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Everything posted by nrslam

  1. Ordered one of each. Please let this really be the last WiiU game...
  2. Your brain will associate music with whatever you were doing when you heard it. if you really enjoyed the Galaxy games, listening to the music will bring back pleasant thoughts about your time with the game so you're really reacting to more than just the soundtrack.
  3. "Homogenize" was probably the wrong word. In the mid 90s, it felt (to me anyway) that 16 bit machines were really down to 2 choices: a DOS driven IBM or compatible on one side, or a GUI based Mac/Amiga/ST on the other even though I knew those 3 were not that similar. I only started picking up Amiga and ST machines, when they become cheap and plentiful at the thrifts, because of my earlier interest in Commodore and Atari's machines. At the time, I didn't even have an Apple II so the Mac didn't have any nostalgic appeal to me.
  4. Actually, no, but thanks. I really enjoy the 8-bit era of personal computing the most, what with the very different capabilities and design philosophies of the various machines. When the 16-bit era got going, things started to homogenize and I kinda lost interest. I chose to follow only the evolutionary dead-ends of that era, Amiga and Atari ST, and even they don't get much attention from me.
  5. The Tandy 1000 series is one that's missing from my collection. I've actually passed on picking one or more up over the years, sometimes for free. Don't know why, as many people love them. I guess I was just never a fan of MS-DOS machines.
  6. Oh, yeah, I'm big into collecting retro computers. I actually prefer them to old consoles for a variety of reasons, the primary one being you can fairly easily play around with programming them directly on the machine, and the presence of a real keyboard opens up the ability to play text adventures. Off the top of my head, I've got: - Commodore VIC-20, C64, SX64, C128, C128D, C16, plus/4, and various PET (2001, 8032, 4032) and Amiga (500,1000,1200, 2000, 2500) models. - Atari 8-bits (400,800,1200XL,600XL,800XL,65XE,130XE,XEGS) and STs (520ST, 1040ST,Mega ST4, STacy). - TI-99/4 and TI-99/4A and their cousin the Tomy Tutor -Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer, CoCo2, CoCo3, Model 1, Model 3, Model 4P, 100, 102, 200, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4 -Apple II+,IIe, IIGS and a Laser 128 clone -Timex/Sinclair 1000, 1500, 2068, ZX80, ZX81 -Mattel Aquarius, Panasonic JR200, IBM PCjr (plus old 286- and 386-DOS machines), and a variety of CP/M luggables (Osborn 1, Kaypro 2,4 & 10, Zorba). Probably some others I'm forgetting at the moment.
  7. Well, I hear it's pretty good game so I guess I'll keep my WiiU set going. Hope they make enough copies....
  8. If you're OK with loose, I'll vote for the GameGear. Lots of fun titles, not much junk, and less competition from other collectors. And since there's no region lockout, you can expand the set with some very fun Euro exclusives if so inclined. Boxed is a different story as most folk seem to have tossed the original cardboard, making them quite scarce for a lot of titles.
  9. Commodore 64 power supplies are notorious for failing in a way that fries the computer, so if possible, try to measure the voltages under load before connecting to the computer. Nice score.
  10. I enjoyed all the Stargate series, though I thought each new one that came along was a little less good than it's predecessor. I did watch Farscape all the way thru but it was very uneven, and downright laughable at times. I'll recommend Babylon 5, still my favorite 'Space Station' series, as your next watch.
  11. If you count variants, then I'm very guilty of this: 6 different label variations of Space Invaders on the Atari 2600, for example. Throw in cross-platform duplicates and I'm really out of control. Also, as a result of buying out 3 different used game or game rental stores, I tend to have buttloads of identical, common games (ex: 54 copies of Daytona USA for the Saturn).
  12. I was never much into collecting NES variants, but with time on my hands I looked thru the collection to see where I stand. Seems I've got 53 of the 5 screws, and none of the tough ones. Rarely see NES in the wild anymore but I guess I'll start carrying a list of those I'm missing in case I get lucky.
  13. The last part of that list on the gocollect site is missing, basically everything after Star Force. Anyone have the missing relative rarity data?
  14. 4. A handful of songs I really liked BITD, but mostly their music did nothing for me.
  15. My fixed costs have been about the same, as expected, but discretionary spending is way down. Since I mostly only buy games from thrifts, garage sales, and flea markets, and those are all closed, I haven't spent a dime on my collection since early March. Restaurant, gas, movie, and other expenses are all down, too. My last two credit card statements have shown ~75% reduction in charges and I know I'm not burning thru cash as fast, but things like utilities, taxes, and insurance are the same.
  16. Put the stinky items in a sealed bag with one or more dryer sheets. Does a pretty good job of drawing off smoke smell.
  17. Where's a good list of these? I need to check how many more I'm missing but have lost the link to the list I was working from.
  18. Looks like my initial guess was pretty accurate. Got down to $1.51 at a few stations just a week ago, and has now bounced back up to $1.79. Sure is going back up faster than it came down.
  19. Our local golf course experimented with this a few years ago. They called it foot golf, and had separate "tee" and "green" areas off to the side of the regular tees and greens. The only hole-in-one of my long, sucky golf career occurred when one of my errant tee shots landed in the foot golf cup next to the regular green. I still say it counts, dammit.
  20. Beautifully clean looking setup, but where are the games?
  21. My wife has cut my hair for years and gotten pretty good at it. Each time, I save enough money for a 6-pack or more of good beer. In a spot of good news, golf courses in WA reopened this week. Twosomes only, no benches, sand trap rakes, or other items that might be touched by other golfers. No touching the flagstick. No port-a-potties (but golf courses have lots of trees!), no hanging out in the clubhouse before or after. But still, just getting out to play, see my friends, and get a little exercise was awesome!
  22. Not the sharpest tool in the shed A taco short of a combination plate Not playing with a full deck Dumber than a bagful of hammers Nuttier than a fruitcake
  23. It's no coincidence that this sort of behavior really took off when ebay started allowing buyers to demand refunds, including shipping, on basically everything for any reason and with no proof.
  24. Back when games were plentiful in thrift stores or garage sales, I hated getting "sumguy"ed - i.e. seeing someone with a stack of games who get there before me. Nowadays, I hate the idea of having to move my massive collection as we get closer to relocating.
  25. We still enjoy going out to a movie as its more of an experience than watching something at home, so I hope theatres stick around. I wouldn't put much stock in those Trolls or any other quarantine influenced numbers - many people watched because they were stuck at home with the kids. Will they do the same when other options are available?
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