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Everything posted by ookii_risu

  1. I'll give it a go. "Florida man says he's Archangel Michael, tries to set fire to 16 vehicles." https://www.wftv.com/news/what-the-florida/deputies-florida-man-says-he-s-archangel-michael-tries-to-set-fire-to-16-vehicles/934923161
  2. I never owned a Gameboy, but I borrowed one from a friend for about a week. Got to play through Super Mario Land. I loved that game! The music is the best. I don't really remember a whole lot of the game itself, but I do remember being ingrained and playing for hours. I read about the Mega Man games in Nintendo Power. I really wanted them, but I couldn't afford to get the system or the games. I'd like to visit the library one of these days.
  3. Awesome stuff, @twiztor! I never did any mapping myself, but my brother used graph paper to map out dungeons in Zelda. I had some handwritten notes in my CIB MTPO. Sadly, I don't have it anymore to share.
  4. I agree. The OST is top-notch, and I like this one the most because of the two extra characters. I can't remember if I beat it or not, though. I know I got to the end. I remember watching that old a-hole turn to dust.
  5. ookii_risu

    Dimension Shift

    The graphics are amazing! Well done!
  6. I think stereo and text speed needn't be options anymore. I think the game should be in stereo if the music is famitracker and the option for surround sound if midi. I don't know who would want the text to display slow as molasses. What I don't like is when there's autotext that appears on the screen for only a couple of seconds. I'm a slow reader, and stuff like that is hard to catch. I think that the dialogue text speed shouldn't affect the time the autotext is up, if you decide to put autotext in a game. I like @Br81zad's suggestion of allowing you to scroll through the dialogue. I think simple animations (like FF4/FF6) is fine and adds aesthetic to the game, but long, drawn out animations every time you do something gets old. At the same time, I feel like something is missing if you turn it off altogether. If it's possible, maybe have the animation for the first instance and then a shorter version for multiple instances. That would still keep it fresh for each battle but not waste as much time, and then there wouldn't be a need for an option to turn it on/off. I like the active battle mode, personally. It keeps you on your toes. One option would be to allow the player to press select to pause the game at any time. That could help them with battles if needed. I don't think Chrono Trigger gives you the option to wait, but I might be misremembering. I actually liked the wheel menu in SoM and SoE, because I'm a visual person and loved being able to see what I was equipping/casting/using. In a regular Final Fantasy type of menu, I would suggest having a description of what the item does at the bottom of the battle screen. I recall some games having descriptions in the Main Menu, but I don't remember if the descriptions are there during battle. I know Crystalis and a bunch of other games have a more visual menu for equipping and using items (and Mystic Quest above, I see. Forgot about that). I really enjoyed the visual options in Shining Force (the nodding and shaking head comes to mind immediately), which is also used in the Golden Sun series. Phantasy Star III also uses this visual menu in battle. I also like in the Final Fantasies (at least 1 and 4) there's a small icon next to each item that tells you what category it is. That is immensely helpful. One alternative to the SoM wheel: I was also thinking what if you had the battle options (fight, magic, item, etc.) at the bottom of the screen and popped up an image of the weapons that can be used, item options in a window thatappears above the menu, or use the shoulder buttons to scroll through them. I don't know if I'm explaining it well. I'll draw you an example and message you. I never understood why it would take a turn for you to equip something from your inventory in FF4. You should just be able to use it right away. A visual control config menu is also a good thing to have as a menu item.
  7. I was wondering if we could have a current time clock that is ticking in real time (like on NA). Perhaps it could go next to the Discord Chat tab or to the left of "Create." Thoughts?
  8. Yeah I just got it now after I created the new "Latest Post" activity stream. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.
  9. Welcome! My wallet hurts just thinking about sealed collecting at this point. Glad you’re doing what makes you happy. Good luck to you!
  10. Welcome! Its the home away from NA! Enjoy the Brewery section.
  11. Very cool! Love the sign and proto!
  12. I do have a smartphone, and I do spend a great deal of time on it, but I prefer typing on my keyboard and viewing my 32" monitor. I find myself sometimes texting people on Facebook while I'm sitting in front of my computer. Dummy me! Then I open up FB in my browser and chat that way, which is a lot easier and faster, but I have a hard time doing other things in between messages. It's like the AIM days... One thing that can be said for phones, as easy as it is to pull out it out to use, it's also just as easy to stow it away. I love the internet. I can't imagine life without it. Same with games. I'm on VGS to relive my childhood with people who cared about games. I remember being the only one among my friends to truly love games, and I spent a lot of time shut in my room playing alone. Now we can play with people all around the world, whenever we want. Even as someone who tends to look behind and not forward, my life was always filled with games and technology, and I am always open to new gizmos that become available. I can see the argument that we seem more restricted by technology. I spend a lot of time in my bedroom. I work from home in front of my computer, and all my systems are hooked up to my monitor, so my free time after work is also spent in the same little space. It's exciting to me that it might one day be possible to "plug in" Matrix style, even if not during my lifetime. That said, there's definitely something to be said for a change in scenery, being surrounded by nature, taking a sip of tea or coffee and just living organically... just for a moment. Man, I really need to get out more.
  13. Ooo, I'm going to see if we can get on that Verizon deal.
  14. Phantasy Star 2 Warsong Alisia Dragoon Ys 3 Shining Force 1 & 2 Valis 3 Super Hydlide
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