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SpoonMan Abrams X

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Everything posted by SpoonMan Abrams X

  1. I have yet to see this movie I feel like it will be something akin to Fant4stic Four 2015, which is one of the only movies I can say I feel like I wasted my time watching
  2. My concern is that he may alter the intended endings based on the overwhelming negative feedback from the finale of the series. I'm definitely in the minority here when I say I thought the way they wrapped it up made sense and wasn't as atrocious as everyone makes it out to be. Any issues it had were ones that it frankly always had, and imo wouldn't consider any part of the TV series to be the masterpiece so many people thought it was at one point or another.
  3. Bout time @FireHazard51 Hello & Welcome my friend
  4. Most recent episode was the best by far this season.
  5. 10/10 It may have not had some of the most fondly remembered entires into some series (namely Super Mario Sunshine and to a lesser extent Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker) but it had lots of other solid games, and it's ports were still good to boot (Madden 05 is still the only Madden game I've ever actually invested any amount of decent time into, and I played that season mode a lot lol) Still at least one Nintendo console I like more then it (the SNES) and the GCN on it's own is like a high 9/10, but it gets that extra point for one simply addon alone; The Game Boy Player Pretty fond memories from my High School days
  6. 5/10 It was good for what it was, but never really got me hooked. By this point they were really seeming to settle into what would come to define the series for years to come, and not in good ways. Still alright for a playthrough or two
  7. I will see about playing this next round when we get a bit closer to the actual launch of the game~
  8. When anyone talks about Soundgarden its almost exclusively Superunknown. Not that that is bad but they have great stuff from all over. Also agreed Down on the Upside is great. Blow Up the Outside World is one of my favs
  9. I think the AAA publishers are headed for a crash of some sort, and not necessarily just because the business model is unsustainable as it currently is. Rather, because their practices are going to catch up to them. The trend really seems to be headed towards the practice loot-boxes being heavily sanctioned if not made entirely illegal and micro-transactions in general just being regulated to high heaven. And they only will have themselves to blame for it. I for one welcome it when it comes.
  10. I've said this in a few places already but Super Mario Sunshine I just never got into Super Mario 64, and the commercials and promotional stuff for Sunshine really just turned me off to it. It really didn't look like a Mario game at all from a precursory glance. But then in my latter years of HS I finally rented it one weekend because why not? Worst case would be I'd never rent it again (and I'd also rented for the umpteenth time going Wind Waker so I could fall back o that if needed) Holy Hell. FLUDD mechanics were fun, the world felt fleshed out and entertaining, I had loads of fun just screwing about Delfino Plaza for hours. Even the levels I felt like they had some investment instead of just being set pieces for objectives to complete. It's a shame no game (it seems like to me) has ever went back to this level of detail for each bit and instead seemed like they regressed into more SM64 style. I own Odyssey and while it's alright, I haven't played it in months since getting my Switch, but am strongly considering picking up 35th Anniversary Collection just for Sunshine. That's how much I love the game.
  11. 9/10 Some phenomenal games and granted me hours upon hours of entertainment in middle school & high school. Maybe hasn't ages the best comparatively but still paved the way for many things to come. I would say at least 5th if not 4th or even 3rd favourite console overall. Would more then give it a 9.5/10 if possible
  12. 7/10, it got +1 for setting the groundwork for the sequels that were in every way better then this. Still a solid game in it's own right and worth a play for any retro enthusiast.
  13. Definitely an 8 out of 10 Been hearing the newer stuff a lot on the radio during work commutes recently and gotta say nearly made me put a 9, doods still got it.
  14. A necro bump to the max but since finding this song this past summer I listen to it almost every day, a great cover. I'd be down for a Sevendust cover album (Lajon Witherspoon is a great and underrated vocalist)
  15. McIntyre beat Orton tonight on RAW to regain the WWE World Title Why put it on Orton in the first place? They going to hotshot it back to him after Survivor Series? They seem to still kinda want that Orton vs Edge III WM match after all
  16. In regards to games that I wasn't necessarily expecting anything from but really grabbed my attention, Pokemon Sword/Shield most recently I had fallen off with Pokemon after Gen 4 Diamond & Platinum & Pearl really didn't entirely do it for me and Gen 5 Black & White did even less. I had skipped B&W2 and the next few generations (I did pick up Omega Ruby and enjoyed it, but I figured I would as I did really like Gen 3) I had only just finally gotten my Switch this spring, and while looking for my first few games, grabbed Super Mario Odyssey and Pokemon Shield. Odyssey is good, but also wasn't expecting anything bad. Pokemon hadn't really gotten me hyped in ages, so I honestly had low expectations, but then Shield completely shattered them, to the point I had done something I hadn't since Gen 3 rightfully and bought Sword as well and the expansions, completing the "full collection". I still enjoy picking it up and the DLC has been quite good. I'm actually considering making a new profile just to start a new game here soon.
  17. Was some interesting games on it, but they definitely all ended up elsewhere and were better off for it. 3/10
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