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What are you best at?


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Driving.  Whether driving as fuel efficiently as possible to save money, or getting to a certain destination by a certain time, or racing on a street or a track, I do it better than anyone else no matter the vehicle.  Ive driven go karts, dirt bikes, cars, trucks, boats, semis, Ive literally done it all... except for a snowmobile...

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Recording and editing videos. I joined YouTube in June of 2006, and have made nearly 500 videos since (99% of them were made and edited by myself, while some friends of mine also contributed in a few game night and spoof videos).


Edited by MegaMan52
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1 hour ago, PII said:

Remember, a snake without venom is just a belt.

Nah, it's a snake! How would you latch a snake without venom around your waist?

Even without venom it would probably bite you a bunch trying to get away, probably bite you in the penis, considering where you are trying to wear it. Even if you managed to secure it, it's an impractical AND inhumane fashion accessory.


Also, I'm the best at art, obviously. Way better than @CasualCart at the very least.

Oh, I'm also the best at smartbrains. And swimming. I mean, I could go on, but I am also the best at modesty and humble, so, you know. 😉

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For someone who's been in the industry for almost 20 years, I'm a fair software engineer. To me, this doesn't count.

Naturally, the abilities I'm good at are quite random and are mostly useless and are party tricks at best. Let's see, I'm good at identifying ethnicities. Seriously. Even when someone has a Mom and Dad from diverse regions. I'm also good at guessing people's ages. Useless.

But I am practically a savant of remembering actors and actresses and where I first saw them, but not by name. Nope! Most actors managed to get their start in made for one-off TV episode appearances, TV b-movies or kids movies.  My wife is often shocked at how we can be watching a movie and someone who's a tertiary character will come on and I'll be like, "Oh, I think that man was the kids in 'obscure movie made for kids in 1992.'" She'll go check IMDB and 95% of the time I'm right.

In regards to people, this same ability works with past relationships. My mind is packed full of useless moments of interactions with people from the past 35 years of my recallable memory. In my late 20s, I had to learn that it freaks people out when they were an acquaintance in High School but  I can remember, word for word, the one interaction I had with them 15 years ago. They don't remember my face or name, and I can give them very specific details of moments of their life from long ago and it kind of freaks some people out.

But... BUT, can I remember any of their names? Not a one. It makes the whole skill mostly useless. If I could just start a conversation with "Hey Jake, I'm Richard... from Xyz College...", it would be a beneficial skill, but since I can never remember a name, it's useless and makes conversations awkward.

Edited by RH
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