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Unfortunate that people listen to this...

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Yowza, great conversation.

First of all, let's get one thing straight:

Respect to Pat & Ian for doing their thing and doing the CUP in the first place. They cover a lot of shit that I know nothing about and produce some insight to a lot of different things for people.

It's a lot to put yourself out there, and I respect they are just "giving their opinions". Hopefully I can clarify myself a bit here..... 


On 10/17/2022 at 10:46 AM, Tulpa said:

Man, I feel like I've warped into 2014 with this thread. Yeah, Ian and Pat had a lot of controversial takes on their podcast over the years. This was hashed and rehashed on NA for years. I'm sure you dig into the decade they've done this you'll find more lukewarm takes.

And they're not alone. I bet if you dug into The Game Grumps or My Life in Gaming there's some thing they've said that's enraging when Obama was president.

Can we be Elsa and let it go?

I get what you're saying, and I thought about this, haha.... It's not that I'm trying to beat a dead horse, or rehash "old" beefs.... I just don't have any friends in the real world that know/care about this shit. 😳

If I said to one of my friends "Yo, check out this wild shit Pat/Ian are saying." they would have no fucking clue what I was talking about. This is all I got, man...


On 10/17/2022 at 11:07 AM, twiztor said:

i will occasionally check out Pat & Ian podcast snippets that get posted to YouTube (i see i'm not alone by the others that have posted links). It's not something that i will go out of my way for, or dedicate a lot of time to, but it's usually not bad. I have really appreciated their updates on the Intellivision Amico "system". i enjoy them losing their minds over what was an obvious scam from early on, but people just kept falling for. 

Ian just burned himself out on gaming retail. Once you start being annoyed by the little things, it is damn near impossible to remove those negative connotations without a full on reset. IMO that's where a lot of his pessimistic takes come from. How many times can you deal with customers that only want MINTY FRESH labels before you just roll your eyes? How many times can you hear "but it's only $XX on eBay" / "i can get $XX for it on eBay" before you begin to loathe even having those conversations? For Ian, it seems like he had to totally distance himself from a lot of that so that he could continue to enjoy gaming. i totally get that. i put in more than my share of retail time, and it (helped) turn me into a cynical dude too.

I get what you're saying... but they're just examples of different annoying people doing retail anywhere, as others have pointed out. There's ALWAYS going to be annoying people.

My "beef" comes from speaking so condescendingly towards "shelf" collectors (or ANY collector different from yourself) just because it's different from yours. Please see below for further notes...

But I also get what you mean.... I wouldn't work in a game store for 15 year, haha, fuck that shit! Dealing with guys like me all the time, no thanks! 🤣


On 10/17/2022 at 9:33 PM, Teh_Lurv said:

Ian worked game store retail for 15 years, I think he earned the right to shit all over his former customers. I'm glad it sounds like Ian is doing something now he really likes.

I like Pat's show, but my eyes roll hard whenever he brings up a childhood story of "thick but quick Pat".

Haha, really, earned the right to shit on your customers? I bet the people he's talking about might feel different. I'm just saying.... it seems kinda hypocritical, or at the very least having an extreme lack of self awareness, to criticize someone for doing a variation of what you yourself do. In fact, your whole income/living has been created from this. Keep in mind, it's not just the customers he's shitting on, who do you think is LISTENING to the podcast? And who is sitting across from him? And what is behind him? 

But of course, he's moving on, and good for him. I want ANYONE to get out of whatever business they're in if they don't like it. Just odd because the podcast is literally an extension of a job like that. So to me it was like saying "Fuck collectors if you don't do it my way, you're dumb and I'm smart." 🤣

It begs the question.... does Ian give a shit about his Game Boy labels....?  🤔

Haha, "thick but quick Pat", haven't heard them. I mean, Pat's right about a lot of stuff and he knows a lot. Respect for that. And he's passionate, so that's cool. I was stoked for the NES book, I thought it was really well put together and I supported it financially by purchasing one. He was cool.... but I (apparently) draw the line at Battletoads. Once someone says something bad about BT I guess there's just no going back 😅

On 10/18/2022 at 11:14 AM, CodysGameRoom said:

Big Pat and Ian fan here. I listen to their podcast every week, and have for years. Most of the criticisms against them are ill-informed or flat out wrong. I get not liking their style, opinions, etc, and not wanting to listen to them talk or their opinions. Their opinions don't mean shit. I just listen to the podcast because I enjoy it. But they are just people. But I wanted to touch on a few points since most of the people in this thread mentioned they don't listen or only have checked out a video here and there.

