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SpoonMan Abrams X

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Everything posted by SpoonMan Abrams X

  1. I was just talking to some friends about this a few weeks ago when discussing terrible musical adaptions of children's cartoons. They were discussing this https://turtlepedia.fandom.com/wiki/Coming_Out_of_Their_Shells When I brought up Pokemon Live. They agreed it might possibly be worse then TMNT's lol
  2. Full Gear was great. Best Pro Wrestling PPV of the year. So many great matches. Even the wacky & comedy matches were really good. Tag Team Title match easily one of the best matches of the year, a testament to AEW's tag division. Worth a watch if you haven't yet
  3. 5/10 It had some cool things in it, but it was one of those games that I didn't care to play unless it was with friends. Top notch in the exploration department, few MMOs (least at the time) I played didnt quite have the open world this game did, so thats a point in it's favor. FFXI is a vastly superior MMO
  4. The few games on it I have played have been pretty good, but not as much warm fuzzy feelings as the NES 6/10
  5. I would also be down for Secret Santa'ing
  6. I love this show. It scratches a bit of that itch left from Firefly/Serenity. Mando is a great and hella cool character Baby Yoda is cute, albeit more then a bit of a goober lol Looking forward to the rest of Season 2
  7. I picked up Link's Awakening on the Switch recently. It's good... though I feel like it is just a prettier looking Game Boy game with some polish (for the record I never played through a lot, never owned it personally til now. Was only borrowing a friends copy back in school on long bus trips or what have you) Regardless it's fun albeit simple and straightforward compared to most other Zelda games
  8. A real solid 8/10 Great zelda-esque game with some lite hack n slash gameplay in it. Also RIP Clover Studios
  9. Oh man. This is a great movie, my brothers and I had all the toys as kids, actions figures, proton packs & costumes, the whole 9 yards. Maybe some time in the past this would've been a Top 10, but nowadays it doesn't quite crack it. Still a great movie (just even re-watched it recently) 9/10 easily. 9.5 if it was an option. Ghostbusters 2 is also really solid, though I think I like it a bit less, as it is just a rehash of the first really after it took off and became the blockbuster it truly was. Looking forward to the new sequel, as it has to be better then the 2016 reboot at the least lol
  10. Just posting this here as were about to properly get underway Also that if anyone comes about and wants to offer to be a back-up, I will still be accepting offers and they would be appreciated
  11. Maybe they'll do it then have Randy Orton or Roman Reigns win the unified titles? Though could also see them having him pick only one or the other... I could honestly see them pulling some shit like Miz cashing in, and winning, then walking out with both titles, but then WWE walking it back the next night on RAW just to pop a rating... cause you're right, more right then I think you realize lol.
  12. There was a video I recall seeing a couple years ago now; it went further then just whether he was using MAME or not, things like the "speed" of which he would post new world records of his when someone would actually beat his posted record at the time, as well basically unanimously agreed that later runs were, at best, unverifiable? Unless I'm getting him mixed up with another world record or speedrunner who was caught cheating? It all runs together a bit lol Seems like this was the case. His original records seem to be legit, so it's a bit of a shame that those aren't (or weren't?) now being recognized... but then he did it to himself. At the least maybe if he put in the work to prove himself legitmate and could get recognized that way... idk what the dood has been doing since as I don't follow these shenanigans lol
  13. Love me some beat em ups, and this is a classic, hard as balls game 7/10 I'd actually gotten to the later levels a few times, beat it once. Still feels like a great accomplishment lol
  14. oh god So apparently, Survivor Series will be 10 years to the day that the Miz cashed in MitB previously to become WWE Champion... on top of it, this took place in the Amway Center, which is where the Thunderdome currently is. Imagine... Miz cashing in MitB during the Champion vs Champion match to become the Unified WWE Universal World Heavyweight Champion
  15. @Makar what @Jeevan said there will be PMs sent when I've got roles and things sorted out, and a proper game thread made. This week has personally been busy for me (working overtime) so haven't been able to do much. I'll have everything sorted by this weekend though. Sorry for the delay
  16. I didn't think the Drew vs Randy match was that good, it was a decent match, though frankly they could've stood to have Randy win it like last month imo, felt way too dragged out for no good reason Roman vs Jey was great, but didn't need to be a Cell match Sasha vs Bayley was a great match, and great Cell match at that Elias vs Jeff was meh lolRetribution An above average PPV, and leagues above last year's HiaC
  17. I love beat em ups. Loved Double Dragon. Never played this though, will have to check it out
  18. 7/10 I liked it more then 64 Not as much as Sunshine Still need to play Galaxy 2
  19. Also now we have this game here doubling down on Cave Story
  20. 9/10 for me. Wasn't something I was super into at the start, but as it went along and content was added, I tried it again and loved it. I still dig playing it from time to time. usually get on kicks for a while, then stop for months before picking it back up again. I'm personally the biggest fan of just exploration and adventuring. It's one of those things that's hard to get until you experience it yourself... which might sound weird, but it really is true. Also it was recommended by Notch to just pirate it to try it, so depending on where you stand with him in your opinion now, it's a win win lol As i said above, it's a hard thing to explain... it's a game that is best tried out for yourself. It primary biggest OOTB features are open world and basically unlimited space and ample opportunity to just create. When you dig a bit deeper you get a pretty solid RPG lite adventure & survival sim of sorts. It's got chill vibes in the vein of Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing and/or Stardew Valley. It's got some deep mechanics and unique spaces for exploration and plenty of options for the hardcore & rogue like enthusiasts out there. The only reason I would recommend to stay away from it is if Open World games just aren't you jam, but even then, there's still some fun to be had out of it depending on what sort of stuff you liek to play otherwise. Also props to the deep, deep mod community. Second to none. I'd say youre missing out, but I can already imagine it won't help lol Except Legos are expensive bro. Like restrictively so tbh. An unfortunate stance to have, really.
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