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Everything posted by CMR

  1. Wow, so google was actively against you retaining control of the domain? It seems so weird that this was such a cluster fuck. I would think all this stuff with domains would be automated at this point.
  2. There's something about my original NES, that I've owned since childhood, that makes the wall in stage 4 of Double Dragon almost impassible. I thought for years that the game was designed this way until I heard of other people getting past it like it was no problem. Playing it on my toploader and modded toaster it's a breeze, but if I plug that same cart into my original Nintendo, that wall turns into Chuck Norris. I've literally gotten there with full health and all my lives and been completely obliterated. As strange as it sounds, after all these years, I wouldn't want it any other way. If my original NES let me through that wall area easy, I would honestly be disappointed. As for a real reason for this, I can only assume it has something to do with the ram chips and their initial state at startup.
  3. Super Cyborg has finally gotten a switch release. If you've never played it, I highly recommend that you do especially if you're a Contra fan. It's currently 50% off, so you can get it for less than the price of a happy meal.
  4. If you do get an older style white one, get one that has an HDMI port. If I'm not mistaken, it's internals are basically the same as the slim.
  5. The Saturn model 2 is a great controller. I even have one of the SLS brand usb versions.
  6. Japanese box art was the best, and I loved that Mega Drive box art had a nice big box to be displayed on. @Galdius Congrats on such an incredible haul.
  7. I've ordered from them in the past and never had any issues. They also accept google pay and a bunch of other payment options now also. Just the other day I ordered an SD card reader for my Dreamcast and a DCDigital mod. Here's hoping my old eyes can install it without screwing up.
  8. I had a ps2 controller fail on me once. It was probably from being dropped on the floor. In retrospect I probably could have just re-flowed the pins on the surface mount chip inside and it would have worked. Steer clear of the chinese knock offs. Some of them even come in official looking boxes. I also have one of those wireless logitech controllers. They're good, but I don't really like how bulky the battery compartment makes the underside.
  9. LOL never mind. I figured it out. It's missing the sticker that fits around the buttons.
  10. I thought it might be a SNES jr variant at first, but those have "Nintendo" molded into the top instead of "Super Nintedo" printed there. It feels like I've seen these before. I kind of want to believe it was the late model, pre-jr, SNES that didn't have a working eject button. https://www.ebay.com/itm/175102442690?hash=item28c4eb3cc2:g:2YwAAOSwJDdhdvAL Here is a pic of jr for reference:
  11. Strider for the NES. It didn't even get a release in Japan, leading me to believe that the US branch of Capcom was just desperate for anything to push out into the US market. The sad part is that it could have been an awesome action adventure game with a little more polish and a better mapper for scrolling. If you've ever wondered why the story and game were so different from the arcade game, it's because it was based off the original manga. It was actually the arcade game that jumped the shark story wise.
  12. It's been 30+ years since it came out and I still keep going back to it. That alone makes it a 10 in my book.
  13. Infernax. It's a pretty cool retro style game. It takes a lot of cues form Castlevania II.
  14. It depends on what games you're playing, but for an all round good controller I like the Wii Pro controller.
  15. You guys know Trump hasn't been in office in over a year don't you? I guess he still makes a good distraction.
  16. Make sure you give it a good sniff when you crack it open.
  17. Check out the corners and the edges of the box. How are those worn if it was sealed in plastic?
  18. I don't understand why people are so salty about this. Did sealed games kill their mom or something? What's wrong with this guy finding and buying a bunch of old games. It's an awesome fined and we should congratulate him. These are the freaks I was talking about in the other thread. Morons get a life already.
  19. Anybody know what game that was he set his camera in front of towards the beginning of the video? The one that looked like it said "Layer" or "Slayer" on it.
  20. I hate to admit it, but I've never played the first RE game. I played the crap out of 2, but for some reason never messed with 1. I guess I know what I need to be doing.
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