First, Ian doesn't hate collectors, or game collecting. He's not hypocritical in any way. He has discussed numerous times throughout the podcast how he enjoyed working in the game store. If you've never worked retail than maybe you don't understand annoying customers. I worked in a used cd/dvd/video game shop for almost 9 years. I loved the job. And there were some customers who were the WORST. It's possible to criticize jerk-hole customers and still like the hobby/the job/whatever. 

Another thing that bugs me is this whole Pat/NA beef. Someone earlier hit the nail on the head, I think a few gatekeepers on the old NA irked Pat and he mentioned it because he has a platform and there ya go. Pat has also mentioned numerous times how NA was a great source for information and he was sad to see that go. He has also mentioned VGS in a positive light, saying he hasn't spent much time here but it seemed to be a nice and much more welcoming community than NA. Which, in my opinion is also true. 

I will say that Pat and Ian do not bullshit. They have no reason to do so. If a topic is discussed they will tell you how they feel. I'd say if you think Ian generally seems unhappy, you don't really have the whole picture. That said, he's also has some serious health issues over the past few years, which anyone who has can tell you, is upsetting. But to call it a lack of self awareness, I just don't buy it. Not if you've listened to the podcast. 

Anyway, not trying to come to the rescue of these dudes, lord knows they are constantly criticized and can handle it, I just wanted to throw my two cents in. 

Interesting take. Thanks for the input.... 

My deal is not that he criticized customers, but a variation of collectors. "I don't like 'shelf collectors' as I call them."

For example. I actually agree with Ian.... but I've learned as I age that it's hypocritical of me to say "shelf collectors are dumb." I think it's dumb FOR ME. But to say it's dumb for SOMEONE ELSE and criticize them, especially when they are your customers/listeners I think is a bit much. 

But I get what you're saying, and you're right. Customers can be the worst, there's no argument here on that, haha. But at the same time.... when you work in a Game store, you can't be seriously irked that ppl are going to want nice labels? Really? 

That'd be like working at a used car lot and being upset at people for wanting cars in good shape on the outside. Or an appliance store and finding it odd people don't want stainless steel fridges with gouges and scratches in the front. 🤨

Car Lot Example: Two used cars are same brand/model, same price, same year, same EVERYTHING in terms of drivability.... but the exterior of one looks like a complete piece of shit and is scratched all to hell.

Which one do you pick? 🤔

To clarify the NA thing.... I guess it's just saying NA at random times to suit his argument that is bothersome. I'm not trying to be the defender of all the good ppl at NA, I just know there were some. They are here now, I get it but it would be get a bit of clarity when those comments get brought up.

Obviously Pat's not going to be like "well, this person and this person at NA were cool, but these ppl were not." but I watched 2 videos and saw a reference. So not sure what whole episodes look like. 

I mean, it's funny because I will defend NA when ppl shit on it, but I will also shit on it for what happened. But we all know there are two very different set of people that were involved in both. 

My apologies for not doing a good job of distinguishing these two groups and melting it all together. 

To make it absolutely clear.... there's no "hate" here. Just a discussion/debate. If I ever met Pat/Ian in person I would be more than happy to have a civil and calm conversation about any subject and I'm not trying to get anyone all riled up or anything like that. 

Just talking about people talking about people collecting games. 🙃


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I personally view the whole collecting / classic gaming thing in an interesting way. Some people such as Ian might feel somewhat similar, having also gotten in during an earlier era.

For me personally, I never stopped playing the old games, never sold any of my machines, and by the time Funcoland came around, as well as internet in most homes, I started properly collecting games, going for a full set, and I'd also actually play the games.

Then resellers would come in, and prices would increase drastically. Then games would become trendy. Then WATA and the sealed shitholes would jump into the mix. With each integration, I began to lose interest in collecting and (classic) gaming as a whole. Why?

