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Everything posted by ookii_risu

  1. That's neat! I have small hands, but I can't hold a regular NES controller anymore because the edges dig into me. I use dogbones.
  2. I don't know why it gets so much flak.
  3. I watched someone stream that a couple weeks ago, and the battle sequence seemed to take forever. Looks like a good workout, though!
  4. Seeing your avatar reminded me that I have never beaten Okami, either. There's no excuse!
  5. Inindo: The Way of the Ninja. Back in the day, I rented it twice and got to the end, but I couldn't beat it before I had to return it. I also tried playing it on an emulator but never managed to complete it. The game is pretty jank, but I love it. One of these days...
  6. Definitely. And I hope it's more like 2.
  7. I liked this site more than NA the minute I got on. First and foremost the community, and second of all how easy the site is to use, the like buttons... Just love everything.
  8. I've been waiting for Warcraft IV for 15 years. Best thing I got was III Reforged, which I still need to play.
  9. I agree with this. Something short and sweet. I vote for the Mario coin sound. Of course, I already turned of the sound, but I'd put it back on to hear a different notification.
  10. It was two spaces a long time ago, but now one is generally accepted. A lot of style guides I come across these days specifically say NOT to use two spaces anymore.
  11. Haha! That was great, wasn't it? Haven't uploaded a score in a long time. Haha I'll do my best! I really enjoyed the contests. Hi! I really like your avatar (it's like the little guy in your previous avatar grew up)
  12. @m308gunner Agree with you on Punch Out. I finally beat that a couple years ago. I couldn't make it past Sandman as a kid, and the first time I got to Tyson as an adult he scared the crap out of me. I put the game down for years. Once I got used to Tyson, he really wasn't that bad. Other NES heavyweights for me were Battletoads and TMNT, neither of which I got very far in (I think I at least made it past the water level in TMNT).
  13. I don't do anything on Halloween except pass out candy for a couple hours. My brother and I let the kids pick out what they want. By the end of the night, we give the kids handfuls of whatever's left and call it a day. You could try passing out some candy and being social that way.
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