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Everything posted by m308gunner

  1. Kinda surprised it took this long, given the worldwide saturation of the characters and games he's helmed.
  2. Who is this Matthew? What were his hopes? What were his dreams? Where is he now? And how did he get such stylish stickers?
  3. Title says it all (mostly). Looking to dip my toes into the SNES after a few decades. I'm looking for an SNES console, all the hookups, and two controllers. It is very important to me that there is no yellowing on the console. Thanks!
  4. God, I remember that Kickstarter. I think the finish date forecast for like a year or so? I backed it, and am still waiting patiently, but it's still eye-rollingly long in it's delay. I really should look up his programming engine though. It's been getting some buzz and I need all the help I can get in that arena.
  5. Yes, "modest" wall of floor to ceiling NES carts... Where/how did that NES table come to be?
  6. Welcome AirVillain. Glad to see you around, and hope life evens out for you.
  7. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Each pixel is individually placed in each layer in Illustrator, and then I export it to Photoshop and make each layer a frame. I'm sure it's the most convoluted way to work with animation nowadays, but I do what I can with what I have. Looking at it now, I'm not sure how successful it is. My intention was to convey the cross section of the community in the morphing "sage" with the vast array of knowledge the community has across multiple generations of video games (carts to CDs to digital download). If I'm being critically honest, this looks more like a proof of concept than a final submission. I might go back to the drawing board. And for anyone who cares (or is able) to capture the frame that fully shows the binary code, it is a simple message ;).
  8. I have a fond memory of your past antics and posts. Glad to see you're still around!
  9. 36-40 bracket. Not super happy about it, but eh, whatareyagonnado?
  10. Welcome to the forum! Yeah, this place has some pretty sweet improvements.
  11. Welcome to the forum! Good luck in your collecting pursuits!
  12. My submission. Took me so much longer than I thought it would (like usual :P).
  13. Evil overlord? Benevolent liege at best...so far... for Gloves anyway. But, you are familiar to mine eyes sir. Welcome!
  14. Love the strategy guide list. Any chance Acid could list current prices these are going for? Just curious. I've already got the Fester's Quest one. Only other one I'd be after would be the Crystalis guide.
  15. What's the deal with these chicken sandwiches? I don't think I have a Popeye's near me, or a Chick-fil-a. Closest I can get is a Spicy Crispy Chicken Sandwich from Wendy's. How are these sandwiches better than that?
  16. I help design stuff for a military contractor. Low level, basic stuff, but I get to see some neat things every once in a while.
  17. Holy exhaustive detail! I'm glad something like this exists, even though I'll probably never have the opportunity or energy to use it
  18. Wow. There's a name from the days of old. Welcome!
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