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Everything posted by ThePhleo

  1. Boxed Sachen Game Boy... makes a common original art Sachen NES collector like me shy and scared.
  2. So you're the one who made it dip.
  3. I just want to say I’m extremely impressed. Also, I believe that even if it isn’t absolutely complete, then this is the best way to uncover previously unknown details. Looking forward to this
  4. I don’t smoke cigarettes, or marijuana. But there is one thing I do love to smoke on very rare occasions, and it’s cigars. Theres nothing quite like sitting at a poker table with a glass of whisky, wearing a nice suit and timepiece, and smoking a fine quality cigar. Storing your cigars are super important and worthy of their own dedicated research. Maybe go to a local cigar shop for recommendations on a proper humidor. Cutting a cigar is an art form. You want to just basically remove the very very end of it and nothing more. Anything more than just the tip and you run the risk of it unravelling. Before lighting your cigar, always moisten it or your lips well so it doesn’t stick to your lip. You can destroy the cigar if it sticks and peels open. When lighting it, singe the rim a little, and then fully light it while rotating it and make sure the that it is fully lit, then take a few small puffs and your cigar is ready to enjoy. When smoking it, Like @Daniel_Doyce said, you don’t inhale the smoke, you savor it and taste it. And don’t ash it like a cigarette, just let the ash tip fall off on its own as a nice like chunk. A cigar should lasts me about a hour or more...smaller ones a bit less. It’s not something to have a quick smoke with, but rather a consumable accessory of sorts and will be with you for a while. I also don’t recommend you smoke them every day. They’re fine pieces of craftsmanship meant to be enjoyed, not habitually consumed though I think @Daniel_Doyce disagrees.
  5. Hey, don't sweat it. I love getting messages like this. Sometimes it randomly leads to more NWCs not on my list. I...do not! If you find a picture let me know. For now, I'll consider adding it to the "Rumored" list on my PC, along with #0345.
  6. 1. I want to play high performance games on both my 160” 4K projector for casual gaming, and my 27 1440p office monitor for competitive gaming...this rules out Rasperry Pi since games like Overwatch won’t run. 2. Wires typically mean less latency. Something I take seriously. 3. I already have a long enough HDMI cable. I just want to make 1 pc appear as two. 4. I don’t want an nvidia shield. 5. See reason 1 6. Thanks! That’s actually what I was looking for. Now I hope Kodi also supports emulators...or at least if emulator front ends have similar features!
  7. So I just bought a new PC and I have a home theater setup, and an office separated by only about 20 feet. I want to run an HDMI, and USB extender about 20 feet from my home theater to my office and use it both as an office pc and an HTPC. The only thing is, I want to use a "frontend" in the Home theater, and a normal desktop in the office. Does anyone know of any software that can recognize when I'm doing the follwing? Splits the PC into two "modes" one, DESKTOP and one HOMETHEATER Recognizes that I'm using OFFICE KEYBOARD/MOUSE, and HTPC REMOTE/KEYBOARD/MOUSE
  8. Yes, I have that one recorded. It's actually one of the most heavily documented ones I have!
  9. If every day is Christmas, then it won’t be special! But I swear, if we skip Leif Erikson day...
  10. I’d love to learn to speak, read, and write Japanese in order to properly document and archive Famicom games. I’ve got a very very low level understanding of European languages like German, Spanish, and Italian for this reason.
  11. Titles are good, but I’d be damned if I wasn’t disappointed in it. Plus everything good to be had on it has been ported over to the switch.
  12. 2. Thing is huge, library is small;m, games are trash, and it’s considered the same generation as its predecessor. Its the original Wii U.
  13. Average console. Fantastic packaging. KC Munchkin is a good Pacman clone IMO
  14. The day the OP found it he messages me on InstaGram and I photoshopped it to prove it was oval. Dude just wanted to see how other people react to it was all.
  15. So much responsibility...how will I cope. I just hope I don't f**k up season 8.
  16. Sounds like a case of "Trolls on Treasure Island" where there are god knows how many different troll doll variants, coupled with the fact that there is also a notched cartridge variant.
  17. I'm looking for DK Math, FFF:AW, Chubby, Bonk's, Zombie Nation, and the big Taito 5 (F2, BB2, PB2, Panic, Samson) as long as they're all complete. Exception for Chubby, FFF:AW, and DK Math if they're half decent boxes with in tact hangtabs. Maybe not all at once though...
  18. Forums in general are outdated and unfashionable. To say we’re the best retro gaming forum is wrong though. A Google search for “retro game forum” doesn’t even yield results for VGS. The place is just too knew, and were such a small community that it’s hard to gauge where we even sit on the spectrum. Clearly were more knowledge archival focused of a community rather than strictly a game discussion forum, but most topics here have been gravitating to a more “Anti New Wave Collector” rhetoric instead of a “Games are cool, let’s nitpick every detail” one. Also, Forums not quite the way of the dodo, but they’ve got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. The only reason places like VGS work is because were attracted to things that are old and outdated to begin with. In terms of retro gaming, we are an offshoot of an older forum that itself was a hyper focused, outdated community...and like NintendoAge before us, we have an “outsider” problem. It’s not good to bash people who are new and excited about the hobby. Just like how the Internet moved from BBS and IRC, The Internet has now moved on from forums and instant messaging to Facebook groups, and Discord servers. Same tech, different name. EDIT: you know what, autocorrect knows better than me I guess. I’m not correcting all my typos.
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