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It's Official! NintendoAge is GONE


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Hey, they assured us there were no worries, just need time to get things moved. Maybe it won't be changed too much or too much for the worst. And yes, I followed the link and it looks drab, uninteresting and lacking in character, but maybe once it gets going things will change, perhaps including the appearance... though NintendoAge like every site that has been around a while and we each get familiar with, you knew you were there the moment you entered the site. I remember Gamefaqs, that was eventually sold and then bought again by big corporate, aside from ads everywhere it appears to be the same after all these years, and then some, for the better, I dunno, but it isn't dead, but also, it never changed its name either, always ever Gamefaqs. Sometimes things can work, but it also depends on what the company wants out of it too. Problem for me with this new owner of the former NA, well I came back just as this was happening and then came here out of curiousity, and now I'm here, so might be that I just stay here now, as I hate jumping around from one place to another.

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30 minutes ago, zeppelin03 said:

I would mail you games in exchange for Lakerol and smorgas pickles.  Maybe some pressidenti coffee and wooden spatulas.

That's a sweet deal, you're on!

30 minutes ago, Gloves said:

I'll send you a game buddy. 


15 minutes ago, Mega Tank said:

I got you.

❤️  Thank you so much guys! I also noticed there was still a fresh Google cache of my first feedback page from NA, at least was able to capture that to remember all the great people who've helped me along the way. 

Not wanting to dwell on GoCollect too much, but does anyone else find strange there's not a single actual post from any user besides their mod? Panic lockdown to avoid all the WTF happened threads? It must be weird day for your average NA lurker too, wondering what the heck happened.. hope they find their way home.


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It's almost as if the site was rushed as a response to the announcement of this forum....

First off, that site looks exactly like I expected it to look.  The fact that it's no longer NA and is Go Collect is a total bonus though.  


Thank God for the dudes behind this place.  The forum looks great and the vibe has been remarkable thus far.  

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1 minute ago, TylerBarnes said:

lol, exactly what using IGN Forums on a Sega Dreamcast in the early 2000s used to look like. But yes, it does work.

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