly from some of the daily spin rewards too, and I can't trade either which has screwed up those side quests. Also raids are an issue beyond lv3 because I don't have people I know to do things with. I've not been one to coin on it so I'm not even lv40 despite keeping an active day one account. It makes me wonder if some here relaxed on it and joined another like I did with Dragalia Lost. IT would be interesting to get our own clan/alliance going on there through the site here to do the higher tier battles. The game despite having a gatcha mechanic is not coin hungry, and it's overly giving/loving on the 5 star awesome stuff and handing out the free pulls to attempt that so any money in that one to the current end game of things is entirely an optional reward/thanks to the game makers.
  25. I'd base a percentage of it on depending how close to full price does the Switch still sell for, then remove the price of the dock alone from Nintendo to replace it which appears to be 40. So like if a refurb switch is 225 and a dock is 40, you need to come in under Gamestop at 225 and enough it's worth it to the buyer not to just buy from them and make the second order with Nintendo which is more work on their part. I'd think $150 FIRM knowing someone will have to push it nearly to 200 if not more with that 225 being the easy way out with gamestop.
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