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SpoonMan Abrams X

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Everything posted by SpoonMan Abrams X

  1. I had this idea and have to get it out of my head What do some consider the greatest Christmas movie of all time? Die Hard Therefore John McClane should count as a Christmas character And who would be a great vidya character to represent him? Duke Nukem Now to return to sleep lol
  2. I would say go for it and get an instagram and twitter, even if it is just for (re)posting your awesome art!
  3. Seriously though this is awesome, also Super Mario RPG is my #1 all-time favourite game, so just saying I dig it
  4. Io's "Flying Oscar" (as it has been dubbed) was one of the best things of the night lol
  5. I see where you're coming from, especially with That all said, this is Disney were talking about, they're all for their fairy tales and happy endings. I doubt they would based on that and sheer amount of fan outrage they'd receive.
  6. Nah you're not the only one. While I don't think it was completely terrible, it didn't live up to, imo, the bar set by the episode previous. All that said it had some good stuff At the least still quite interested where this goes, hopefully they'll pick back up with a bit more consistency and not keep passing around the idiot ball.
  7. NXT Take Over Wargames 2020 was pretty top notch This upcoming episode of NXT should be good with pending returns
  8. I remember when the original "Fortnite: Save The World" co-op game came out. That seemed like an interesting game. Tried playing Battle Royale a bit, don't care for it. Also is kind of the epitome of the direction Triple A games seem to be going being "Free 2 Play" with all the micro-transaction bullshit in it. Seems alright as a concept but not my thing. Gave it a 4/10
  9. Gamecube did have Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, which is the best game in the Paper Mario series Though overall PS2 does just dominate
  10. Also just want to say @CasualCart these have been amazing so far, thank you!
  11. Was reading through this grea thread again, and agree with the Krampus suggestion. As for which character could be made Krampus, my vote is Bowser. Not just any Bowser, but OG Super Mario Bros. 1 Bowser! Just look at him lol (spoiler'd so it doesn't take up a bunch of space) Ganondorf as an evil Santa with Zelda & Link battling him as his Elves? A stack of Ball-shaped characters to make a Snowman; Jigglypuff, Kirby, and Pac-Man as the head because why not? lol
  12. I finally got one when Perfect Dark HD was announced for XBLA and after I was introduced to Left 4 Dead. Played it much more for other solid releases on it. Was the goto of multiplayer games during it's run, even with red ring of death Honestly if the 360 hadn't been as successful as it was we might not have Xbox today (it was the #1 console of it's generation for a good while) 7/10, almost went 8, but I agree with @captmorgandrinker the issues with red ring were too prevalent and knock it down a peg.
  13. the number is multiplied by 2 to the 3rd power divided by 1000, but you have to consider how many hours per game, minus days from work, adding your birth year divided by your mothers age...
  14. Honestly the number of games I'd give perfect 10s is less then 10. My top 5 rounds out with 9/10 (like Skyrim) so it's a pretty lofty goal lol. And I have definitely have played over 300 games lol
  15. 8/10 There are a lot of games I like more then it, but I did enjoy it a lot when it came out. It is by far one of the most groundbreaking FPS games out there. It's essentially the blue print for most FPS games that came after it. There's a reason why the Modern Warfare franchise is one of the top FPS franchises out there. I went back and forth between 8 and 9, but ultimately decided on 8 because, besides theres plenty of other games I like besides it in general... there are a lot of games in 2007 I like more. 2007 was a pretty damn solid year for game releases; God of War 2 Uncharted The Witcher Super Paper Mario (I nominate this game @Reed Rothchild lol) Super Mario Galaxy Metroid Prime 3 Halo 3 Half Life 2: Episode 2 Portal & Team Fortress 2 (hell yea Orange Box) Bioshock Mass Effect The list goes on, there were some heavy hitters. The fact the original Modern Warfare still stands out is to it's merit.
  16. I gave it a 6/10 I rewatched it not to terribly long ago, and it was definitely one of those "hey it's on cable and nothing else better to watch" It has it's funny moments but other movies I'd rather watch personally
  17. AEW might be out WWE'ing WWE https://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/2020/12/don-callis-677576/ TL;DR It'll be interesting to see where this goes
  18. Goldeneye Source playable on Linux through Lutris/WIN, Hmmm...
  19. I'm with you. I will gladly and wholeheartedly take a great woman lead in whatever so long as it's given proper thought & attention and not just a rehashed existing char or franchise "but now with more women/minorities/LGBTQ+ represented!" and it seems unequivocally this movie is just another one of those. I suppose I should try and give the movie a shot and watch before I pass any sort of final judgment, but... I just can't make myself do it. From what I've seen of the trailer is has some funny bits, but I can't help shake the feeling that that's about all there really is to it. People were triggered on both side of the argument Makes me think of James Rolfe (the AVGN) when he made a video explaining that, basically, he just had no interest in watching the movie, it didn't appeal to him. Also he was being inundated with fan requests to check it out. So naturally the movie's defenders tried to call him out for being a misogynist, notably among them (that I can recall off the top of my head) Patton Oswalt and Dane Cook. Also I recall hearing some hate for all those movies, though to lesser degrees, by far. Amazing Spider-Man also got a lot of flack for the same reasons.
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