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Everything posted by nesmaster14

  1. Been awhile since I had my MAME machine running, but here are some of the more memorable (unusual) titles I played: PuLiRuLa Trio The Punch Boogie Wings Salamander 2 Metal Black Chelnov
  2. I haven't bought any in years but here's my small stash. I've always enjoyed the art/design from that era. I need to grab more.
  3. Psi Ops (PS2) - Loved the whole mind control and psychic powers aspects, heck the whole Havok engine of early 2000s. Prince of Persia Sands of Time (PS2) - Time reverse mechanic was pretty cool at the time (badum tss) Red Faction (PS2)- "Geomod" tech was a lot of fun, crafting your own tunnels using rocket launchers.
  4. Ball top for me as I mostly play shooters. In terms of switches, I'm probably in the minority, but I actually prefer the NES Advantage's membrane switches over micro switches (LS-32, etc.).
  5. Probably Cosmic Spacehead on Genesis, I thought it was pretty unusual as a kid. Still seems obscure to this day.
  6. Was sad to hear last night. A true legend, phenomenal player and also a well-spoken and humble individual. R.I.P
  7. For what it's worth, I have an oscilloscope at work (an HP 54602B to be exact), and it has an easter egg which allows you to play Tetris.
  8. Thanks all! @ookii_risu - That's awesome you remember that! Yeah I do still make NES chiptune (runs on real hardware), I need to release more of it. Cheers
  9. Personally I like to play games as they're intended back in the day (save states, cheats, etc, aren't my cup of tea). One interesting point I'd like to make is that some NES games were actually designed with turbo controllers in mind. Now, the vast majority I'd say it's a no-go if you're a purist, but what about these "Turbo Approved" games? Thundercade (NES, 1988), in the hints section of the manual (page 13), it states: " * Using a joystick with rapid-fire will improve your fire-power. " http://www.thegameisafootarcade.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Thundercade-Game-Manual.pdf Abadox (NES, 1989), page 5 of the manual states: " If you have any NES controller which has the "turbo" feature, hold down the turbo button for steady bursts of fire power rather than just single shots. " http://www.thegameisafootarcade.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Abadox-Game-Manual.pdf With that said, I personally don't use turbo when I play; I think the rabid button mashing adds to the intensity/experience, despite the side-effect of major Nintenditus. Ha.
  10. I beat Gradius - Interstellar Assault a few months ago. That was a fun one. (screencap from live stream with a pal) Working on Dangan (bullet-hell homebrew) and Solar Striker at the moment.
  11. Thanks for checking the guide out! Glad to see it's been helpful to people. That reminds me I've been meaning to update it some more (features, layout,etc.) when I get the time. Cheers!
  12. Hey everyone, I'm glad to see the new site thriving and the many familiar faces still around. It's a real testament to the community. Anyway, hello again! As far as me, I don't collect as much as I used to, though I do love to support the homebrew/gaming scene wherever I can. I look forward to checking more of the site out and hopefully contributing one way or the other. Cheers all!
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