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New Sega Console Incoming?


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So, Sega's 60th anniversary is coming up, and rumors have been flying like crazy. Everyone seems to think they're re-entering the hardware business. Personally, I'm really hoping for a Saturn mini, although I'd take a Dreamcast mini too, which is prob more likely. Are these most likely just rumors or could they be legitimate sources pointing towards Sega's plans?

There are articles that go more in depth on this below:





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Outside of a mini version of one of their consoles that they haven't done before, I'm going to say a big 'ol "nope" to this.  Sega learned the hard way, across several consoles, that they just couldn't compete on the same level as the other players in the market and it nearly cost them the company.  Just can't see them taking that leap again, regardless of how much Sonic is suddenly back in the public consciousness after the movie.

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As much as I'd love to see Sega return to the console wars, there is no way their investors would allow them to gamble $3.4 billion dollars of revenue by giving up multi-platform releases. They have finally returned to prominence as a publisher and developer and the cost of creating a new console is astronomical.

It also doesn't make much sense to release a Dreamcast Mini since those games are readily available in multiple places.

So hopefully we'll see a Saturn Mini!

Or how cool would it be if they released their legacy consoles with 1080p HDMI output and support for the original media? Now that's a pipe dream.

Edited by DoctorEncore
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I very much doubt it. Sony, MS and Nintendo are major economical forces and they already cover all the factors in the upcoming generation. What's Sega gonna do be the 3rd/4th console competing over the new graphics and whatnot? There's not enough marketshare for profit and they don't have the money and manpower to create the console. All their old famous games are on other platforms already and when they've had new releases it has been relegated to Indie developer status. You can't live off of retro-style games and like i said those already pop up on the other platforms too. 

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Yea, I can still dream though.  Now that I stop to think on it, are there any other *major* game consoles that had a shorter life than the Dreamcast?  I can't think of any.  Maybe Atari 5200, which is another underdog console I love.  I see it this way: it's obvious now that people will buy any random video game shit as long as it's collectible.  Look at how many people threw money at Ataribox, Amico, countless Limited Run collector's editions of turds, etc.  There would never be a big enough base to really compete, but Sega could put out some hardware (doesn't need to be high-end), call it the limited edition Dreamcast 2 and people would eat it up.  I know I would, even if there are only a few decent exclusives for it.

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As much as I like the idea of Sega making another console, I just don’t see what market niche they’d be filling. It seems the big 3 have got all the bases covered.

I’m not standing for the Sega erasure we see so often on the internet these days. Kids today don’t think of Sega as the badasses they once were, and old Nintendo fans that haven’t grown out of their fanboyisms are happy to tell those younger kids that Sega was never anything. Boo on that shit. I’m glad they keep gaining favor with the gaming community these days. One way they’ve accomplished that is by actually listening to their fans. Wild concept, I know.

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10 hours ago, LeatherRebel5150 said:

The only way I could see it happening would be if a bigger entity bought SEGA and wanted to do something, or licensed the name for a new console. Say if Google licensed the name to make the SEGA Stadia or something.

I think that sort of scenario happened for C64 or Amiga recently, and didn’t work out too well. I heard buzz before release, but nothing after (if it even happened?) I do think Sega would have a better chance than those computer platforms, but I still wouldn’t expect it to perform favorably.

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Nintendo doesn’t even make game consoles since they released the switch (they’re marketing it’s a game console so they don’t cannibalize 3DS sales)

there’s zero chance that Sega will ever make a serious bid in the console arena ever again.

They might put out some mini consoles, or something a little more powerful, but never a real console.

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2 hours ago, Link said:

I think that sort of scenario happened for C64 or Amiga recently, and didn’t work out too well. I heard buzz before release, but nothing after (if it even happened?) I do think Sega would have a better chance than those computer platforms, but I still wouldn’t expect it to perform favorably.

I thought that was only for the C64 mini or something similar. Kinda like how Atari licenses their name for the flashback consoles.

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8 hours ago, MachineCode said:

I'd heard rumors (probably bullshit) of it possibly being an announcement of Nintendo acquiring SEGA.

I would consider this a negative given Sega’s history of listening to their fans and encouraging their passion vs. Nintendo’s history of not listening at all and aggressive, ass backwards copyright crusades.

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In concept Sega making a new console sounds like a wonderful dream but in reality I just don't think we need another one, and I personally know I can't be bothered getting yet another modern console. I can't even keep up with games as it is.

But a Saturn or Dreamcast mini would be day 1 purchases for me. 

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I try and avoid rumors as they suck, but there was one albeit a long shot, that almost made sense due to the continued failures of market penetration in the home market.  Xbox is XX eyed dead as far as sales go in Japan for every generation.  Sega with the DC were bed buddies with them as far as some controller designs and Windows CE variant in play too for games.  The story goes perhaps MS will have Sega sell their system and rebrand it under their name to hide the fact it's american stuff to stealth sell there.  Atari did it in the day as have others to better success than going at it alone.


It's that, or a Dreamcast Mini given the cheap price of parts needed (included storage) to house the size of those games and power needed to drive them.

This all assuming this isn't just some big pile of bs to get people talking so someone can feel like they got attention by causing a dust up.

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I do not think they are going to do it.


I would say that among the video game-centered companies, Sega is the only one who I think could actually do it and succeed. They would need to take the Nintendo-route and be done with being a tech-leader. Sega was at its best when it was doing games on its own hardware, which was designed with their games in mind. They also have an insanely high IP # (and a variety in their genres as well) - really the only ones who can rival Nintendo in that sense.

Could they do it? Yep.

Would or should they? Probably not.

We can dream.

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