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Everything posted by nrslam

  1. Nice guide. I notice the two versions of Sports Trivia have different part numbers, so maybe the game was changed. I looked thru my GG stuff and didn't find any variants you haven't already listed except this Jungle Book, and I think that's a Euro version so wouldn't count.
  2. Wikipedia says 9.26M Saturns and 9.13M Dreamcasts worldwide, pretty much a tie, but the Saturn was on the market for about twice as long as the DC so the Dreamcast was a faster seller.
  3. And you alphabetized them for the photo. That's dedication.
  4. As one of the few who actually liked the design of the WiiU, I wish it had sold better and thus gotten better 3rd party support. The system I wish had really done better was the Atari 7800. Gaming history might have played out very differently if the 7800 had been out in 1984 as planned, but the 2 year delay that occurred when the Tramiels took over killed 3rd party support, gave Nintendo the opening it needed to establish the NES in the US, and pretty much finished Atari as a viable competitor.
  5. One of the Prof Layton games on 3ds. Doesn't matter which one, as they're all pretty much the same. Good for whenever I just have a few minutes to kill, but I wish I could bypass all the ridiculous story and just work the puzzles and minigames.
  6. If that includes the game.com & R-Zone, then this idea should be disqualified for excessive cruelty to the participants.
  7. Burn Cycle was a lot of fun. I actually got a fair amount of enjoyment from the CD-i and it doesn't deserve its reputation as the worst console ever (the Memorex VIS is far worse).
  8. NeoGeo MVS and/or AES. This is the only major console that I never, in many years of searching, found in the wild. Never saw an AES cart and only once did I come upon a handful of MVS carts. I've seen plenty in game stores and at conventions, but never anywhere else.
  9. I had every intention of continuing to at least look in now and then, but after just a few days I've realized I.Just.Don't.Care.
  10. Not familiar with these Samurai carts. What's the story on them?
  11. Maybe ebay will be next. Search for 'reproduction pokemon' and you'll get over 23,000 hits. And that's just from sellers admitting they're selling repros.
  12. Hmmm... I was going to try my old NA login to see if it worked, but I have this suspicion that they'll start flooding me with spam.
  13. Another cart with character, this one a thrift store find from way back. It's a homemade 5 game multicart for a TI99, and was apparently made by removing the ROM chips from the original carts, soldering them onto a board with a thumb wheel as a selector, and pasting bits of the original labels onto the resulting Frankencart. It's one of my favorites.
  14. Commodore 64, since its one of those systems that nobody, ever, will have a complete set for, so the collecting opportunities are endless.
  15. I'm all for having a single unified list. Hoping some more people will weigh in first. We still don't have any info for Mat Mania and I don't want to crack open my sealed copy to check it. Also, I'm curious about that USA Mario Bros I have. Seems odd this is the only 7800 game manufactured in the US. Does anybody have others?
  16. I love those upside down labels! Your listings for Commando & Fatal Run are, I think, the same as I listed. My picture label PP2 is the same as yours. The copyright info is weird, though. I think the dates are switched and it should say 1983 Namco on the 1st line and 1988 Atari on the second, which would make it consistent with other 7800 releases (original game date as 1st listed copyright, current version's date listed 2nd).
  17. I preferred the earlier games where it was more tactics and less story. I find the later games rather boring with too many long winded speeches and too much telenovella type back story.
  18. Advance Wars, if they don't ruin it like thay have with Fire Emblem, and Pikmin4, which has been rumored for years. Either would get me to stop waffling and buy a Switch.
  19. I wouldn't necessarily call this one ugly, but it's not exactly normal either. It's someone's homemade Editor/Assembler cart for an Atari 8-bit computer that I got in a lot some years ago. Surprisingly, it works but is a bit touchy.
  20. And some others from my replace-it-when-you-can box. Bad labels, a couple with what I think are burn marks, and an example of what happens when one of those blue Color Dreams carts gets exposed to the sun: turns it the color of a years-old urinal cake.
  21. I've got a few of those. It's better than the other style they used on N64 games, and much better than the branding iron they used on SNES carts. I wonder how many ex-Blockbuster employees are walking around with this etched into their butts as a result of some sort of stoner dare:
  22. Hey captmorgandrinker, A couple questions about this game. I was unaware the game was buggy, or that it had been fixed, but a quick Wikipedia search mentions that the game will reset itself under some circumstances. Is that the crash issue you're referring to or is there another bug? Also, the bold end label copies I have are the '87 copyright while the thinner text versions have an '88 copyright. Seems the fixed version would have a later date, doesn't it?
  23. I practically grew up at Kennywood Park outside of Pittsburgh. Lots of great memories there from the 60's & 70's. As a big coaster fan, Cedar Point was also a favorite but I've tried Six Flags, Busch Gardens, Disneyland and Disneyworld, Universal Studios and a few others. Sadly, my brain seems to have shrunk and now it rattles around in my head like a walnut in a coffee can so most rides give me headaches.
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