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Yeah, that was painful to watch. If he doesn't have some financial interest in that drug somewhere, it's inexplicable why he's pushing an unproven treatment. Especially if it causes a run on it that deprives lupus and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers to be unable to use it. 

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2 hours ago, Californication said:

Anyone see the video of Trump talking about how he takes Hydroxichloroquine to prevent getting Corona Virus this morning.

What a dick. Is someone dying because of gross negligence manslaughter? This really does sound like some spectrum of murder.

How anyone on earth could look at that guy and say “Yeah he knows what hes doing” is beyond me. Embarrassing. 

When all those poor gullible Fox news viewers start dying, I cant wait for it be a democrat deep state plot. 

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12 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

How anyone on earth could look at that guy and say “Yeah he knows what hes doing” is beyond me. Embarrassing. 

When all those poor gullible Fox news viewers start dying, I cant wait for it be a democrat deep state plot. 

BuT hE iS sUcH a GoOd BuSiNeSsMaN!!!

AnD hE tElLs It LiKe It Is!!!

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4 hours ago, Tulpa said:

If he doesn't have some financial interest in that drug somewhere,

Moncef Slaoui, the new WH “chief scientist” in charge of vaccine development, has $10M stock in one of the pharma cos (Moderna, in Cambridge, MA) working on the vaccine. Today he promised to divest, which I’m sure will happen above board and completely.

Now this is a more tenuous link, but Slaoui is from Morocco, which authorized hospitals to begin using chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in late March, at which time the Donald called it a gift from God.

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6 hours ago, Tulpa said:


I guess there's a limit to how much BS even Fox can tolerate.

To be fair to Cavuto, he was never into the Trump falating game, so unfortunately I doubt the dimwits that follow Trump on this would listen to cavuto.

But this whole thing feels one or two steps away from Trump getting all of his followers to literally drink the KoolAid and ascend to their spaceship hiding behind the nearest comet.

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Administrator · Posted
45 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

To be fair to Cavuto, he was never into the Trump falating game, so unfortunately I doubt the dimwits that follow Trump on this would listen to cavuto.

But this whole thing feels one or two steps away from Trump getting all of his followers to literally drink the KoolAid and ascend to their spaceship hiding behind the nearest comet.

You may be onto something!

Donald Trump

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1 hour ago, Gloves said:

Something to be remembered for.

Im not sure if Trump realizes Fox news doesnt make textbooks 🤣🤣


He is going to have plenty to be remembered for, and that huge tax payer waste will be one of them. 

I can get behind the idea of some sort of “space force”, but only if implemented by an administration that is competent, with a clear direction. 

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13 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

Im not sure if Trump realizes Fox news doesnt make textbooks 🤣🤣


He is going to have plenty to be remembered for, and that huge tax payer waste will be one of them. 

I can get behind the idea of some sort of “space force”, but only if implemented by an administration that is competent, with a clear direction. 

Idk if we nees something like that or not.

If we do need it, it's not the time for it. I'm in California and the governor is already talking about programs that need to be cut because of budget short falls.

When the Republicans are out of the white house, they are going to start talking about fiscal responsibility, cutting medicare, social security etc. They already talking about a payroll tax cut. A payroll tax cut would basically save employers money because they have to match employee's tax payments, but it has the added benefit from the republicans point of view of defunding social security and medicare. 

This space force is one more espense we don't need right now. On a side note, I'd like to see what businesses stand to gain from this "space force."

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1 hour ago, Californication said:

This space force is one more espense we don't need right now. On a side note, I'd like to see what businesses stand to gain from this "space force."

Probably nobody of note that doesn't already benefit from other defense spending.

They are just taking on part of what the Air Force was already doing, so right now it is just some extra letterhead and redundant command structure.

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6 hours ago, MrWunderful said:

I can get behind the idea of some sort of “space force”, but only if implemented by an administration that is competent, with a clear direction. 

That's not what I mean; I don't get how a "space force" makes any sense at all. 

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5 hours ago, Tulpa said:

I wonder how many Floridians would have preferred the literal meth head(Andrew Gillum) to DeSantis. At least the Meth Head would have been shamed out of public office by now.


This is American politics. Sigh.

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8 hours ago, Estil said:

I really don't get the whole Space Force thing.

Advancement of our technology and multiple other leading nations all players both commercially and military as well.  I'm not going to bite into the bullshit anti-Trump jump down his throat and mock the agency bandwagon as I take a perspective of what we did long ago.  We used to have something during WW2 called the USAAF, the United States Army Air Force.  People then were good at making comments and feigning disbelief over the stupid need for those new-ish fangled airplanes to have their own agency so it was still under the power of the Army.  It was only post war and seeing the need of early interest in space due to rocket development (largely thanks to the Nazi V2 program) that perhaps thing that fly off the ground may need their own military bureaucracy.  Sure it worked fine under the Army, it really at that point perhaps when it was founded seemed like bloat, asinine, kind of pointless being in its military infancy but it happened.  Now we're here, decades into having to compete with multiple nations that can launch not just rockets with satellites and warheads but also piloted craft (if not worse) into and beyond orbit.  The Air Force has been doing a fine job, as the Army did in their time too, but we're at a point it makes sense to have the space above the atmosphere have its own agency and power structure too.

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3 hours ago, MrWunderful said:

It doesnt really, I agree. But I still think its kind of cool!

Well, couldn't we at least get our next-gen Earth orbiting spacecraft and then go back to the moon and build colonies and such first?  I mean if we're gonna have a "Space Force" at least have enough spacecraft and space exploration to make it worthwhile!

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3 hours ago, Tanooki said:

Advancement of our technology and multiple other leading nations all players both commercially and military as well.  I'm not going to bite into the bullshit anti-Trump jump down his throat and mock the agency bandwagon as I take a perspective of what we did long ago.  We used to have something during WW2 called the USAAF, the United States Army Air Force.  People then were good at making comments and feigning disbelief over the stupid need for those new-ish fangled airplanes to have their own agency so it was still under the power of the Army.  

Bad analogy.  By WW2 planes (at least the war kind, the civilian airplane travel, like television starting after WW2, was very much in its infancy) were already a major staple in most every major nation's military...they most definitely were not "new fangled".  Now WWI on the other hand, that was when airplane combat was a new thing.  And while we're on that subject a fitting tribute to the most famous WWI Flying Ace of 'em all! 😄 


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Perhaps, we had been flying military aircraft for like 30 years through WW2.  And right now if we use the modern era of space which I guess would include the shuttle (1980) we're a good 40 into it, more if you care to throw the apollo program and its run up as well going back even farther.  The point was basically aircraft matured enough to necessitate a need to have its own independent agency, and so now too has space both with the human element with ships and leaving orbit but also non-human material with satellites from the harmless to the spying and weaponized.  We weren't the ones to take a ground based shot and blow the crap out of a satellite some year sback leaving thousands of easily fatal pieces of space bullety death up there, that would be China.

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