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Everything posted by fcgamer

  1. Thanks for sharing these mate! I'll definitely be taking a more thorough look later, really interesting about the altered strip.
  2. @Sumez makes a great list of Famicom exclusives above, from Japan. There were so many other amazing exclusives coming out of Taiwan and Korea too, though, which I feel are definitely worth playing. Here are a few of my personal favorites: -Huang Di -Lin Ban's the Opium - Metal Force -Koko Adventure -Final Fight 3 -Super Donkey Kong 4 -Dragon Knife (think I'm remembering the name correctly, it's an unofficial sequel to the Double Dragon games) This is just a short list off the top of my head, but there's dozens of fun games from that region that people just aren't aware of. For those of you who are interested in Taiwanese and Korean original video games, I hope you get the chance to check out my book, Family Bits, when it's finally completed. I designed it with the sole purpose of helping others discover more about the obscure games coming out of this region.
  3. Yup, I've got quite a bit I'd like to sell, cheaply at that! Some 1:1 copies, some multicarts, some with "localised" packages for Taiwan market. I think the latter definitely could in the future become somewhat collectable, since it's a finite set, for a specific region, despite being bootleg.
  4. Very beautiful items Corey. I've got Famicom versions of some of those. If I were to collect NES again, it'd just be stuff like this! Did you ever open up the Konami carts? How's the PCB? I just ask because several official Konami Famicom PCBs have been found in bootleg shells, one can draw his or her own conclusions about it.
  5. For bootleg carts across the board, it all depends on the item in question. Something that is just 1:1 obviously won't have much value, unless it's of a popular / expensive game. If the game is exclusive to another region though (such as Silver Surfer or Jaws, never released on Famicom), a bootleg easily fetches $40 - $50 in collector circles. But again, boots of those two games are also rare, compared to something like Captain America. I got some bootleg stuff I'll likely be auctioning off here in the next week or so. If nothing else, please watch how I market it. I feel there are also some items that are undervalued at the moment, which could command a slight premium in the future due to historical purposes.
  6. Oh I love bootleg games, I've often thought about selling my Famicom full set and just keeping my Taiwanese bootlegs. It sounds strange, but I have some local friends who did just that. In a similar way, collectors from Poland, Argentina, and other "bootleg" regions much prefer old boots to original official releases. FWIW, one of my guys just sent me pictures of some bootleg carts he got yesterday (he always gives me first go, since I'm always serious with buying and will generally buy anything I don't have, that's fairly priced). $75 for three games, while he didn't price the carts at $25 each, the divided cost works out to that. Don't be fooled that there's no value.
  7. Also will share this one, dig it out from the archives while helping someone trying to track down some childhood games. It's a catalogue of bootleg games from the Whirlwind Manu company. It's sadly incomplete, though the data inside is quite valuable. Again quite rare, possibly one of a kind.
  8. Haven't seen my buddy for a spell, had been getting worried about him. I heard him last night and tonight though, but didn't actually see him. I just went out a few moments ago to pay a bill, and I noticed the orange fuzzy and a friend were sitting together downstairs on parked scooters, chilling
  9. @RH Awesome for you to appreciate all these folks do!
  10. @Deadeye That's a fair assessment I think. I guess from where I sit, there's less one can do to a puzzle game to differentiate it from others of the same genre (i.e. Bugtris runs still very similar to Tetris, despite having the gameplay mixed up a bit) , hence my comments that they're all somewhat derivatives of Sokoban. But that doesn't mean for me that they're boring or unworthy to play or anything like that. In fact, the level generation / ability to share with a friend is quite awesome in The Incident. Not gonna discuss this anymore though, like you mentioned, let's all go back to Force Bot!
  11. Very neat! Not sure I'd want them in my own collection, but it's quite a piece of history.
  12. Nothing is worth it to me, aside from taking a family member or pet to the emergency room, for example. For other things, they can wait.
