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Everything posted by nrslam

  1. I don't use Paypal, andI generally only do trades, but if you want to take a look at my gametz listing it's at https://gametz.com/user/Wookie/AvailableGames.html
  2. Once was enough. Does Wes Bentley always play creepy types?
  3. And people ask me why I won't ship internationally....
  4. 5. A real disappointment after the first one. No real interest in seeing it again.
  5. I'll have to ponder this for a bit. Meanwhile, where are yours? Can't start a thread like this without showing your own faves.
  6. Not a great movie on its own, but the midnite showing thing with audience participation is something everyone should experience. I saw it back in the 70s before it became a phenomenon so had no idea what I was getting into when a group of us went. Never really had an experience like that before. FWIW, the stage version is even more fun as the actors usually play along with the audience. We go every time a local troupe puts it on.
  7. I shipped a package cross country to the "verified address" of a PayPal user, then got a panicked message that they had moved but neglected to update PayPal. Jumped through some hoops to verify he was telling the truth then began the odyssey of trying to get fedex to reroute to the new address. Called and got fedex to issue a change order, but the package still went to the old address. Luckily, they refused delivery and requested a return to sender. It arrived back in my local sorting depot where somebody noticed the address change paperwork, made out a new sticker and resent the box, but the tracking number was apparently still tied to old address so it got delivered there again, refused again, and sent back my way again, where the depot again saw a problem, issued a new tracking number, and sent it out again. But this time, they screwed up the address, putting the new street address together with the old city. That address didn't exist so, yes, it started back my way again. Finally got a fedex supervisor on the phone and we're both looking at the tracking info seeing this box go back and forth across the country 3 times, had a good laugh, and (hooray) he got it straightened out. Took 3 weeks to get that box where it belonged. This was back before I quit using eBay. Nowadays, I'm sure they'd say it was my fault and reimburse the buyer.
  8. Hmmm.... There's a few systems I only need one more game to mark as complete, so I'd probably go for: TG16 Magical Chase Colecovision Wizmath Atari 5200 Bounty Bob Strikes Back Studio II Bingo Intellivision Spiker Some not-so-great games there, but it's always nice to finish a system.
  9. 78 for me, though for some it's been so long I couldn't tell you much about them. There's a couple on there I've never heard of.
  10. 9 for me. Not just a great movie, with one of the most iconic monster debut scenes of all time, but it made me a fan of H.R. Giger's artwork as well.
  11. I'm with Tabonga on Pinball Wizard. The song only makes sense as part of Tommy. I heard it on the radio as a single first and couldn't understand why there was a song about some disabled kid playing pinball, then I heard the full rock opera and had one of those now-I-get-it moments. 7 as a single, 9 as part of Tommy. The other song I hadn't heard in so long I forgot it existed, but on rehearing, it's OK. 5.
  12. I'm gonna owe a little this year for the first time in awhile. I did a pretty good job in the past of balancing withholding vs taxes so I'd get a small refund every year, but forgot to account for the extra income from higher interest rates in 2023. Rates were near zero for so long that I didn't even think of it when they went up. Wasn't much, but enough to upset my carefully balanced system.
  13. SSI, Avalon Hill, and Epyx. I'm actually surprised how few of these games I have boxed. Maybe I haven't uncovered them all...
  14. Electronic Arts, which was a favorite of mine back when they were publishing other people's games. Many many hours spent with Archon, Mule (oops, 2 copies in photo), 7 Cities of Gold, Bard's Tale, Pinball Construction Set, etc. The later stuff not so much. I also really appreciated the shelf-friendly album packaging of those early releases.
  15. Very impressive. I look forward to future sets.
  16. Infocom, with several packaging variants shown. Sadly, no pre-Infocom Zork ever came my way.
  17. I did have a particular interest in certain companies or series, so I'll show a few of those as I uncover them. Ultima, and by extension Origin, was one, so here's a bunch of stuff for them. I was never lucky enough to find Mt Drash, but I got many of the others for various computer systems. With the exception of Ultima II, packaging was the same over the various systems so I only show 1 of each. I also got a few compilations and rereleases so they're in there too.
  18. I can probably do that. Something in particular you wanted to see?
  19. Part 2, again hastily photoshopped together from a bunch of separate images. This has the Atari, Apple, Amiga, non-Coco TRS-80, boxed disk & tape games from the earlier systems, and a mish-mash of other computer stuff. Should pretty much finish the computer software collection except a few stray bits.
  20. This is actually several pictures from about 10 years ago that I photoshopped into a single conglomeration. This shows the Commodore VIC20/C64/+4, TI99, CoCo, Tomy Tutor, Panasonic JR-200, PCjr, and Timex-Sinclair collections (carts + selected hardware). Doesn't include disk or tape software for those machines, or my Atari 8-bit, ST, Amiga, PC, Apple, or cp/m stuff, but I had this photo handy.
  21. Ha, I discovered that I was not only looking at an outdated copy of my spreadsheet, but a recent change had caused the last (alphabetically) two systems, Xbox and Xbox360, to be omitted entirely from the summary page. The actual total is 10,956, which still omits a bunch of computer stuff as well as variants for some consoles. Breakdown: 3DO 166 Action Max 4 Amiga CD32/CDTV 14 Atari 2600 621 Atari 2600 Imports/Homebrews 179 Atari 5200 71 Atari 7800 68 Atari Jaguar 57 Atari Lynx 93 Bally Astrocade 32 CD-I 205 Colecovision 147 Emerson Arcadia 34 Entex Select-A-Game 1 Fairchild Channel F 26 GCE Vectrex 50 Intellivision 132 MB Microvision 13 Memorex VIS 45 Neo-Geo MVS 6 Neo-Geo Pocket Color 50 Nintendo 64 298 Nintendo Famicom 56 Nintendo GameBoy 403 Nintendo GameCube 328 Nintendo GBA/DS/3DS 591 Nintendo NES 765 Nintendo Switch 5 Nintendo Super NES 735 Nintendo Virtual Boy 15 Nintendo Wii 372 Nintendo WiiU 166 Odyssey2 74 Playstation 714 Playstation2 547 RCA Studio II 11 Sega 32X 40 Sega CD 145 Sega Dreamcast 266 Sega Game Gear 304 Sega Genesis 713 Sega MegaDrive 104 Sega Pico 20 Sega Saturn 259 Sega SMS 162 TG-16 100 Tiger Game.com 20 Tiger R-Zone 11 VideoBrain 1 Watara Supervision 40 Wonderswan 1 Xbox 368 Xbox 360 147 Computers (only cartridges counted): Atari 400/800… 250 CoCo 109 Commodore 16/+4 8 Commodore 64 328 Commodore VIC20 178 IBM PC jr. 15 Mattel Aquarius 14 MSX 1 TI-99/4 230 Timex Sinclair 2068 5 Tomy Tutor 28
  22. Spirited Away is a masterpiece, and many of the others are very good. The exception, for me, was Totoro. The story was OK but the little girl spent so much time screaming that it frazzled my nerves. I picked up about 10 of these on DVD for $1 apiece at a g-sale a few years ago and watch them semi-regularly.
  23. 10,400 by my Excel sheet, although that number doesn't include most of my games for various computer platforms. It's way too many but I'm not motivated to do the work of selling. I wish I had kept track of how I obtained each one and price paid, but didn't think of until it was too late. The total outlay, especially for all the hardware, would probably be a depressingly large number.
  24. 7/10. Wasn't the best movie I saw last year, but it was top 5 for sure. I'll likely watch it again at some point.
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