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26 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

If I owned a business anywhere near any protest, I'd be inside all night with a fire extinguisher and a rifle.

...I say that as a left-leaning moderate who wants gun law reform, before anyone takes any leaps

I definitely disagree with the destruction of property. But then again, I don’t see anyone who is for the peaceful protests encouraging it either. I think there’s another force here trying to divert attention from the issue and sow division. The Minnesota Department of Safety has voiced suspicion that white supremacists have been behind some of the destruction and the man who torched the historic courthouse here in Nashville was found to be connected with white supremacist groups.

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1 hour ago, Reed Rothchild said:

If I owned a business anywhere near any protest, I'd be inside all night with a fire extinguisher and a rifle.

...I say that as a left-leaning moderate who wants gun law reform, before anyone takes any leaps


I'm a strong second amendment advocate, and depending how hard left or right you are, the following line has two DEEPLY different meanings (especially the bold parts)

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Unfortunately, people miss out that the two bold parts are not mutually exclusive. I should not have access to tactical nukes or cruise missiles. But I think it's unfair that I can't own a Tommy Gun just because it's associated with 1920's gangsters.


...THAT being said, I would never defend a store full of stuff that's covered by insurance with a riot/terrorism rider.

Owning a business is a calculated gamble, so to gamble with my actual life is crazy.

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2 hours ago, Hammerfestus said:

Overused.  Be more creative.  About as interesting as Libtards or Obummer on the other side.  

Im not trying to make up nicknames, just curious if people felt they were appropriate or not. 


2 hours ago, spacepup said:

@MrWunderful If you want an honest opinion, I don't think there's any point nor is there anything all that constructive about using any names (particularly those with negative connotations) to describe the groups of people you are referring to.  

I think it's better to just focus on spreading awareness, facts, having discussions, encouraging people to get out and vote, etc.  I don't think stooping to any sort of level changes anything, and only frustrates or antagonizes others.  

This is really part of a broader thought process --- there is all this resentment and nitpicking and fighting and tit-for-tat out there, that does absolutely nothing to change anyone's mind or accomplish much other than making oneself feel better in the moment.  Pissing someone else off or calling them out on something, feels good in the moment, but what does it really accomplish?  We all get there sometimes and vent in that way, but I don't know....I'm just really tired of the negativity.  I see a lot of people doing a lot of yelling and talking, but no one's listening.  So what's the point?  I'd love to see open conversations, and not screaming matches.

I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic in this way and people are gonna be how they're gonna be, but I'm really trying hard to channel the anger or frustration I have about...lots of things...into something less contentious when I can.  Who knows what the right approach is, or what's more effective.  I'm not perfect at it either - just trying my best.

I agree with you (mostly). Just wish more people did too. 

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34 minutes ago, ThePhleo said:


I'm a strong second amendment advocate, and depending how hard left or right you are, the following line has two DEEPLY different meanings (especially the bold parts)

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Unfortunately, people miss out that the two bold parts are not mutually exclusive. I should not have access to tactical nukes or cruise missiles. But I think it's unfair that I can't own a Tommy Gun just because it's associated with 1920's gangsters.


...THAT being said, I would never defend a store full of stuff that's covered by insurance with a riot/terrorism rider.

Owning a business is a calculated gamble, so to gamble with my actual life is crazy.

Tommy Guns are legal in most “guns rights  states” (just not for you and me in CA and NJ amongst others)  

Wonder how the Pro 2a Trump supporters feel about the president using the military against BLM protests?


I have a feeling Trump folks would have a different outlook  if the military had been called in when armed men entered the capitol building In Michigan.

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1 minute ago, MrWunderful said:

Im not trying to make up nicknames, just curious if people felt they were appropriate or not. 

I understand that.  I didn’t mean you in particular. I think it shows a lack of creativity and wit to be honest.  It must be an internet thing.  Pick a controversial topic, any topic, and 80% of conversation is people just regurgitating the same crap almost word for word that they heard someone else say somewhere.  