  13. What is the third ROC game? I agree, rarest should include stuff like Worm Visitor. There's some super rare stuff that makes the wisdom tree games or even any licensed release look common.
  14. Not sure where the 1500 number is coming from, there about 1051 licensed Famicom games, and if we include all the unlicensed originals it brings the number to maybe 1700 or so, easily 2000+ games if we include the NES exclusives unofficially released on Famicom too. My favourite pal exclusive is Smurfs. Such a fun game.
  15. I remember when the original author has made that game engine. Is it quite easy to use? Did you make any modifications to it yourself? I'm always glad to see more items getting released in the homebrew scene. It's fun to see everyone's creative ideas coming to life, and likewise to see so much talent in this community.
  16. I'm cutting down his game just by saying that I'm not fond of the name, and never was? Or I'm cutting down his game by mentioning that there were other block pushers on the machine before his? If the latter is the problem, then I feel the same could be said about @Deadeye 's post, even though he mentioned that he wasn't trying to be a downer. If I were the developer of Force Bot, I'd be pretty bummed out that the game was being compared to another homebrew game, straight out of the gate. Given that these are all derivative of the Sokoban-style game design, I think makes things even odder, since there would naturally be similarities among all games of said genre. Honestly don't think @KHAN Games needs to defend his work or game title either. Not liking an aspect of a project doesn't mean one is trashing it. Many people don't like the difficulty of the Battle Kid games, but I don't think that people view it as cutting down Sivak's game series either. That's the brilliance of it all, people can have differing opinions on matters but in the end we share the commonality of gaming.
  17. @KHAN Games Honestly, please just let everything go. I didn't trash your game here, and on other threads I've even stated that I'd like to give it a go at some point. I have said again and again though that compared to the image conjured up by the name, the game itself seems pretty tame. If I made a game titles Terror Strike and then it was just solitaire or minesweeper derivative,I think I'd receive a similar reaction at least from one or two people. I hope that we can agree to disagree on my opinion, and that you can at least see where I'm coming from, and that I'm not trying to spew venom, so we can move past this .
  18. @Deadeye You are right that if you're the only one who's brought it up, then I might be jumping the gun a bit on the topic. For that, I'd like to apologize. That being said, I'm not trying to insult or bash The Incident despite what the author may think. The situation about that game though, imo, has always been that in isolation, the name makes it out to be some exciting action game or spy game or something, whereas in reality it's a box pusher. This leads into another point of mine, it appears to me that all of these games are close in concept to (or could even be considered as) Sokoban clones.
  19. For all those who keep comparing this to The Incident... please stop. Compared to what the name suggests , I was quite underwhelmed to see what the incident actually was. Way back in early nes homebrew we received a sokoban clone, wait even earlier about 1990 or so we received Porter, another box pusher. In the early 2000s there was yet another box pusher on NES / famicom. Force Bot looks fun. For those saying it's just a copy of The Incident, well the Incident occurred at least three times before the release version, lol
  20. @OptOut that thing is just creepy, not nearly as the fuzzy that's been hanging around my place. I'll gladly help you pick out a great pet for your sons if need be, haha.
  21. Awesome stuff dude, glad to see some love for the Famicom
  22. No way anyone else has this. Got it ironically enough from a guy in Australia, no idea this form was in the package until I received it. While VIDEOMATION was licensed for the nes, it was unlicensed on the famicom. Here's an invoice for a copy purchased from the company that published it in Hong Kong.
  23. Not to be pedantic but Japanese games are also NTSC. Also gotta disagree with the guy above, Famicom prices have been on the rise recently, the nostalgic boom has finally started to hit Asia!
  24. Oh I agree that latte is bad for you, or sugar with coffee, etc. I'd do a quick Google search and link a few articles that show the benefits of coffee, mentioning it's antioxidant properties, etc, but I'm soon off to work. Black coffee itself though has health benefits for sure, though I will admit it can stain ones teeth.
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