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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. If you know me I've been fairly clear in the past I don't see eye to eye with sealed game collecting so I stay out of it. But try as I may, in the end and around 6-7yrs apart about I did end up with 2 sealed games. The NES game and the GB game, the only reason, my favorite art of Samus, and again the art of my favorite pokemon character Charizard. Both are in plan black one inch border thick black wood shadowboxes up on my wall to enjoy. I've got my original game+manual and just game for Metroid and Pokemon Red respectively. Thankfully in both cases I didn't get in deep with either, and both were found in town here too.
  2. Combination is my answer and why? 1) Million dollars or not, time is still a problem, and I'm not going to quit working if I got just 1M either. I'd just get what I'd play, dump what I don't. The only change could be me never walking into a thrift store again to find things to play or peddle so I can afford basically anything I want that's a want, not a need. 2) I'd feel stupid pissing a million on that, debt would be paid off, new car would be bought to replace the older, new home would be secured, and the rest a mix. Invest a large majority of it to make decent bank on the interests/stock earnings. Keep a chunk for an eventual oh crap moment. Also take a month off and go see places I'd never ever be able to do before worldwide.
  3. Huh I thought Divinity had a physical release already, must have missed it being digital only. I hope that's not some limited crap and it hits best buy too. I was thinking of looking into it in the future, but I won't/can't buy that now so if it's truly limited that's one to write off entirely as limited resale games like that get ugly. The idea of cross play I guess with mobile versions is just excellent.
  4. Had this been 2018 and you knew of me over time you'd be surprised I'd even be in this thread. Dumb luck followed by a friend helping in a couple ways, and despite the brevity compared to most who don't just overspend and get it all at once (or nearly) I did wrangle the VIRTUAL BOY US complete set loose (mostly complete too) this year. Most would probably be surprised to think of it, but it was not Jack Bros, that came earlier on due to a crazy cash+trade combo that kept it relatively cheap. My last game was a CIB copy of Waterworld. I already had the manual immaculate though, so I brought it down selling that (-60) for $140 in the end.
  5. My comment was more centric around the direct ownership/board member overlap between WATA and HA. It just seems to be setup in a way to be self enriching where someone can grade then sell the graded item to maximize profit. I'm not saying they're shady and puffing up scores, but the conflict of interest is pretty clear there if you have the grader basically also selling the then freshly graded goods. That's all.
  6. I never felt Actraiser 2's speed was the problem, it was the reprehensible design around the double jump and gliding as it makes it impossible to stick a landing since he flutter stumbles upon touching the ground and it really gets in the way in attack, defense, and just sticking a landing on a small space. The speed itself works well for the game. I beat it back in the day since I put the money into it, but hated it because they foolishly gutted the simcity element out of the title the first had which meant a lot to me.
  7. Nintendo - SNES (barely over NES) Sega - Dreamcast NEC - PC Engine Core Grafx SNK - Neo-Geo MVS Sony - PS1 Computer - DOS/Win9X era PC Atari - Lynx (never liked their consoles) MS - cold day in hell
  8. Right now I perpetually on a daily basis have dabbled with Draglia Lost and Pokemon Go on my phone since they came out without fail, though Dragalia is a very superior title and actually has value in the gameplay mechanics which is surprisingly for basically a freebie. And while it has a gatcha mechanic is it 100% optional to ever pay a thing, and cygames is a known in the mobile industry for being well too overly generous with free vouchers for all sorts of stuff so all those so called 'rare' characters, dragons, and gear pop up like candy anyway. In a few days they're doing a DL x Mega Man event, you get MM just for playing and befriending him plus there will be megaman specific cards to boosts plus weapons too anyone can equip in both cases. 'Real' games though I've got stuff I'd like to mess with, but right now until probably Christmas I want to make a concerted effort NOT to get distracted and work on Dragon Quest 11S and the Switch Yoshi game I bagged about a week ago on a steal.
  9. Streets of Rage 2 though is one of the best games on that system quality wise for sure, top 10 probably. But reading the rest of what you said about the Genesis, I'd have to disagree and I think you're either feeling a nostalgia bubble, or if it's new to you, it's that whole new car smell mentality where everything just feels awesome and anything less than is just overlooked as you're psyched about that new toy. I saw your 3 SNES choices there, if you wanted a brawler with SOR2 level of depth, thought and complexity Final FIght 1 (or even 2) are not it, the third one though, yeah, it's pretty blatantly more well designed like SoR2 was along with some basic SF2 style(1 per character) moves to mix it up. King of Dragons is an excellent grab, and if you have access to it I find the Ninja Warriors PCE game is more fun in ways than the SNES one. That vote for Dragon's Crown that's a must if you have a PS3 or a Vita, definitely one that has to be done. When I recently scored a 2nd PS3 I can actually use that was one of the 6 boxed games I actually bothered grabbing. It definitely with it's leveling and RPG-lite ish elements to the characters development make it last so much longer.
  10. Yes they were bought out a few years ago by a Chinese group, and they've also been re-hiring quite a few original 90s SNK staff people worship so much online for certain franchises (SS, KOF, Metal Slug, etc.) But what I'm talking about is just random backalley aliexpress stuff. Enterprising HK groups are taking legit old boards working or not(and fixing) then encasing them with the needed goods to work on a modern TV at a very fair price.
