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Everything posted by CMR

  1. CMR

    Who Am I

    I kept coming back to EJ, but I couldn't see the creature in the thumbnails, lol.
  2. CMR


    What kind of computer is it? All my junk connects automatically with ethernet cables. If you're using wireless, you should just have to enter or select the nework name and enter the router access key.
  3. CMR

    Who Am I

    I'm using nesguide.com
  4. CMR

    Who Am I

    Burai Fighter I admit I had to dig for this one.
  5. CMR

    Who Am I

    Yeah, it looked like a seal.......
  6. I saw the arcade version in a skating rink once, but I never came across the SNES game. Honestly I never came across Turtles in Time either. These were games I was always interested in.
  7. CMR

    Who Am I

    I've looked at every cartoony game I can think of. I'm stumped.
  8. I think you should leave it like it is for now. You can always refine that after the rest is done.
  9. They also make an electronics cleaner spray that I've heard some good things about.
  10. I'm pretty sure I ruined a connector once by boiling it too long. Too much heat can soften the plastic.
  11. Pretty neat. It kind of reminds me of a Wario Ware game.
  12. Is there another box that looks more like the typical SNES box? I feel like I remember seeing the other version from way back.
  13. I don't know if I would call it the best, but the most memorable for me is Super Mario Bros. 2.
  14. For the first game, I would highly recommend the Switch port. It has a lot of really nice quality of life improvements including an automap feature and a mode that gives you more experience and money. It's also cheap enough most people could buy it with their points alone.
  15. 60 is better, but 30 is OK. Anything below that should make the devs feel ashamed.
  16. If you have access to a soldering iron, it might be better to reflow the pins first. Use soldering flux also, especially if you're inexperienced with soldering. If you're really unsure, find yourself a cell phone repair shop or somewhere that does electronics or musical instrument repairs and have them do it.
  17. I want to like parappa, but I suck at rhythm games. It's more fun for me to just watch it on youtube.
  18. I like my mister, but that's about as far from OG hardware I want to get.
  19. A cracked solder joint could work intermittently if your wiggling got the pin to make a connection.
  20. I've been playing Zelda 2- Amida's Curse, a romhack of Zelda 2. It's a really cool hack that's very well done. It even has it's own custom palette file for emulators. I'm not the biggest Zelda 2 fan, but I've played almost all the way through this. https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6292/
  21. I don't think the blemish is anything of note. I also don't see any broken traces, but they could be hiding under the green coating which is the solder mask. The next step would be to use a multimeter to test continuity between the edge connectors and the chip pins. This would tell you if there were any damaged traces. You could also reflow the solder on the chip pins with a solder iron. It's possible the white stuff you're talking about could be corrosion, but I honestly can't see it in the pictures. Lastly, just make sure the contacts on the edge connector are really clean. I recommend giving them a gentle scrubbing with a pencil eraser just to be sure.
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