1. It's not fun going out on weekends looking for games only to get scooped week after week by greedy resellers, who don't give any shits about the games. I don't mind the reseller, but I do mind the greed. Similarly, as more items are removed from the population, a lot of the scraps being found are of an inferior quality, being sold for even higher prices.

2. Old games becoming trendy sort of went along with the reseller boom, I guess. Again though, it all just felt / feels really "fake" to me. Some of the people may be living out their nostalgia for an earlier time, but if gaming hadn't become trendy, I'd venture a guess that many of those people wouldn't have ever looked back towards playing these old games. That being the case, I just cannot hold this sort of collector on the same level as those who were interested in the games before they were cool. Elitist, sure, but that's just my feeling, and I feel the same way about anything that becomes trendy. 

3. Finally the WATA sealed shite and investors. Just a big money version of group 2. 

So with a hobby where 2/3 of the participants aren't particularly authentic, I can see why an old tier game collector might begin to lose interest, I did, which is why I moved towards writing Mali's Cash magazines and checking out homebrew stuff, which is basically all I do these days.

On a different note, shelf collecting is dumb. So is eating McDonalds burgers, smoking two packs a day, drinking a six pack of beer a night, not eating vegetables, not exercising, streaking during a snowstorm, hiking in the mountains wearing nothing but a bikini, jumping into the shark tank at a zoo, etc.

Shelf collecting takes up a huge amount of time, space, and money, is not fun to move, is a headache as one has to worry about natural disasters, etc. Then throw in the fact that for the older games, whole libraries can fit onto a flash cart, all of the artwork / manuals are available online for viewing pleasure, etc, there really isn't much reason to shelf collect. To do it is dumb, but that doesn't take away from the enjoyment factor of it (I enjoy shelf collecting, personally) but I similarly realize that it is silly.

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1 hour ago, AirVillain said:

And who is sitting across from him? And what is behind him? 

Pat does play most of his games, though. He did the long running NES marathon where people could donate to charity and request a game for him (and Ian) to play, and any game on the shelf was on the table. Even the two NWC carts were used one year. The first marathon they even played every game he owned at least a little bit. Not to mention playing most of the games for the books.

So I don't think he fits Ian's definition of shelf collector.

Edited by Tulpa
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9 hours ago, AirVillain said:

Just talking about people talking about people collecting games.

Did you watch their most recent podcast? They covered their PRGE experience and Ian talked for 4-5 minutes about his PC engine collection and his game boy collection, and the joy he had talking to other collectors at the convention, and about what games he picked up that he was excited to play. 

You're basing your opinion of the guy off 1-2 random videos you saw where he expressed one opinion about one scenario where you disagreed. Just kinda feels like you posted about them here knowing other people don't like them and were hoping to get a thread full of people going "Yea, they suck!". Meh. 

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It is what it is. You're always going to have things to complain about in a hobby, especially when that hobby was your job for a while. I'm sure Ian saw some negative changes over the years working in his store and now it's just a topic of discussion on their podcast. Is it any different that the majority of people who used to bitch about resellers when the vast majority of collectors have sold or traded games for profit? 


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On 10/18/2022 at 7:18 AM, darkchylde28 said:

Except that's not how you approached your particular "hot take."

No, that's not how you read my "particular hot take". I maintain that on a conversational level, an informal format as most youtube personalities also are, I don't want to listen to a single person hold court for 5-30 minutes nonstop.

If you did that at a party (and given the length of nearly every single one of your posts, I suspect you might) I'd walk away pretty quick. 

Going to another party tomorrow, btw

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31 minutes ago, darkchylde28 said:

Not happy with your previous response to this from three days ago?  😉

south park beat a dead horse GIF


I'm fine with it. Just had another thought as I read today's replies ITT. That's a funny gif to post considering how much you wrote about what I said, though. And I don't see any reason to deny that I felt insulted and/or misconstrued by it.

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1 minute ago, Link said:

I'm fine with it. Just had another thought as I read today's replies ITT. That's a funny gif to post considering how much you wrote about what I said, though. And I don't see any reason to deny that I felt insulted and/or misconstrued by it.

I don't know whether I should feel sad or honored that I somehow captured that much of your attention, lol.  Feel however you want, as I framed what I said based on how I viewed what you said, then moved on.  Sorry if that's not the reaction you were looking for half a week later.  Hope you have fun at your party!