  11. You're smart. See I think I did leave out one factoid but I did include that in the whole 'hi I return' welcome thread. Not only have I stripped what I had back around the big die off, I had more, then went back to less and have maintained it in that 50-60 range, but I also didn't cut myself off cold. When I realized I didn't want to get upset but more laugh at the crap going on with prices and people I did TWO things. One: I got HDMI kits installed or attached(GC) to my systems so they'd last longer and be more tv bulletproof. But TWO: To back that up I've invested in flash kits for nearly every system I have remaining, mostly everdrives, but also a retrohq kit for NGPC, and Omega for GBA as it's better. Last year I got one for the PCE this year I'm looking at N64 black friday week (either ED or 64drive) and in 2020 when the Virtual Boys multiboy32 hits that from mellott. This way I don't need a wall of plastic and chips, just what I care for most, and then a backdoor to fun the other way with that.
  12. Not going to get into that situation as I see it one way, and some others see it another on how stuff unfolded so let's just leave that one dead and buried. I think though it was 2014 so yea, old messages even by the time you got around by 1 1/2 years.
  13. After thanksgiving. Honestly I grew up where the holidays before it by retail were still respecting them so you'd see halloween and thanskgiving get their own period. It wasn't until like the tail of the 90s into the 00s, that it became disgustingly acceptable to kind of make one holiday disappear and more recently make the other start to in a small way blend as well. I really don't like seeing Christmas happen before Thanksgiving as it just feels messed up. I'll avoid the stuff, the sales stuff on it, etc, but you can only ignore so much when retail starts popping it up earlier each year.
  14. Considering I've seen where it was fairly consistently hitting 300 or just north of it for awhile now without much of an issue, you did pretty fine being comfortable with that.
  15. I want to take my daughter to it as she was too little for the first one. Lately this year she's been in this crappy mood with cartoons thinking Toy Story 4 was boy garbage, but I ended up taking her and she was fine with it. I've been priming her for Frozen 2 and I think it'll happen despite her saying she didn't like the first one anymore. I hope I can make it happen, and letting her see the previews and notice that it's like more edgy, adult(?), darker I guess whatever you want to call it may help as I don't think she wants just a sappy cute sing along.
  16. Huh I didn't know FE got that high either and definitely not Hypergrind. I've let go of a couple FEs over the last few years I've found after giving them a little time, but I've never had the other. But hey you could be worse off and in need of Cubivore. Dear god the price of that one sucks and I'm glad I've held onto mine or forget it.
  17. Started out in 1985 to eighty something(88 maybe) in the family room, but as they got fed up with the TV in perpetual use I ended up with a cheap color tv in my room the NES ended up on and it stayed that way up until I lived on my own.
  18. Well kind of hard to answer this one I suppose as I was out of the mix for a few years technically. Between then and the here and now I see a more relaxed environment, less vitriol about certain issues that used to be hot button pushy stuff. There's a more active happier environment among those who made the jump or jumped back into the mix with an open welcome mat attached to it as it's all a fresh start. The organization of the space seems a much smarter design layout for the forum sections, the inclusion of the discord is fantastic too. The board is far more up to date and versatile and can add in all that stuff NA had on the backbone but without the bugs and quirks along with age of that custom mess showing too. Yes there are missing bits, but anything I read including said post above mine, are in the works to be handled anyway. I would think the only real loss would be the large data archives on all those games and those boxes and contents, some past news/stories people could poke back to, but that's really about it. GoShmuck basically bought data, but lost the personal driven content and opinion value of people who made that place matter anyway because of their shady antics.
  19. Would spending like $18 to get MInish Cap (it's legit) and a first party Gameboy Pocket AC adapter (mgb-005) feel like a real score these days? I don't grab much anymore, got kits for most things and spread my time kind of thin as it is. I was happy to see that earlier so I snapped them up, and I forgot the US even got that adapter. A few years back I imported the JP one that is a combo using with the rechargeable battery (mgb-003.) I'm thinking it could get used on the Light and Color too.
  20. Isn't it kind of a conflict of interest to have the combined powers of wata and ha working together to come up with ratings and set new all time high starting values on games to let them soar. I mean basically someones sends in an item, and it gets a high value after you pay the one, then you pay the other the fees on selling said item, yet the money kind of intermingles between both given their roots. My mind kind of races to, it makes sense to have them to rate high, and then start and end as high as possible because the interest is there to get as much as they can from the same owner and item twice. Maybe I'm missing something but this felt like a good spot to ask as maybe I'm just not clear on it as I was absent on NA when all this kicked off some time ago.
  21. Oh hey I found the book I still had it, also an old independent study too from the 16bit era in the original envelope with the letter that came with it which surprised me.
  22. Throughout the year there have been a cheap run of consolized MVS machines that have been sold online that originally popped up through aliexpress. Basically some Chinese group bought a huge huge batch of 1 slot arcade board kits and they created their own printed plastic shells and added the necessary connections so it can work off a TV. The price is quite affordable and they work nicely with that really cheap 161in1 cart so you can experience a large chunk of the library. It might be an option.
  23. I remotely got in on their last group buy which was like a year ago-ish or so on NA. Obviously I was off site at the time, but I was able through another to make contact and got the parts/install I needed to my launch day N64 and it was so worth the upgrade as it fixed all the problems those 1st gen 3D consoles have when being used on a post-CRT style panel.
  24. I wouldn't go that far. Tab removal over time (meaning lots of hours and lots of games in/out) my launch day SNES became a victim of tab removal. The slot itself isn't that nice and it's a bit wider than the games are, and with the tabs out the game kind of just hangs there and can rattle back and forward easily. Over time without the tabs the pins will relax and spread just enough that eventually a fart in the wind will make the game trip and lock up if it moves at all forcing you to have to wedge something between the game and the slot edge. Mine suffered from that so eventually I sold the thing as it drove me nuts and replaced it. I regretted never buying the adapter.
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