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  1. Ahhh. Ok. Saw it pop up in a local Retro Game Group and it looked interesting. Thanks!
  2. Saw this on eBay. Looks interesting. Anyone have info on it? https://www.ebay.com/itm/196282751162?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=xpjhBouTR7S&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=NR_nNv1IT-y&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. I’d be there but I got my days mixed up when I booked our long weekend vacation. have fun!
  4. Same. I’ve met about a handful or so locally either buying or selling. Even got to go to each others game caves and see our collections. Hung out several times but I moved unfortunately. But yes. Local is best but I’ve also had great luck buying abroad on Facebook or OfferUp. Edit: 3 turned out to be NA members too which was cool not knowing at first since it was either Craigslist or marketplace. Just got to chatting it comes out. insert spider man pointing at each other meme
  5. Another reason why I posted it but I know some folks can be leery of Facebook marketplace. I was too. Due diligence is much needed. I have bought from others in the collectors circle on there and never had an issue. Hell, even on OfferUp I’ve bought from a rando but reviews are key just like here. if using PayPal then you’re covered for the most part. I’ve had better luck finding things out in the open as if I were on NA again. Just get into a good group. helps if it’s local too. I was browsing the group form myself and i posted in the event someone was looking is all. If a mod wants to delete that’s cool. If that guy has those types of titles, he may have other things not listed someone is really looking for and could ask. I wouldn’t of posted if it were someone asking for a google voice code or your social security number. Lol. Or joined October 2023. I checked for time in the site (time checked out) and reviews (which also checked out) no different than on here.
  6. No worries. I only saw the post and figured I’d share. please delete
  7. Not sure if this goes here or how folks feel about marketplace but I saw this. “NES tapes” lol Sellers join date 2009 29 ratings almost 5 stars hope this helps someone out preview photos below if some don’t have FB before clicking/tapping * I am not the seller nor do I know them * https://www.facebook.com/groups/958145174247531/permalink/6986085228120132/?sale_post_id=6986085228120132
  8. Whereabouts you located? In the event of a local pick up arrangement
  9. I’ll take it. Do you send me an invoice like on NA?
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