Dance Celebrate GIF by Krones AG

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They aren't really a duo I gravitate to often and I watch their videos here and there. For all their significant knowledge and experience, Pat comes off as pretentious and condescending at times. Ian doesn't seem to be too bad but it was pretty funny, plus slightly off putting to see them both quite dismissive and jealous when they covered Last Gamer's collection in an ep a few years ago. Nearly 10 mins of sour grapes. God forbid a little old Aussie from the arse end of the world could have more experience and a bigger collection than him. This is pretty funny...

To be fair you could nit pick any criticisms of notable collectors who have a presence on these various platforms.

Edited by Super Nintendo Chalmers
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Who wouldn’t want the nicer label when given the option? In my opinion it’s the buyer’s decision what they do with their purchase. I love gaming as much as the next, but it’s all about what makes one happy. The games have wonderful artwork and I can understand someone wanting to collect just that. Maybe for some perspective… 15yrs ago before ever-drives and emulation I could understand Ian’s annoyance, but nobody is buying DK jr math to play it… come on, they want to display it on their shelf… no matter how much of a true “gamer” they are.

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11 minutes ago, portabello said:

Who wouldn’t want the nicer label when given the option? In my opinion it’s the buyer’s decision what they do with their purchase. I love gaming as much as the next, but it’s all about what makes one happy. The games have wonderful artwork and I can understand someone wanting to collect just that. Maybe for some perspective… 15yrs ago before ever-drives and emulation I could understand Ian’s annoyance, but nobody is buying DK jr math to play it… come on, they want to display it on their shelf… no matter how much of a true “gamer” they are.

I only play original carts, despite owning flash carts.

I think with the label/customer situation, those who've worked in retail know how things can spiral out of control quickly.

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2 hours ago, fcgamer said:

I only play original carts, despite owning flash carts.

I think with the label/customer situation, those who've worked in retail know how things can spiral out of control quickly.

I had two customers (i worked briefly between jobs at a video rental store) who wanted to fight me - one because he cleverly didn't realize that the Seven Samurai just might be in Japanese with English subtitles.   The other one because I told him a Dan Quayle joke (this after I had made copies from some really obscure movies he wantedon laserdisc for him for free  - go figure).  That was by far the worst job I ever had - even working at the bug hosptal was better.

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Lots of good conversation here....


On 10/21/2022 at 12:23 AM, fcgamer said:

To do it is dumb, but that doesn't take away from the enjoyment factor of it (I enjoy shelf collecting, personally) but I similarly realize that it is silly.


I get what you're saying, and I actually agree, haha. There's plenty of things ppl collect that I think are dumb, but I can understand how it makes someone else happy. My biggest "beef" is just how condescending he and dismissive he is. 🤷‍♂️


On 10/21/2022 at 12:29 AM, Tulpa said:

Pat does play most of his games, though. He did the long running NES marathon where people could donate to charity and request a game for him (and Ian) to play, and any game on the shelf was on the table. Even the two NWC carts were used one year. The first marathon they even played every game he owned at least a little bit. Not to mention playing most of the games for the books.

So I don't think he fits Ian's definition of shelf collector.

I didn't mean Pat was STRICTLY a shelf collector, as I know about the marathons and what not.... just used the example because of the little arcade units in the background. But you're correct, he certainly wouldn't fall into that category....


On 10/21/2022 at 9:24 AM, CodysGameRoom said:

Did you watch their most recent podcast? They covered their PRGE experience and Ian talked for 4-5 minutes about his PC engine collection and his game boy collection, and the joy he had talking to other collectors at the convention, and about what games he picked up that he was excited to play. 

You're basing your opinion of the guy off 1-2 random videos you saw where he expressed one opinion about one scenario where you disagreed. Just kinda feels like you posted about them here knowing other people don't like them and were hoping to get a thread full of people going "Yea, they suck!". Meh. 

No, didn't want the most recent one... as I said, I just randomly thought about stuff and watched a couple videos. I think there would be more threads like this if I watched more.

Okay, well.... Just skimming through here.... "don't have the time to sift through to look for Game Boy games".... so upgrading labels IS a thing?  🤔   

I can listen to a bit here and there, but a whole hour is just not my style.