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28 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

Tommy Guns are legal in most “guns rights  states” (just not for you and me in CA and NJ amongst others)  

https://www.ammoland.com/2010/06/legal-tommy-guns-coming-to-california/#:~:text=PEARL RIVER%2C NY –-(AmmoLand,Tommy Guns to the market.&text=Without a detachable magazine%2C the,pistol grip or flash hider.


Though "real" Thompson's are regulated heavily everywhere as submachine guns (require special federal permitting/tax-stamp).

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44 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

Bullet button isnt legal anymore (supposedly) in CA.

A semi auto centerfire rifle now needs to be taken apart at the upper to remove the magazine if it has “illegal features”

 My Ar-15 has no “illegal features” like a forward grip, adjustable stock or pistol grip so I can have a removeable magazine with a regular button. Its a vague mess. 

“But Listen here coppa, if im gonna have a tommy gun its going to be full auto with the Drum mag ya see!”

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I think I purchased brass from this guy one time...

But like I said, certain businesses absolutely should defend themselves because of other reasons (pharmacies, banks, and gun shops)


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I'm happy to see the staged riot on south willow street in Manchester, nh seems to have been kept under control. A couple dumpster fires, about a dozen arrests, that's about the extent of the damage. Heavy law enforcement presence kept things from getting out of hand.

A peaceful protest in stark park downtown went off without a hitch.


Great job NH!

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I heard he used the wrong bible in that terrible awkward photo op lol 😂😂😂 I didnt look it up, but the same dude that uses “Trumpanzees” and “MAGATs” told me about it. Apparently its a newer version that evangelicals he was pandering to Look down upon (maybe someone religious can verify for me)

Its unverified and Im not a religious guy and dont really care, just think its hilarious if true. 

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On 6/2/2020 at 5:20 PM, The Strangest said:

I definitely disagree with the destruction of property. But then again, I don’t see anyone who is for the peaceful protests encouraging it either. I think there’s another force here trying to divert attention from the issue and sow division. The Minnesota Department of Safety has voiced suspicion that white supremacists have been behind some of the destruction and the man who torched the historic courthouse here in Nashville was found to be connected with white supremacist groups.

70 vehicles were stolen from a dealership in SoCal. 15 were recovered and they were all chopped. There was an estimated 5M in inventory stolen. 

There's not just random destruction, there is organized crime. Carefully planned an orchestred to overwhelm police inoder to maximize gains. People need to realize that gangs are real, and are using the chaos as a cash grab. 

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39 minutes ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

70 vehicles were stolen from a dealership in SoCal. 15 were recovered and they were all chopped. There was an estimated 5M in inventory stolen. 

There's not just random destruction, there is organized crime. Carefully planned an orchestred to overwhelm police inoder to maximize gains. People need to realize that gangs are real, and are using the chaos as a cash grab. 

That was here in the bay, across from me near oakland

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A sizeable portion of people do like to riot and loot we can observe that in sporting events aswell so it should be expected that it should happen in protests too. You can't just go out and start punching a car by yourself but when there already is a mob of disgruntled people then the foundation has already been laid for you so it's easy fall back on that and become violent as an extention to it.

A mob of shouting and hyped fans -> rip plastic seats off and slung them/attack the other sides fans

A protest -> start burning and trashing shit.

You don't need an activist cause or any noble pretense but you do need a hyped up atmosphere in order to go off from and that's what's being made available.

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Administrator · Posted
11 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:



The possible exception of Lincoln?  You cannot make this shit up 😂

Oh....my...g.....   I just...  I can't, I just can't.

I have no words really - I feel like we are just in crazy-town here.

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“Trumpster Fire”


The Trump campaign is grasping at straws now. 

A side note, happy to see some confederate statues being taken down, its about damn time. Looking forward to the point in history when anything confederate related is relegated to a terrible dark spot in American History Books.  

Nothing should be named after someone who fought a war to keep humans as property. 

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