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Everything posted by m308gunner

  1. And I am forever thankful to my 4th grade teacher for not calling me out on my obviously half-arsed book report in front of the entire class. She knew. I knew. And we left it at that.
  2. What? For the longest time I thought is was an old pic of Burt Reynolds!
  3. I know exactly, definitively, intimately what you mean. I smell what you're cooking. I'm on the trolley. Back in 2012, during the height of my irresponsible first collecting binge, I was buying left and right. A few times, when I knew I was overdoing it, I had this happen. Didn't learn my lesson, but I was grateful.
  4. Hello Chris. I too am known to partake in revelry. Welcome to VGS!
  5. Yeah, good luck with that :P. Especially with the time change, everyone's clock is off. But welcome to VGS!
  6. I was hoping for an in depth explanation and you certainly delivered :P. I'll have to give it a try someday. Thanks!
  7. Bahaha! Right? Though I did hear that he was one of the writers at one point, so maybe he used that clout to get himself on the cover?
  8. Some people's avatars are immediately recognizable. You know who it is before you see the name. Others, not so much. Some are odd. Some are bizarre. Some make zero sense. So what does your's mean? Why did you pick it? What does it have to say about you? Is it significant? I'll go first: Mine is the m308gunner from Metal Storm. That is one of my most sought after NES titles (and one of my biggest selling regrets) from my childhood. I lovingly traced it in Adobe Illustrator and it's been with me ever since.
  9. Could you elaborate on why you like this game so much? I have a very soft spot for Sunsoft games, but this one just doesn't grab me at all. I kinda want to get it with the intent of having all Sunsoft NES games, but it just doesn't look fun to me. Change my mind
  10. Many thanks to Romiked2689. Now on to the next target!
  11. Don't really go to the movies much anymore, but I do watch some reviewers on Youtube. None of them have good things to say about it. From what I've heard I probably won't watch bother. The last Terminator movie that did anything for me was Salvation.
  12. On today's very special episode of "Crossing Over with M308gunner"... Ok... I'm getting something... You like... video games... and Star Wars... Your name is... Sam... or Samantha... And a significant event happened in... 2013 *audience cheers* Welcome to VGS!
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