Anyways, man..... I'm not basing my ENTIRE opinion of him off a few videos, I stated my "issues" and that's that. I'm not saying he's a shitty person and deserves to rot in jail, haha..... just that he seems dismissive, and pessimistic about video games. 

I noticed he made sure to point out (referring to another collector) "He's one of those collectors that buys expensive games and then plays them, like I do with PC Engine.".... Just so everyone is clear. 🤣

I also find the anecdotal "evidence" annoying because who knows how accurate it is when he says things like "I saw lots of these selling, and these not selling...."? So this guy is some sort of savant genius who can remember ALL the games being sold at ALL the booths? 


Around 12:56 Ian speaks about looking for some Densha De GO! Plug and play train simulator. Is this guy going to be sitting at home and every few days and play this train simulator? Or is he going to play it once and then put it on the shelf??  🤔

(this nitpicking is your fault for making me watch another video, haha) 

And AGAIN... I didn't come here to rally others for big "yea, they suck!" chant, my real life friends literally don't give a fuck about this stuff, so it would be pointless to have a conversation about it with them.... Not any deeper than that. 


Are there people who will buy a game and NOT play it???? 

Okay, it may be an expensive game and you don't play it often..... but are ppl going to play a game and STRAIGHT UP not play it ever? 

I feel like he's over-exaggerating the extent of people actually doing this (with video games specifically).  🤔

Edited by AirVillain
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1 hour ago, AirVillain said:

Around 12:56 Ian speaks about looking for some Densha De GO! Plug and play train simulator. Is this guy going to be sitting at home and every few days and play this train simulator?

He might. He's stated that he likes oddball games that don't get a lot of love.

1 hour ago, AirVillain said:

Are there people who will buy a game and NOT play it???? 

Yes, every sealed collector does this.

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Hi @AirVillain, just thought I'd chime in. Ian was speaking about me. I bought the Commando Steel Disaster off of him and we had a conversation about it at the table on Saturday. It turns out that we have a mutual friend and had a bit of conversation about GB/GBC/GBA and PC Engine games (and Lardo's sandwiches) on Monday over lunch.

As an aside, since Pat and Ian are just a couple of regular guys who happen to have a podcast (albeit with reach due to various factors), why not start a podcast of your own? I'm sure the feedback you get will prompt good conversation. I get feeling like you don't have people to talk to who care about the subject matter, but a few of the folks on VGS have a podcast and have interesting takes; maybe you could ask to be a guest for a round table discussion on the topic?

Regarding the question you posed:

"Are there people who will buy a game and NOT play it????"

Absolutely. The first person who comes to mind is Cooper from Double Jump. He has a massive collection, only does the full set thing, and has gone on record in one of his videos stating he's got no intention of playing the retro games he buys, he just loves the hunt.

There are plenty of other broad strokes examples, but at the end of the day, does it matter? To my mind, if what you're doing with your collecting makes you happy and isn't harming either the people in your life or yourself, have at it, no? While that - in and of itself - is a pretty obvious statement of opinion, just like any other opinion, everyone's allowed to have theirs...objectively or subjectively right or wrong.

There are other things going on in the retro gaming community that are - to my mind - actively harmful and I feel like it really altered the atmosphere to PRGE this year; suffice to say, my wife and I agreed that we don't see ourselves going back. Now that would be an interesting conversation I'd love to engage in on a podcast! Well, a conversation for another time and thread 🙂

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I always liked the Pat show.  He seems kind of like a dick and I’m good with that.   

I AM a shelf collector.  I like it that way.  I’ve got this pile of 1000 games and yes I’m only going to play the same 10 games over and over out of that pile.  Who has time to play all that?  Nobody is passing out handys and cookies because you did or didn’t play x% of your games.   



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Goddamn shelf collectors, they ruin everything. I mail my desirable stamps and I put my desirable trading cards in the spokes of my bicycle wheels to sound cool. I only use them for their intended purpose because I’m a better collector.

Edited by Strange
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15 hours ago, Tulpa said:

He might. He's stated that he likes oddball games that don't get a lot of love.

Yes, every sealed collector does this.

