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Everything posted by nesmaster14

  1. I was wondering why my score was formatting so weird, then I realized our site admin likes the use of html/css tooltips. Case in point: 69,999 PM VGS PAL It also only shows up after you post so I had no idea of these shenanigans... haha. Anyway, I really thought folks were going to get 200K+ in this one. I didn't get much playtime either, but was a fun challenge and nice to revisit a classic arcade game.
  2. 109,248 Great game design. Only thing the NES port needed was analog trackball support. They made analog work with arkanoid NES, woulda been cool for this port. I feel the d-pad leaves a bit desired (also nintenditis lol) for millipede. Still a fun challenge though, perhaps even harder than arcade. 69,083
  3. 109,750 ^updated score^ Not sure where else I can squeeze to get 30k more... haha. Look forward to the smb sorcery declassification posts if anyone shares their techniques afterwards. Be interesting to see/hear what folks are trying. Seems there's multiple ways one can approach a good run. 101,800 This is a fun challenge! I know I have room for improvement somewhere.
  4. If we're sticking to the 90s, my personal pick would be Indy Car Racing (DOS, 1993). It was pretty realistic for its time in graphics and physics, and had really cool camera modes. It still impresses me today haha. I remember playing this with steering wheel and pedals. Quite the experience. Virtua Racing was awesome too with its graphics/performance. I read at some point Sega was literally licensing military rendering technology from Lockheed for their earlier 3D games.
  5. This just came out today. My thoughts:
  6. Interesting, I haven't listened to much 90s Testament. That song to me sounds very Alice In Chains influenced. But yeah, I dig their stuff especially Skolnick's guitar skill.
  7. Just finished Metroid! This game's been on my backlog for so long, nice to finally beat it.
  8. 209,260 Gave it a try. Cool Robotron-inspired game!
  9. https://interactive.sesamestreet.org/games/prod/269-pinball-number-count/e27f661f75eea10b7059a748494a44c9abeeb71e/run/index.html They do have an official game, works great on mobile! 123,4,5,678,9,10,11,12
  10. 4,779,000 Almost forgot this one, can't miss some Genesis/Pinball action. It's a neat game, but I recall Dragon's Fury being a bit more polished, haha.
  11. I've never heard of Zaxxon 2000 (don't have a 32X anymore, played Zaxxon though). It sounds interesting with the ship jumping. Somehow I've heard of Dreadnaught Factor before, but haven't played it yet. Here's a few somewhat nontraditional shmups I like: Atomic Runner (Genesis, 1992) - Boogie Wings (Arcade, 1992) - Sqoon (NES) - There's probably some C64 shooters I've played that'd fit the oddball shooter gameplay mechanics category too. I'd have to remember which ones though, haha. There's also Otocky on Famicom Disk System, which is like a procedurally generated rhythm music shooter, it's a bit wonky but definitely unique.
  12. VGS STAGE 1-1 [===] | | | _________ | ___ | |___ | | # # | | | | _________________________________|_|_______________________ |_____###______| Can you jump the flagpole... and the castle?
  13. Yeah shmup makes sense, but I'm not sure if I've heard many people refer to them as STG outside of Japan. It's definitely a phrase that's been around a long time too. Personally I'm fine with it too and I like the aesthetic of it, but shmup has less syllables so I stick with that haha. Or is it pronounced Stig?
  14. Weekend bump if anyone wants to fire up the Sega. I've updated some of the achievements and might add a few more. I played for a bit last night and got to level 2. I actually owned this game as a kid and don't think I ever made it past the first stage, haha. I can clear it pretty quickly now though. I'm wondering if anyone else has experience with the game. It has some challenge, but being only 4 levels I think it's doable. The level designs are pretty creative/clever and I'd say the game still has a lot of style and charm, perhaps worthy of a modern remake. Cheers
  15. What is a tier list without a clickbait banner I didn't play through many games but I beat a few larger ones, particularly on GC and PS1. S - Metal Gear Solid (PS1), Eternal Darkness (Gamecube), Squad 51 Vs. The Flying Saucers (PC) A - Geist (Gamecube), Castlevania Chronicles (PS1) B - Billy Blazes: Rescue Heroes (GBA) C - Parodius (FC) D, F - aint nobody got time fa dat
  16. Hey folks, I thought it'd be cool to show some more Sega Genesis/Mega Drive gaming love here. An interesting blend of Pinball and Sonic, this week's Genesis Challenge is none other than Sonic Spinball! This game is also still unbeaten in the ongoing "Beat Every Genesis Game" thread. Do you have what it takes? You can play for top score, try for achievements (shown below), or both. Submissions: Post your score or achievement with your VGS username in the image. For high scores, stop at Ball 1 and take your score picture. It's easier to get a pic (high score screen is only shown briefly at end). For achievements, take pic of relevant achievement (shown below). Challenge ends Sunday 1/15 at 11:59PM(EST) Challenge Ended - VGS 0 | Sega Genesis 1 Bonus Achievements! (added to your ranking): "Speedrunner" - Be the first in the thread to play through the game. "Spinball Adventurer" - Anyone who can finish the game. "Cave Adventurer" - Collect all three Chaos Emeralds in Stage 1 Toxic Caves, Access Stage 2. "Lava Adventurer" - Collect all three Chaos Emeralds in Stage 2 Lava Powerhouse, Access Stage 3. "Machine Adventurer" - Collect all three Chaos Emeralds in Stage 3 The Machine, Access Stage 3. "The Showdown" - Collect all three Chaos Emeralds in Stage 4 The Showdown "Points Player" - Get 10,000,000 points. There are 4 detailed stages, some bosses, and bonus areas. Good luck and have fun! HIGH SCORES Username - Score | Stage | Achievements Username - Score | Stage | Achievements Username - Score | Stage | Achievements Username - Score | Stage | Achievements Username - Score | Stage | Achievements
  17. So folks with balding, you just need to re-level the build plate
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