Sorry, I'm dumb... I should have clarified. In my head I was thinking of the situation of someone picking an an accessible game based on its nice label/being a "shelf collector". Of course, in this case making that absolutely clear is important, sorry. 🙈 

I mean, I guess duh... there's ppl out there that do all sorts of crazy shit, haha. (see below)

And yes, sealed collectors of course would do this.  


15 hours ago, Renmauzo said:

Hi @AirVillain, just thought I'd chime in. Ian was speaking about me. I bought the Commando Steel Disaster off of him and we had a conversation about it at the table on Saturday. It turns out that we have a mutual friend and had a bit of conversation about GB/GBC/GBA and PC Engine games (and Lardo's sandwiches) on Monday over lunch.

As an aside, since Pat and Ian are just a couple of regular guys who happen to have a podcast (albeit with reach due to various factors), why not start a podcast of your own? I'm sure the feedback you get will prompt good conversation. I get feeling like you don't have people to talk to who care about the subject matter, but a few of the folks on VGS have a podcast and have interesting takes; maybe you could ask to be a guest for a round table discussion on the topic?

Regarding the question you posed:

"Are there people who will buy a game and NOT play it????"

Absolutely. The first person who comes to mind is Cooper from Double Jump. He has a massive collection, only does the full set thing, and has gone on record in one of his videos stating he's got no intention of playing the retro games he buys, he just loves the hunt.

There are plenty of other broad strokes examples, but at the end of the day, does it matter? To my mind, if what you're doing with your collecting makes you happy and isn't harming either the people in your life or yourself, have at it, no? While that - in and of itself - is a pretty obvious statement of opinion, just like any other opinion, everyone's allowed to have theirs...objectively or subjectively right or wrong.

There are other things going on in the retro gaming community that are - to my mind - actively harmful and I feel like it really altered the atmosphere to PRGE this year; suffice to say, my wife and I agreed that we don't see ourselves going back. Now that would be an interesting conversation I'd love to engage in on a podcast! Well, a conversation for another time and thread 🙂

Awesome, thanks for the input! 

I've thought about the podcast thing, and you're right... could go ahead and do it. Good suggestions for a round table conversation! 

Regarding the games, as I said above, I'm dumb and didn't clarify. I was thinking about labels (crusty vs good) and accessible games. So the sealed of course you're not going to open. But also in general terms, I was thinking of not playing ANY game. I can understand not playing some that maybe you don't like (*coughs RPG's), or only playing a really expensive game every once in a while, but to not play ANY game is odd to me as well, haha.

But again, thanks for the example... I mean, yeah... I guess there's people out there who just love hunting for the games and amassing collections. But... if I were working at a retail store I wouldn't get upset about these people.

You're totally right about the broad strokes and what does it matter.... I agree. That was kind of my point. Ian always seems so derogatory so I brought up the discussion. I mean, I guess it's understood that these are just people with opinions, and that's fine. Which I totally agree with, which is why I opened up the discussion.

Not to say "this person or that person is stupid/wrong".... but moreso "this seems to be their opinion, here's mine... what do you think?" 🤷‍♂️

The "not playing any games" thing is dumb to me too, so it's funny/hypocritical for me because I agree with Ian in a lot of ways. I embrace the hypocrisy, though, haha. Like, I can laugh about how dumb I think something else is, but at the same time I understand that people think what I do is dumb, so we're all the same level playing field, really.

For example, if I worked at a game store I wouldn't be UPSET with these people to the point of shitting all over them/becoming jaded about different collectors, I would embrace their quirkiness as somewhat of an "collecting alternate universe" to my own. 

Like.... Funko Pops are fucking dumb but I don't think the ppl who like them are dumb, and I think it's funny/ironic because I think what they love is dumb, and they think what I love is dumb. 😅


5 hours ago, Strange said:

Goddamn shelf collectors, they ruin everything. I mail my desirable stamps and I put my desirable trading cards in the spokes of my bicycle wheels to sound cool. I only use them for their intended purpose because I’m a better collector.

Haha.... "I mail my desirable stamps". 

This is the exact type of irony I intended to point out. Thanks Strange.

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5 hours ago, Strange said:

Goddamn shelf collectors, they ruin everything. I mail my desirable stamps and I put my desirable trading cards in the spokes of my bicycle wheels to sound cool. I only use them for their intended purpose because I’m a better collector.

I actually read my comics. I feel like a monster.

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